

In the beginning, the sole rulers of the universe were the great dwarfs. They didn't have the power to wield mana, nor did they have the abilities to use skill. It was said that when the creator was finished creating this universe, it wasn't perfect. filled with impurities and unbalanced powers, the universe was moving on the path of self-destruction, so to slow down the destruction, the creator decided to gather a large portion of the impurities and create a new race from it; hence, the dwarfs were born. Born with crippled bodies, they were rejected by mana, but things changed when the dwarfen hero appeared, wielding an unknown power. He shared his secrets and subdued the unbalanced powers that the creator ignored. The universe became stable, and that was the start of a new era called the era of creation. The dwarfs became the great dwarfs ruling this era. A few centuries passed, and something unexpected happened. The great dwarfen hero ***------+++++++////// +-**/--//---* /*---//()///* )//)))++-/--+-*()) +-//-----*------*-- ****^&&*(((###@@_)(***##___) The hero died. To show him respect, the dwarfs decided to name the unknown power in his name. Runes. ---++++------------+++++++--- "Runes." Subconsciously, I muttered. Closing the book, my eyes once again fell on its title. "The myth of creation." The context of this book was hard to believe, but somehow I found myself questioning its truth time and time again. I have already read it five times. Knock—Knock— The sound of knocking brought me back to reality. "Come in" "Young master the preparations are complete, the members have gathered, and they are waiting for you to come out." "I will be there in a minute." "Then I will excuse myself." Stella left the room, and my attention returned to the book. After reading it for the sixth time, I finally found a clue. My lips curled upward, and taking a few steps, I reached the nearest window and threw the book outward. satisfaction. that's what I felt. Turning around, I left the room, muttering in a barely audible voice. Cult creation {✓} check  Now it's time for the unknown to appear and burn this damn planet!!!

USER000 · Fantasie
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16 Chs


After he asked that question, there was a pin-drop silence in the whole area. The air hung heavy with tension as everyone held their breath, waiting for a response.

Adonis's face was expressionless, while Lily's body visibly trembling.

"Do you not hear what I asked!"

Adonis raised his voice.

"Y-yes, h-he is your child, your grace"

She stammered, her voice barely audible above the silence.

When she spoke, I could hear a series of loud gasps throughout the area.

but even then no one except the headmaster dared to say a word.

"Adonis care to explain how you have a child with your own Lord's wife? "

The headmaster asked frowning.

And just like that he dropped another bomb on my head.

The man in question didn't show a single bit of worry, as he spoke.

"It was way before 'his grace' decided to marry her, and his grace already knew about our relationship, you know why his grace married her right? So he let it slide"


Adonis sighed, his expression turning sympathetic.

"What a grave blunder he made."


Hearing his words the headmaster also sighed before speaking,

"Seriously you young people have no morals to speak of, be quick in whatever you are planning, I want you in my office before midday, we need to finalize our deal."

"Of course headmaster"

Adonis bowed and soon after that the headmaster left towards the mushroom-like building.

"So Lily you said that he is mentally disabled, and on top of it, he is also mute?"

"Y-yes your grace ple-please forgive him this once for whatever he has done, and ...and we will leave this planet and never come back here again!"

"Lily don't tell me, you still think that you can have your way out for the second time do you?"

A black hair black-eyed man wearing black clothes with a black metallic mask that covers the part below his nose appeared from Adonis's shadow and inquired.

Hearing the newly appeared man's words Lily's eyes widened and the reality finally hit her.

It seems getting out of here alive was never a possibility for her, from the moment she decided to come here, her faith was sealed. She was a criminal after all Or that's the idea I got from the whole situation.

"Then c-can can you ple-please spear 'Light!', he is like an innocent newborn he knows nothing about our past. "


"Ple-please I beg of you! spear him! "

She screamed, tears still following down from her eyes making her already messed up face even messier.

"What a shame Lily, I can't do that. He has my blood in him. If I let him go even after knowing that he is mentally disabled, then it will only bring disgrace to my good name. Julius "

Adonis said and glanced toward the black-haired man, named Julius indicating him to finish us off.

"No, n-no n-no you can't!..... you can't do that!..... you can't do that Adonis!"

Lilly screamed her behavior taking a 360° turn from before.

