

Both groups followed the signs that led to the arenas. To their surprise it only led to small building that seemed unremarkable.

"Are you children here to fight or watch battles? A man in a full black robe walked up to us. The hood was so long it covered most of his face only allowing you to see the grayish white beard.

"Yea old man we're here to fight." One of the noble kids stepped forward.

"In teams or one on one?"


He took more than a couple seconds to answer after scanning both groups. "You children must make equal teams I see 8 of you over here but only 5 of you there. So pick who you want the fight in your group and the rest may watch. Also to warn you many students are watching fights to find out abilities, you fighting today will be exposing that."

"Ha, like we care. I have a personal master to help me with my martial arts plus we're all gonna be great martial artist."

At this point Taraja and Shadow looked at each other realizing that their group either had no magic user at all or at least no one who specialized in it.

The man walked forward looking at the young noble who spoke. "Be careful child it is the prideful who usually becomes the dead. Even so you'll have a couple minutes to decide after that you'll leave for the arenas."

While the noble children were talking shadow's group walked to a distance that they were sure they couldn't hear.

"We should focus on magic."

"Let's make magic our priority attack."

Both Shadow and Taraja had spoken at the same time.

"So you noticed too?"

"Of course I did it was hard to miss it with that noble's cocky attitude but we both know shadow, that nobles are always cocky and that'll be their downfall.

"Alright children follow me it seems their done bickering on who's fighting."

Both groups followed closely behind him entering the the rather small building. Although to everyone's surprise once entering it was the complete opposite. The inside was bigger than the canteen filled to the brim with different doors aligning the walls with even a second floor doing the same.

"To your right children will take you to the arenas."

"I thought we were already here?" Shadow looked at the man confusingly.

"No, this building was made by the Dean herself. With some of the strongest spacial magic, she can connect these doors to places all around the empire. Since we couldn't fit the arenas in the allotted space we were given we have a sort small town that is filled with different arenas where you'll be training and of course the tournaments. Don't worry another man there will take you to your arena where some of our best healing mages are you might need them."

"Oh so you've realized old man we're all novice tier 4 martial artists."

"Oh I've noticed." He smirked directly looking at Lily.

After walking through the portal a man led us directly to an arena. The place being called a small town was exactly right there were building for food stalls even though they were empty they still shined brightly as if someone had been keeping up the cleaning. Not only were there food stalls but small arenas and multiple large colosseums one to the north,east,south and west. There were groups standing outside these small arenas watching fights, cheering, booing and some even crying for their hurt friends.

"We're here you may enter you have 5 minutes on strategy after you will start. Any questions?" It was silent and after seeing both groups walk over to another arena some of the students began to migrate over there. "Alright since you've said nothing you may begin."