
Wretched existence

Another wretched Monday morning, waking up at the crack of dawn to make breakfast for her family. Body tired, aches and pains, sand in her eyes, Rogue sighed as she slowly tries to get off her bed. Auntie beat her up last night because she burned dinner but she was so tired after going to school and working that she nodded off causing dinner to be ruined. Serves me right, I know better, doesn't matter to them if I am dog tired, it was my job and I failed to do it. Walking to the bathroom to brush her teeth and get ready for school, she looks at the mirror and saw a face she barely recognizes as her own. "You look like a zombie, Rogue Elizabeth Drake...."

"Snap out of it Rogue, hurry up breakfast isn't going to make itself, you need to get to school in time for your English test. You know you can't fail this test, Auntie will use it as an excuse to get you to quit school." After a small pep talk and quickly getting dressed, she rushes to the kitchen to make a full breakfast for her Aunt and her family. She quickly cooked and ate a bowl of plain oatmeal and drank a cup of milk and quickly washed her dishes so her Aunt didn't find out she ate breakfast without her permission. Aunt Caroline was cruel and petty and there were many mornings that she went to school without eating a meal because she didn't give Rogue permission eat breakfast with them.

As she was setting up the table her cousins entered the dining room followed by her uncle and aunt a few minutes later. "Rogue, serve me some coffee and give your cousins some orange juice, dear do you want coffee with your breakfast?" Caroline leisurely opened the morning paper and took the lifestyle section and handed the rest to Robert her husband. She smiled lovingly at her husband and children but as soon as her eyes rested on Rogue disgust and hatred flickered in her eyes before she slowly blinked and looked away. "Hmm, oh black coffee and some toast, I have an early morning meeting and don't want to be late." Rogue quickly brought over the coffee and toast to her uncle, "here uncle Robert, do you want butter or jam with it? Butter please, thank you Rogue."

"Why are you thanking her? Hurry up and finish serving breakfast Lisa and Dominic can't be late today, they have tests to take." Turning around grinding her teeth Rogue served her cousins breakfast, as she was bringing her aunt's breakfast to the table Lisa trips her. Rogue screams and smashes into the sharp end of the table bruising her ribs and loosing her breath from the sharp pain in her side. "Idiot!" Slap! "Clean this disgusting mess up and don't you dare leave before cleaning the kitchen." Rogue panics, "Aunt Caroline, please I'll clean this up but please let me clean the kitchen after school I'm going to be late to school if I do it now." "Shut up you worthless child, you will do as I say, if you don't want to do it you can find somewhere else to live." Caroline sneered and laughed hate fully, "what will a stupid worthless girl like you do without our help, become a beggar or will you sell yourself to have money?" "I'll do it right now auntie," silently Rogue prayed, "God please let me put up with this for another year, I can get my inheritance and leave this hell hole."

Rogue slowly gets up from the ground and cleans up the mess, she looks at the clock and if she hurries she might just make it before the last morning bell rings and her homeroom teacher takes attendance. Quickly getting her backpack from her room she quickly runs out of her childhood home, her private hell, and ran towards her school as fast as she could but her injured ribs were too painful and she couldn't run as fast as she wanted. "Please, please God let me make it in time!" Running blindly out of breath not paying attention to her surroundings she sees the pedestrian go light turn green and crosses the street not knowing that a speeding car was heading her way, smashing into her, her last thoughts only a blur as she crashed into the windshield and then darkness surrounds her.

"Oh God!!!! Perry, call an ambulance and the police," an elderly woman rushed to the accident while her personal assistant called the authorities. She prays that she will find a pulse, the young girl's body is broken and bleeding out infront of her looking like a scene from a horror movie, her limbs twisted and broken, like a broken doll thrown carelessly by a child after a tantrum. "Thank goodness she's still alive, give me your tie and belt Perry, I must stop her bleeding." A belt and a silk tie was immediately taken off and handed over as the old woman expertly made a tourniquet for the girl's right arm and leg were the bleeding was extremely dangerous. "How far away is that ambulance, she won't make it if they're not here soon". "Madam, they should be here shortly, I think I can hear the ambulance and police coming." The wailing of the siren was getting closer every second and within a few minutes they arrived. "Sirs please hurry, the girl is critically injured and needs surgery immediately!" The first EMT to reach them was surprised to hear the older woman saying that the girl in the ground was still alive, his stomach turned seeing the horrible state she was in. "Jeez, Mike call it in we won't make it in time with this traffic, she needs a life flight right now!" "Ma'am, do you know who this young lady is?" "No, but we saw the whole accident and I can tell you it's the driver's fault, he was using his phone and didn't see the light change and hit this poor girl." "Got it Sean, ETA 5 minutes, we need to stabilize her now.....Dr.Holiday, what are you doing here?" The EMT is surprised to see the doctor, he has known her for over 20 years since they worked at the same hospital, "I thought you retired last year?"

This is my first attempt in writing an original story, so I welcome any constructive discussion about it. Thanks everyone! (PS If you like it, please don't plagiarize or share it with out permission.)

RougeDracocreators' thoughts
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