
Rise To The Zenith

Faced with the ruthlessness of the world of cultivation, Blade must forcefully evolve his ideals and goals. Morality? What was it in this murderous world? Only supreme power mattered in an accursed world filled with indiscriminate slaughter where strength was absolute and the weak can only sigh at their hopeless destiny.

Slewpy · Fantasie
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126 Chs

Unknown Factor! Divine Sense Released...


Interrupting Blade's thoughts were the roar from the Heavens. It was no different from a primal being created before the universe itself and stronger than the infinitely expansive cosmos, releasing a roar of pure rage toward a hateful being!

"Oh, it seems you can't wait..? Where is your patience?" Blade turned his gaze toward the skies. By now, he had deemed that the two, himself and the heavens, had a weird relationship. Though they seemed like enemies, it wasn't like this in his mind.

'We're like those toxic friends. Honestly, if I've got the chance, I don't mind destroying whatever representation the heavens are, but we can also be frenemies...'

Thinking this, Blade chuckled lightly. He was most probably the only being in creation to have such an outlook on the heavens.

"The evil hated the heavens, whereas the lesser evils may revere the heavens, and as for the good...? Haha, there wasn't any good in this world.' Blade uttered.

Crackle! Boom!

Suddenly, the dark clouds lit up. With a flash of red brilliance, the dark clouds showcased a beautiful splendor that radiated an unholy level of destruction.

It seemed that this Heavenly Lightning Tribulation was capable of destroying the world itself... Blade changed his previously calm expression upon sensing the force that this bolt of lightning rushed toward him.

In an instant, his space ring flashed with a bright light.

At this time, his palm grabbed the pristine white hilt of a long katana. The blade of the katana was a long three-meter black blade that was curved and had a red and purple pattern intertwining. The patterns showcased a disturbing sight, pulsating as if they were beating hearts.

There wasn't any evil or bloodthirsty aura. It just seemed sharp, unnecessarily sharp. Though it did not make Blade feel that simply being too close to it, he'd be slashed like before, he could still tell that this sword was incredibly powerful and endlessly sharp.

To get the full power of this type of weapon, it should be used by Martial Sovereigns or maybe even the Mortal Sages! Such was the power contained inside of it... Luckily, Blade had also just reached the Martial Sovereign realm...

Well, he was infinitely close, and about to face a deadly tribulation to enter this realm. One so powerful that he felt his life hanging on the balance even though this bolt was the first of nine!

One must know, every lightning bolt was more powerful than the last, and the fourth lightning bolt would be several times more powerful than the third... So to was the seventh compared to the sixth...

A bolt of red lightning rushed through the skies. Looking carefully at it, one would realize that, wherever it went, it left marks or one can label them as cracks in the skies!

Yes! As if the sky was a piece of glass that fell on the floor, though it didn't break, cracks formed on the glass. Similarly, cracks also formed in the sky.

This was how powerful and destructive the bolt of lightning was! Seeing this, Blade sighed while his body trembled. This time, he truly wasn't that confident in reaching the end.

The first attack was soo powerful... What about the second, or the third... What about the ninth?!

"Heavens... And to think I thought we were merely toxic friends?" Even at this time, there wasn't any fear in his voice. Though it trembled, it was due to his bodily instincts, and not emotional fear.

He felt as if even though the situation was horrible, he'll remain alive. He didn't understand why this was the case, but he was confident in this feeling that came from the depths of his very existence.

And shockingly enough, behind Blade was an apparition. This was an image of a semi-transparent figure with long white hair and flaming amber-gold eyes akin to those that Blade had just when he still had the infinity symbol on his glabella!

Though Blade hadn't perceived it, the young boy had embraced Blade with a warm smile.

"Poor little one. The amount of suffering you'll have to undergo... No one should but, then again, no one can become the grand entity, the primal being that will open that era unless they suffer as you will... Like I had... Even suffering is not enough. Only you can become it... only I had became it..."