"Ju-julius don't listen to him, Remember we were comrades! and h-he was the one w-who us- "


Adonis shouted, clearly angry about what she was going to say. The force of his words caused Lily's knees to give way, and she collapsed onto the ground, Overwhelmed by the situation.

"I-I am sor-sorry I didn't mean to.... I didn't mean to -"

She tried to apologize, but As her eyes fell upon me, Lily froze in her tracks. The intensity in her gaze became palpable as she clenched her teeth, a mixture of determination and defiance evident on her face. Without hesitation, she raised both hands and delivered a resounding slap to her own cheeks, calming her inner terminals before turning toward Julius again.

"He will also do the same to you in the future. This is our only chance, Julius so let's -"

"You can't fight using that cursed body of yours, and even if you were in your prime, I wouldn't fight against his grace; I'm more than satisfied with my current lifestyle."

"What if I am mentally sound as well as not mute?"

Finally entering the family drama, I asked, looking toward Adonis, totally ignoring whatever Julius and Lily were talking about.

I wanted to speak a bit sooner but I had made a mistake, it seems my senses have become much more dull than I thought without mana.


because what I presume to be a headache was not actually a headache but some kind of skill that was forcing me to sleep but when I retaliated it was taking the form of a headache

Before coming to this world a lot of things happened, on top of that I didn't know my senses would become dull to such a degree that I couldn't differentiate between a headache and skill, and in haste, I blundered.

Which resulted in the situation I'm in now.

Currently, I'm seeing 3 Adonis 4 Lily, and 2 the black-haired guy what was his name again?

.... Oh, yeah Julius... Julius!

My headache had worsened to a level where I was hallucinating just by standing, and if not for a situation, where my entire revenge plan depended on what I was going to say next, I would have fallen asleep by now.

Hearing my words, The whole area was engulfed in silence once more, as all eyes darted toward me, waiting for my next words, gritting my teeth I continued or was going to but Julius chipped in before I could utter a single word.

"You can talk?"

He asked with a look of surprise on his face.

But instead of answering him, I ignored him, because what he thought didn't matter to me. the biggest fish in the pond here was Adonis, so I could only focus on catching him.

"I want to clarify some things, I'm completely healthy, and m.....mother was only trying to p-protect me." [:his face is a bit stiff but now that he is serious it's somewhat believable.]

"I don't know why she committed such a crime, heck before today I didn't even know if she had committed one or the fact that my father is alive but even then... c-can you please spear us."

I said, and Yes, that was it. There was nothing more to it than this in my plan.

And I can't really say, that I was proud of it.

But from what he said earlier I thought that maybe if I was normal then he might change his mind and not kill me, and as for Lily, she can die for all I care.

But just to look innocent, I will speak for her once or twice depending on the situation that will unfold.


Bringing me out of my thoughts was a burst of loud laughter.

Surprisingly the laughter came from none other than Adonis himself.

He was laughing so hard, that he had to bend down a little.

After laughing for a while he spoke.

"You know, Lily, from my perspective, you were always an insignificant insect buzzing through the background. Yet, to my astonishment, you have managed to repeatedly astound me from time to time with your actions. And because of that, now I am feeling indebted to you."

"The unexpected turns you have taken have forced me to reassess my perception of you."

"So for all the surprises you have given me, I am compelled to extend a reward to you today."

by the time he was finished, he had stopped laughing and a frown had appeared on my face.

I knew the look on his face.

I knew it all too well.

"In the form of choices."

"I will give you two choices in the first one you can kill yourself and I will spare your child's life, if you did this then certainly your child will live, but in return, you will die."

"but in the second choice, you can kill your son with your own, hand, and I will help you recover from 'Ana' curse, and even forgive you for the past crimes you had committed, even going as far as helping you take your revenge for whoever is responsible for your current situation."

Shouldn't he give those choices to me, and not her? I am the one who is completely fine! Right? On top of that she is a criminal!

"So choose quickly?"

He asked and placed a sword on the ground in front of her.

This fucker, Was there even anything left to decide? She will obviously choose me, her son right?! right?

I knew that there was a low possibility of me dying. Especially considering the way she was crying and begging before.

But there was still a possibility. so I decided to make one last move.

"Father ca-"

I was going to say more but suddenly my body froze and I fell to the ground face-first.

My eyes slowly started to get closed, in the last moments before I closed my eyes I could see Lily picking the sword.

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