
The Beginning

It is a dark day. The key is cloudy, and the rain cannot not wait to fall. Thunder rumbles through the sky, defying the ants below it. I, on this day stand below the rumbling sky as I walk on my way towards my dorm. I just finished my last final. I can finally graduate from the energy sucking prison known as college. While I always performed at least two standard deviations above the class average, I never really liked going to school or studying. Yet, I love to discuss academic topics, I just hate the requirements that come with learning (homework). I just want to get my Economics degree and start working.

As I continue to walk, the rumbles become louder and louder. The weather doesn't bother me much anymore. After living in this area of the country for a while you get use to the crappy weather. 'What is that?' I hear an overwhelming rumble, everything around me becomes very bright and almost immediately the darkness overtook the brightness.

I hear nothing. Everything around me is nothing but darkness. I tried to speak, attempting to call out to someone that could get me out of this predicament. I understood I was dead, I just never imagined that death was just darkness. I waited and waited as I tried to call out for help, yet no one came for as long as I can remember. I am also unsure how much time passed yet I am still in this void.

"My son, I am very happy to finally meet you. You have no idea how difficult it is to not be able to get to know you." Said a voice that came from the void. I look around thinking that it is my imagination. 'Just in case I should probably respond.' I though. "Hello, is anyone there?" I said out loud, not sure if the isolation started to mess with my head.

"My son, you are not hallucinating. I am your father, you true father." Responded the voice. Almost immediately a mass constellation of stars that resemble a humanoid figure appears in front of me. He is a little scary, considering that he is infinitely bigger than me. What's weird is that he keeps calling me 'son'. He is probably the creator, I guess calling me son is reasonable.

"Are you The Creator? I guess all living things are you children, so I guess I will call you father." I Said. "Yes, I am the Creator of all multiverses, but you are mistaken about something. I do not call you my son because I created you, but because you are the result of the love between me and my wife. You are my true and only child. All that I have create is simply beings formed to entertain me. Only you have the right to call me father."

"What do you mean I am your son? I remember having parents and I can't remember seen you before."

"It is not that we did not want to raise you ourselves but giving birth to you send both my wife and I into deep slumber, to this day your mother has yet to awaken. The amount of energy giving birth to you took is enough to destroy 1 quadrillion multiverses. Even for us, using so much energy will tire us out. To make sure that you were ok and taken care off, we sealed your power and sent you to lower dimension, hoping to keep you safe until one of us awakened."

My mind is spinning at this point I don't know what to make of my existence. I try to calm down and stay focus on the moment. "You are not lying to me, right? Who is my mother by the way?"

"Your mother does not have a name like me, but I like to call her Lan, unlike me who likes to create stuff, she likes to destroy stuff. She thinks that certain things are only taking up space and should just be destroyed. Even if they are my creations, how can I say no to your mother?"

"So, my mom is the Goddess of Destruction? What does that make me?"

"No, she is not. She has power over everything the same as me, she just doesn't like to be creative. As for you, you are also are also a god of everything, but your power is sealed. As we had to seal your power, you cannot use it. The seal I created only needs to be activated and you will start to get you powers back, it will just take a very long time in terms of human years, but only a short moment in my eyes."

I am still a bit confuse, but it is not like I can do anything about it. "How do I gain my powers back?" I asked. I not sure if I have powers or not, but it doesn't hurt to try.

"I just need to activate the seal. The seal works as a system from your previous life web novels. Unlike those systems that borrow power from someone else, the seal uses your power to do certain function, or just simply releases your power as you understand a bit more of the world."

"How exactly does that work?"

Well, there much that you don't know about, well everything. Your mother and I decided to seal your powers and to release them you must understand the world as well as yourself. The more you understand the more power you can access. Of course, we also set some rules, such as your power cannot exceed a certain limit in different areas of my creations. Our Plan was to use my creations as a way to help you learn about yourself and well everything."

I interrupted his soliloquy and asked, "how to comprehend everything?" I can fathom what it means to learn everything there is.

You need to experience different lives. You must go to different realms and understand those realms] and become the most powerful and knowledgeable individual in those realms. Of course, that will take some time, but do not worry your seal or system as you call it, by the way I named him Tobi, will help you achieve those goals."

"What do I do now?"

"Let's just talk for a bit and get to know each other better." He said. We started to talk, and a long time passed. We started to bond and truly became father and son. After a long time, my father stated to look gloomy. "What's wrong dad?"

"Unfortunately, it is time I send you on your way to regain your powers. I really enjoyed spending time with you, and I wish your mother was here to enjoy our time together, but if we don't open the seal soon it will be detrimental towards your future."

"I understand dad. I am going to miss you. I hoped to meet mom before I leave but unfortunately, she has yet to awaken. Hopefully she will awaken next time I visit."

"Me too son. Now I need to send you to a lower dimension. You will be reborn. The new body will be made from your power, so you will never have to be reborn again as you're your soul and body will become one. Now tell me what world you want to go to."

"I want to go to the world of The Reincarnation of the Strongest Sword God. Is it possible?"

"Yes and no. While the original world did exist, your mother destroyed it. While I can create a new one, she will be furious as she hates it when I recreate things she has destroyed. "

"That sucks, I really wanted to go there."

"There is another option. There is a similar world to that one. You can say it is a parallel universe. Both worlds are very similar, but there are still some differences, such as Chinese not being the global language. Instead English is the global language. Also, there is not main character in this world, it is up for grabs as to who can become the protagonist of this world. What do you think?"

"It sounds great." I said. I actually think that his world might be better than the original RSSG, especially since I don't want to share the world with a protagonist.

"Ok, I will send you there. You will be reborn. You will not be able to train your power until the age of 14, but you can always do other stuff in the meantime. By the time you turn 18, the game will launch, so you better be ready for it. Have fun on this adventure. I am going to miss you."

"I am going to miss you too dad." I said. Suddenly a white light encapsulates me and I blackout.

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