

"I can't stay here anymore. I'm going to go to a human school." Tsukune to Moka and Eli when they met up on their way to the main campus and they both seemed surprised by that, "This school is just too scary for me."

"You can't go to a human school!" Moka yelled as she grabbed his shirt and confusing Tsukune, "I hate those humans!"

"We tried going to humans schools before this and we were completely isolated from everyone." Eli explained with a serious look and Tsukune just looked at the ground, "We were treated poorly for not being the same as them."

"What if I said I was a human?! Would you still stop me?!" Tsukune asked I'm am upset tone and they both looked at him with wide eyes, "I'm a human! It was some sort of mistake that I ended up coming here! If you hate humans so much then that proves that I shouldn't be here!"

"Tsukune wait!" Moka yelled as he ran down the path to the bus stop and they tried to process what he had told them, "Eli should we have told him that?"

"I don't know..." Eli said as he had a look that Moka hadn't seen in a long time before his face turned serious, "We can't let him think we hate him Moka."

"Eli watch out!" Moka screamed before Saizou hit him in the side, causing him to crash into a tree and he coughed blood on impact, "No!"

"How's it going beautiful?" Saizou asked as he grabbed her wrist when she tried to run to Eli and he threw her into one of the nearby tombstones before he changed into his monster form, "You shouldn't be hanging out with guys like that when you can have someone strong at your side."

"Moka!" Tsukune yelled as he threw one of his suitcases at Saizou's face and tried to help her up, "I wanted to say something to you two."

"I thought I told you earlier not to talk to Moka again you weakling?!" Saizou asked as he swung his giant fist at him and she screamed when he hit Tsukune with enough force to kick up dust. When the dust cleared they saw That Eli had managed to take most of the blow for him but they were still laying limp on the ground and she quickly ran up to them as Eli tried to get to his feet.

"Even if you two are vampires I still want to be your friend." Tsukune told them weakly before he grabbed their rosaries and pulled them off, "I don't care how scary you two can be."

"What the hell?!" Saizou asked when bats suddenly swarmed around them and his eyes widened when he felt their demonic energy wash over him. He took a step back when the bats flew away and he saw their silver hair and crimson eyes.

"What's wrong? Didn't you want to kill us and take Moka for yourself?" Inner Eli asked as they crossed their arms and Tsukune was having a hard time believing what he was seeing, "Was I wrong?"

"You'll come won't you?" Moka asked with a sweet smile as she held her hand out to him and Saizou charged towards them with anger in his eyes but they immediately kicked him in the face, launching him into a cliff face, "Learn your place!"

'They're completely different from before!' Tsukune thought as they turned around and began to walk towards him with small smirks, 'Which sides are the real ones?'

"Are you scared of this version of us?" Moka asked as she reached for him and he swallowed his spit before she took their rosaries back, "We've been sealed away for a long time so we're still a bit tired."

"Not to mention our other halves wouldn't let it go." Eli told him as he they reattached their rosaries and they both fell unconscious. Tsukune caught them before they hit the ground and he couldn't believe that they had so much strength sealed away.

"Morning!" Moka said as she walked up to Eli and Tsukune as they stood in front of the dorms and Tsukune happily greeted her before she suddenly bit his neck, "Your blood is just so yummy!"

"She bit me again!" Tsukune yelled as the bite mark while flailing around and Eli watched as he quickly ran away, "I'm not your food!"

"I don't blame him." Eli told her as Tsukune disappeared into the forest and Moka looked sad as they walked down the path, "He's not going to stay mad at you but the first thing you do when you see him is drink his blood and it's probably pretty painful for a human."

"I'm going to go apologize to him!" Moka said as she ran in the same direction as Tsukune and Eli shook his head with a sigh. When he entered the main building he saw Moka leaning against the wall and deep in thought.

"It go bad?" Eli asked her but she didn't have time to answer before a girl sitting on the stairs rail above them got their attention, "Who are you?"

"Eli and Moka Akashiya. You two are vampires right? That's what all the rumors say about you at least." She said as she hopped off the rail and landed in front of them, "You don't look like vampires to me."

"You're the girl that was with Tsukune earlier!" Moka yelled as the other students in the hall began to mutter and Eli gave Moka a confused look, "He was acting weird when you two were talking!"

"I'm Kurumu Kurono and I came here to defeat you." Kurumu told Moka as she looked Eli I'm the eyes and he felt his mind go blank as her spell took him over. He could only register bits and pieces of what was going on around him and when he finally regained full consciousness he saw that he was in the infirmary with Kurumu and Tsukune.

"I did it! I made Moka cry!" Kurumu yelled in happiness before she leaned over Tsukune to kiss him but Elk immediately pulled her off of him, "What?! I used my strongest Charm on you!"

"You alright?" Eli asked Tsukune as he helped him off of the bed and they quickly turned to face Kurumu when she changed into her monster form. Eli put himself between Tsukune and Kurumu as she flew towards them with her claws out before she was suddenly shoved through a window by Moka.

"Take my rosary off Tsukune!" Moka ordered as Kurumu began to fly towards the window and he gave her a confused look, "I can't take it off myself!"

"Alright!" Tsukune said as he pulled on her rosary but it didn't come off and he began to desperately tug on it before Eli tackled them out of the window just as Kurumu tried to slice them. She quickly changed directions as they hit the ground and Eli shoved them off of him as Kurumu pulled her arm back. She tried to stab Eli in his chest but he managed to catch her arm last second and they began to struggled against each other. Eli's eyes widened when Moka slammed into her with her shoulder and Tsukune quickly grabbed their rosaries while they still had an opening.

"What is this?!" Kurumu yelled as Inner Eli and Moka were awakened and Tsukune sighed in relief as he watched their transformation, "It doesn't matter! I have to find my destined one and you two are just in the way!"

"So you need to destroy us is that right?" Inner Moka asked as they looked up at her with grins before their aura became terrifyingly dark, "Why don't you come try that?"

"Don't you dare underestimate me!" Kurumu yelled as she charged them but they disappeared the moment she reached them and she felt both of her ankles get grabbed. Kurumu felt the wind get knocked out of her as they slammed her back first into the ground and when she recovered fear filled her eyes as she saw their crimson eyes staring at her. Tsukune quickly put himself between them and her when Moka pulled her arm back and they gave confused looks.

"You guys have done enough. I don't think her actions were from bad intentions." Tsukune told them in a serious tone and Kurumu's eyes widened as she listened to him, "I just don't see Kurumu being a bad person. It's like how we can always rely on you two. Plus aren't you two going a little far?"

"Tch. Whatever." Moka said as she took their rosaries from him and sealed herself away after handing Eli's to him. Eli examined his rosary before locking eyes with Tsukune, making him swallow his spit.

"Make no mistake boy. We aren't the Eli and Moka you know and we don't abide by the same rules. As far as we're concerned if someone comes at us as an enemy then they'll either be at our feet..." Inner Eli told him in a serious tone before his aura became ominous again, "or six feet under them."

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