
Ro Bu, Ro Da (Love You, Love Me)

A Pre-Colonial Caribbean LGBTQ+ love story of Yari Ama and Alvita Niola. These two girls of the Ni Village end up developing a one-side love (and hatred) for each other which will ultimately lead to their destined fate. Once Yari becomes of age, she is forced into an arranged marriage with Alvita. As the story progresses there will be themes of violence, gore(?), suggestive (and possible r18) scenes, war, mentions of death, and betrayal

OrcaThenPenguin · LGBT+
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7 Chs

Eighth Birthday

Four years have passed since the first meeting of Yari and Alvita. Though Yari hadn't noticed Alvita's existence, Alvita had acknowledged Yari's.

It was finally Yari's eighth birthday and Ya decided to host a grand celebration because of this. Though Yari hadn't 'come of age' yet, this celebration was still important to the people of the village because the chief's daughter will finally be allowed to participate in social gatherings and even hunts. The celebration contained many delicacies like cassava and fish. The gathering happened in the center of the village at sunset. The women and men were dressed in colorful shells and some had their bodies painted in black and white. Everyone within the village had participated in this event, everyone but Tiburon.

This hadn't concerned Yari though, she didn't exactly remember everyone inside the village and she certainly hadn't developed any relationships for little things like this to matter. Ya also seemed to not mind this and only focused on making Yari's day 'absolutely perfect'.

"Papa, do you think the other children will like me?" Ya was making a matching set of flower crowns and had accidentally ignored her because of his extreme focus. "Papa….." Yari crawled over and placed her hand on the crown Ya was currently working on. Ya looked up and smiled but this only lasted a moment. Ya looked back down to the flower crown and removed Yari's hand from the top of it. "Yari I'm sure everyone will love you. You are the caiques daughter, such things shouldn't worry you." Usually, Ya would switch his attention back on Yari and give her thousands of reassurance and even pinch her cheek but those crowns seemed to matter more than that. The lack of her father's friendliness only made Yari feel more nervous.

I am growing up… Will Papa no longer love me once I'm an adult? Yari had developed a strong dependence on her father and couldn't exactly comprehend why she was no longer being coddled. For a second, she even thought that maybe she'll be better off staying hidden in her home.

"Papa, why don't we start it now? I'm bored…" Knowing her father won't pay her any mind, she began to find things to complain about to get rid of the silence. "Papa! Will you let me go hunting with the others? I heard that everyone catches all sorts of stuff!" Ya was still ignoring her but there was a slight smirk that appeared on his serious face.

"Papa once this ceremony is over I want to hunt with you…I want to learn how to shoot the bow!" As Yari continued to tell her papa her worries and excitement, Ya had finally finished the crown. "Alright, Yari put this on." Ya didn't actually give her the chance to put it on herself though, he had placed the crown on her head and smiled.

"Yari, I want you to give this other crown to someone else. Someone, you end up making friends with, alright?" Yari took the second flower crown and stared at it. "Papa, why can't you just match with me?" Ya laughed at this question which made Yari wonder what she said was so funny. "I made these crowns for a special reason! You'll understand once you're older but for now, let's go." The sun was finally setting in the background, dyeing the village in a deep amber.

The celebration was about to start.


"Father, why are you sending me alone? Can't I bring Kabun?" Alvita was dressed in a long skirt with waist beads along her waist. She was finishing twisting her hair and adding beads until Tiburon had told her she'll be attending 'little Yari's' eighth birthday alone. Tiburon had known that Alvita would question his reasons; he had already prepared many excuses for why she needed to go alone.

"Silly girl, Kabun will be out hunting along with me and your other siblings. How many times must I tell you that you'll be fine?" Alvita squinted at Tiburon and sighed, "Let me bring Mama." She wasn't allowing this to be an option for her father, it was either Halhira who came with her, or she won't go at all. Tiburon stared at Alvita and slowly thought through his choices. After some thought, he finally nodded and shouted, "Halhira, come!" Once he said this, a tall woman with long braided hair came into the room.

"What is it tamusi?" She said, smirking. If anyone else had called Tiburon tamusi, they probably would have lost an eye. But it was different when Halhira said it, almost like it was a nickname so Tiburon only laughed and kissed her.

Alvita stared and tilted her head at her parents. As Alvita observed the couple, she she suddenly got curious. Why would you put your lips on someone else's?

Halhira looked over at Alvita and spotted her strong gaze. "Child, what is it? Do you still hold questions for the world? What are you thinking in that little head of yours?" Alvita didn't weaken her stare and ignored her mothers poking. "Mama, come with me to that child's birthday! I don't wish to go alone!" Tiburon and Halhira looked at each other and walked out of the room.

Alvita knew that she wasn't allowed to follow them out or question what they were talking about out there. She could only faintly hear what they were whispering, something about plans and deals. What are they planning?

After a long wait, Halhira entered the room again. Alvita had laid down and almost fallen asleep until Halhira's booming voice startled her. "I will not be coming with you." She didn't wait for a response and left the room instantly. It wasn't that Alvita was scared to go alone, but that she simply didn't feel like dealing with the other villagers and not wanting to see the chief's snotty nosed child.

Alvita got up and left for Ni Village's center.

Tamusi means old man ^^

I'm using a mix of Taino, Carib, and Arawak culture so not everything will be exactly accurate (especially historically accurate since It's hard to find good documentation of everything!) I'm learning about myself as I'm writing this so bear with me.

OrcaThenPenguincreators' thoughts