1 Your own paradise

In the middle of a gloom cave, ignited with a scattered fire from the magic that humans use to fight with monsters. With a countless amount of corpses lying on the ground. One man is crawling toward a huge looking monster. 

"Aziel! You know... better.. than anyone... Stop this! I'm... begging you... Aziel..ehuk! ehuk! Hrgh.. hrgh.." a man with long black hair that reached his shoulder shouted his heart out to a monster looking person who was standing firmly in front of him. The man lay on the ground helplessly pressing his body with his right hand. A stream of blood can be seen flowing in between his right hand. He doesn't have any energy left to crawl. 

As a last resort to leave a message of hope to the one standing in front of him. A wound from his body doesn't seem to let him breathe longer than he can. A hope that even he can't see to thrive before his last breath. A hope that just a matter of time will be buried with his own life. 

"HRGH... HRGH..." the monster, who looks as big as three men combined, filled with thick hair like a lion on his whole body, breathe just like an anxious human. In the difference between the two of them physically, there's no such difference in the style of their breath. One searching for a desperate air hanging between his own life and death, one inhaling nervously making decisions between others life and death. Smeared with bloody red blood all around his tuff body with as sharp as a razor claw decorated with red liquid probably the imprint of his victim's life. 

"Stop this Aziel! Please... You can build... Our own... Paradise... Just like... You always dream of..but this is not the right thing... " The man doesn't want to waste his last word for anything except convincing the monster with his desperate words. Tears coming down his eyes as he feels the sore of his wound. No, that's not the reason for his tearful eyes. 

"Aziel.. hsk.. hsk... I'm sorry... If only.. hsk.. hsk... I'm paying attention.. then... this..will not.. hsk.. hsk.."  

The monster's eyes widened, the fatigue man's words finally stole his attention, "HRGHH... HAHA... HAHAHA... They all.. deserve this... What I'm doing right now! What I'm doing at this moment! It is the rightful thing equivalent to their sins!" 

"I know that! We all.. hsk.. know that! But.. hsk.. that doesn't mean! That never means! What you want to do right now is right! Think about it! Consider it! Aziel! You! The proudest among the proudest! The strongest among the strongest! You are! You are! My friend... You are! Slowly becoming something you hate! Ehuk! Ehuk!" with all the energy left in his impotent body. He shouted with all his heart about the monster. No, not about the monster, but the friend who he admired the most who slowly became something he loathed. 

The monster left speechless with the man's word. The nervousness of his heart that he felt when he wanted to execute his plan, starting becoming a doubtful piece of heart who starts thinking whether what he's doing is right or wrong. But that doubt doesn't seem to change his unyielding mind, who already set himself to keep going on the way he wants. 

"HRGH... I never.. love myself.. either...It's not a hard thing..to hate it.." 

"Aziel.." the man suddenly kneels in front of the monster, "Don't worry.. friend.. You will.. There's another chance for you.." he said with a bright smile on his face. 

"Manifestation.." a white circle suddenly appeared on the ground around him. An elegant ray of light radiates around the circle. A blowing little wind suddenly emerges from the circle. Stroking his hair gently like a breeze from the beaches. 

"Oi, oi, oi what are... What are you doing! Oi! How? How do you have any mana left?!" the monster panicked. He tries to get closer to the man but a force from the circle blocks him from going through. 

"Veto.." the man said calmly with such a low tone voice that it would serene the mind of anyone troubled. 

"Oi! Veto? You! What is that?! Tell me what that spell is for! Oi! Stop this! What you want to do! Oi asshole!" In contrast to the man, no calmness can be seen in the monster. As clueless as a baby who was just born into this world without knowing anything. With a mind full of rage. He punches the force and tries with all his might to break the force but just reaches a dead end. The force is unbreakable even though he already gives everything he can to break it. A man who is regarded as the strongest among the strongest falling into the pit of helplessness right in front of one wounded man whose time in this world is numbered as time passes. 

"Hrgh... Hrgh... Hahaha... Goodbye.. my friend.. search your own... Paradise.." the man who before looked like he had nothing up his sleeve, said with the happiest smile the monster ever saw in his entire life. The monster just looked from outside of the circle while his two hands were still trying to knock the force before falling into the silence of powerlessness. The only thing that moves is the tears that suddenly fall from his eyes without him realising while the man kneeling in front of him started moving his mouth...



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