
A spot to rest

As Kabbol stands after finishing off his plate he goes off to the bathing area. As he enters he is met with a terrifying frost which sends him into a guarding stance as it brings back memories of a vicious fight. After calming his senses he walks still cautiously into the room where a lone solitary tub sits in the centre of the room.

After taking his armour and gear off and placing it in the corner far from the door he lowers himself into the tub. Feeling the frost invade his body, he let's out a gasp of breath before relaxing.

"I shouldn't have volunteered to go in first, gonna make him owe me for this"

As Kabbol is bathing. Naraic decides to check out the room as the helpful barwoman tells him that the room is the centre most room upstairs. Naraic closes his eyes and tries to attune himself with the magic in the air as he senses for the person upstairs as he discovers there is actually only two and they are positioned in front of the room which he is booked into.

Slowly and carefully he trots upstairs before seeing the two people sitting there, dark cloth shrouds their appearances. Naraic moves past them trying not to give the fact that he is onto them away before he opens the door and wanders inside. Sighing out of relief he drops his backpack down onto the ground it hits the boards with a thud as it rolls back and leans against one leg of the bed that has been claimed by him. After being in the room for a while Kabbol comes out of the bathing room and is greeted with the sight of the demonfolk girl getting pestered by the big group of mercs. As he is not wanting to spoil his good mood he wanders over and politely asks them to stop harassing the girl, Naraic sensing Kabbols movements goes out onto the balcony and looks down upon the event unfolding.

"Huh?! What's a dremora like you got butting into my fun time?! We've been tasked with a deadly mission and so I'ma have all the fun I can!!"

As the grunt stops talking most of the table starts cheering, laughing and joining in with slandering Kabbol. Kabbol turns and looks slightly up to see Naraic peering over before facing the guy.

"So if someone had the chance of death they can do want they want? Did I get that right?"

One of the men clearly for no reason enraged by this stands and walks over with a proud gesture wielding his curved blade starts shouting;

"Yea, you did so why don't you move along before you end up with a chance of death."

From upstairs the sound of Naraic laughing at this mans dumb threat that's to echo through the tavern.

"Oi! What you laughin' at you long-eared oldie."

Kabbol instantly turns and tries to reason with the man "Just say sorry, call him young and nothing bad will happen, please, for your sake."

"Na, he decided to laugh now imma make him laugh while his intestines are in my hand"

Naraic and Kabbol share a passing glance with each other, the barkeep and the leader of this group who seems to be allowing the two of them to give his men a beating.

All within roughly 15 seconds the small man who wielded the blade has an arrow through his thigh pinning him to the floor, the woman is safe and distanced and the other man now has his head pressed down against the table with the feeling that death is watching him as Kabbol's grip around the back of his neck is making him unable to move his body at all.

The others at the table instantly stand and start trying to attack them all at once. Naraic within moments has docked 3 arrows into his bow and disarmed 3 different people even managing to pin one of their hands into the table. Kabbol still with one hand clamped down on the mans neck uses his other to summon balls of magic to encircle him fending off all attackers.

Eventually the three at the top of the table including the man who had scared them at the start all stand and grip their weapons.