Time had seemed to come to a halt as a cold voice that seemed to be the fusion of Blade's and a cyborg's, resounded throughout the heavens and the earth!

A voice that was so grand and powerful that it resonated with the world. As if its creator, as if the god of this world had spoken. His amber-gold eyes turned to the skies, and with a mere glare, originating from the center of it all, a golden ball appeared...

Suddenly, translucent chains appeared from a crack in the void. These chains rushed toward the humanoid white-haired being. Seeing them, he snickered while waving his hands.


They were destroyed by a light wave of his hand. With a grin and his hands clasped behind his back similar to Blade as he entered the crack in the space, his voice resonated for the final time.

"Don't worry, I know if I stay too long, things might break like the fragile little thing creation is... I only wanted to cause a little more chaos. I wonder what will happen when the main branch of time has been tampered with to this extent...?"

"And I thought we were merely toxic friends, oh heavens..." Blade mumbled but his voice, though shaky due to his bodily instincts, wasn't tinged with emotional fear whatsoever.

He felt as if even though the situation was horrible, he'll remain alive. He didn't understand why this was the case, but he was confident in this feeling that came from the depths of his very existence.

And shockingly enough, a sun appeared. In the dark clouds, at the epicenter, a golden sun as small as a golf ball appeared.

"Eh? Huh!" In a daze, Blade uttered in visible shock. Dazed a little, he remained unmoving as right after its appearance, the bolt of red lightning disappeared.


Lightning bolts clashed against the golden ball but...


Astonished, Blade watched on as the golden ball exploded. He felt inside that ball was the power to destroy anything. He wasn't sure but it was a feeling that originated from the depths of his soul.

Right after the explosion, glowing fragmented golden lights fell from the skies and onto the lone figure of Blade. Seeping into his flesh and bones, then further beyond and into his soul...


Finally jumping out of his dazed state, Blade yelped in shock as he felt his soul become lively once again. His vision cleared and the incoming headache caused by the pain he felt from the soul refinement process had disappeared.

The level-up had taken place successfully and all in all, his soul had evolved to a higher level. The overall structure improved as he felt his soul ready once more to undergo another refinement process but, in that instant, information buzzed in his mind...

Different techniques and methods... Casual information... Ways to use his soul's potential... Blade closed his eyes and crossed his legs mid-air, remaining afloat... He was busy processing everything...

How did this information suddenly appear in his mind? Blade didn't question it since, once entering the next realm, the Law would send information about techniques and the next realm...

He simply thought this was the Chaos Law doing its work once again. As for the Heavenly Lightning Tribulation that suddenly disappeared, again he didn't question this odd event.

What was the reason for questioning something that was soo clearly outside his level of understanding? He'll simply be worried over things he couldn't control.

Figuring it out wouldn't benefit him... Hmm, it might even give him unnecessary worries! His main goal was immortality and invincibility, and once he does become invincible, wouldn't he have all the answers to these mysteries?



Sector 13 had become a wasteland. From this one explosion of the sun as small and condensed as a golf ball, the destructive force was devastating. This destructive force destroyed everything and everyone besides Blade who sat in the center of it all with his eyes closed.

In the internal body of Blade, inside of his heart, in the mysterious space inside of his Origin core, a floating cube with countless cracks levitated. Finally, all the broken pieces had merged once more, now it had one or two more upgrades to regain its former self.

Next to the cube was a gathering of glowing drops of purplish-grey blood. Though one couldn't see them, countless barriers and forces blocked this blood from their path to merging with Blade's bloodstream.

And finally, in the center of these two objects was a translucent humanoid figure with a gold symbol on its forehead. Opening its eyes, one could see a pair of amber-gold orbs, and more importantly, shooting out of its body was a golden dome.

This golden dome fazed through the Origin core, thereafter through Blade's body... It encompassed the whole of Sector 13 in an instant.

A chaotic soul releasing its Divine Sense couldn't be understood by common sense. This divine sense encompassed an unnaturally large distance!

And what Blade sensed, sent waves of anger through his trembling body...

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