
Rise of the empire

God has given me another chance, and I shall use it well

Xandergreat · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Rebirth and the first quest

I was a rich woman with everything one could desire. I had more money then I possibly use in a thousand life times. But I was never satisfied, no matter what I did I never felt fun or happiness. I felt empty because even with everything in the world I missed one thing my family. I had backstabbed my way to the top sending hitman and assassins to kill off competition, I even sent my own brother to prison for crimes he didn't commit. In the end I was more of a gangster than anything else. I even died by my sons hands just as I had taught him. I felt happiness for the first time in a long time and even cried tears of joy for the sweet release of death. I wasn't a religious woman and I did not believe in a god of any sort and even if there was a god I would surely go to Hell. But this was a miscalculation on my part for there was a god and I was NOT going to Hell.

(3rd person view) She appeared in what looked like an office from earth but something was off. There was an old man there that looked far too old to be working still but she would only have more questions after the man spoke somehow knowing her name " Reine Crudelis, Daughter of Beatrix Crudelis and Charlemagne Crudelis. You truly live up to your name a cruel woman at the top of the world." he laughed at his own joke. "I am god and I believe that you are quite entertaining. So I decided to drop you off in a world of magic and war to see how you do and worry not you will have a little advantage, a gift you could call it. Now then off you go." Reine tried to speak but it was too late everything went dark but then she woke up.

She was in a pink bed with curtains all around it. She tried to get up but was hit with a migraine that even the strongest pain killers couldn't stop. Her head was filled with images of a life that was not hers but the previous inhabitant of this body's memory. After a while she woke up once more, she was Reine Crudelis, princess and the only heir to the throne of the small kingdom of crudelis. She was known for her beautiful body yet ugly mind which was filled with horrible arrogance that would repel even the most desperate suiters. As she was lost in her thoughts a small blue screen appeared in the air right before her eyes startling her. it did not wait for her to recover before it started speaking {Hello and welcome to the empire system. Not only does it improve your strength but your countries as well!} This was all the introduction she would get as the screen changed to show a picture of her wearing the exact clothes she was wearing right now. Her stats showed as well


EXP 0/10

STR:4 (normal human (12)

AGI:16(normal human (10)

INT:16(normal human(9)

STA:10(normal human(12)

Status effects: Healthy}

as she finished looking over her stats she got a quest notification { Your kingdom is under attack! The politicians are corrupt, for a level one kingdom such as yours this is a death sentence make sure that no one can stop your rise. Defeat the enemy army and become a warrior queen! If you do you just may be able to choose a class.} Her anger rose at the thought of her land being taken from her and being controlled by corrupt politicians. She then got a quest notification once again {Daily quest: Do one hundred push ups and run ten kilometers after which do one hundred squats. If you do you might get some exp.} She Decided that if she was going to save her kingdom she would need all the strength she could get so she quickly started on the quest finishing the push ups in just under an hour. She then started on the squats and soon moved on to the running. This was the difficult part as she was hated by all and she not once was seen exercising so going outside was a no no before she got a bit stronger. She thought for a while and then slapped herself for being so stupid when she could just run in place. After about an hour or so she finished and got her first reward from the system. { You have gained 100 exp and leveled up 4 times gaining 8 stat points points would you like to assign them? Y/N} she clicked Y and then started to think on where she should assign them before just dumping them all in STR as it was her lowest stat and was no where near where it was supposed to be for a 20 year old woman.

She walked towards the door and pushed it open...

Please don't be afraid to criticise me aslong as it isn't to mean and is actually helpful

Sincerely- The Great Guy

Have a nice day

Xandergreatcreators' thoughts