
Rise of the Alchemy God

Ethan finds himself mysteriously transported to another world, where the strong reign and the weak perish. Welcomed by a kind farmer who decides to help him upon seeing his poor condition, Ethan begins to hope for a new life. However, his dream is shattered when an acquaintance deceives him, leading to his sale at the slave market. Desperate and confused, Ethan wonders what he has done to deserve all this. "Which deity have I offended to deserve all this?" Just when he thinks all is lost, fate has another surprise in store for him, once again changing the course of his destiny.

Frank_Lee_Junior · Ost
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122 Chs

First Mission Completed

CHAPTER 30: First Mission Completed


After a long day, the sun in the sky began to set, painting the sky in a mix of red, orange, and yellow.

At the foot of the Phoenix Sect mountain, continuous metallic sounds could be heard coming from the Spirit Forest.

At that moment, towards the outer area of the forest, two figures could be seen chopping down trees.

They moved in sync, almost as if they had practiced together for a long time.

On one side was the figure of a tall boy wielding a giant axe and striking hard at the trunk of the tree in front of him. A few meters away, another figure, slightly smaller than the first, was also cutting down a tree.

The two figures continued like this for several minutes without stopping until the tree of the tall boy finally fell.

Shortly after, the tree the smaller boy was chopping couldn't withstand the blows any longer and fell as well.

With a thud, both sat down on the ground, panting.

The tall boy, with a gesture of his hand, took out two small water flasks and, taking one for himself, threw the other to the boy next to him.

The latter caught it mid-air and, unscrewing the cap, poured it over his face.

For a minute, silence returned to the forest as the two recovered from their exertions over the past few hours.

After a while, the tall boy said, as he finished drinking the entire content of his flask, "Buddy, where the hell did you get all that strength?" he asked while putting the flask back into his dimensional ring.

"Damn, you almost caught up with the number of trees I've cut down," he said, looking towards two piles of felled spiritual trees.

One of the piles was much larger than the other.

That was Da Shu's pile of trees.

After almost nine hours, the two had finally stopped.

At first, they had come to cut down only about ten trees, but as they progressed, Da Shu noticed that his friend was starting to catch up, and although he was still a bit slower than him, if he took it easy, Ethan would overtake him.

Da Shu, by nature, was a very competitive person, so whenever he had the chance, he would challenge someone.

It didn't matter if it was a fight or a race of another kind; he would always compete with someone.

This habit of his earned him the nickname of the crazy demon of the Phoenix Sect.

So, seeing that Ethan was catching up, he decided to give it his all and started cutting down the trees faster.

And so, what was supposed to be just about ten trees turned into about fifty, with 40 cut down by Da Shu and 10 by Ethan.

Hearing him, Ethan didn't bother to respond and lay down on the grassy ground of the forest, looking up where, in front of him, was a floating blue screen with the words:



[Daily Mission]

- Successfully cut down 10 spiritual trees by the end of the day.

Mission Status (10/10) [COMPLETED!]


- Assignment of a random Rare Flame. [Press here to claim the reward]

Time Remaining: 3 : 17 : 02



[Congratulations, You have completed your first daily mission!]

[You have received 50 Qi]


Ethan was just thinking about whether to claim his reward immediately or wait until he returned to the sect when he saw that, on the status screen, in addition to the notification of the daily mission completion, another notification had arrived, giving him 50 Qi.

'Wait, doesn't this mean that I've surpassed the threshold to become a first-stage cultivator?' he thought, a bit confused.

He didn't feel any change in himself; it was just like before.

Moreover, his special physique was still sealed, so he couldn't cultivate more Qi to break through, leaving him wondering where the Qi he had just obtained had gone.

He decided to open his status screen to see if there had been any changes to it.


As if by magic, another screen appeared in front of him, overlapping the previous one.


Name: Ethan

Cultivation: Mortal.

QI: 99/100 [+50]

Physique: Heavenly Body of the Sacred Flames (sealed)

Strength: 5

Agility: 4

Intelligence: 6

Soul Strength: 100



[System points]: 0


Seeing that his Qi value had remained unchanged, Ethan was not surprised; he had expected it.

Noticing the +50 next to it, he understood that this was the additional Qi value he couldn't absorb yet.

"Hmm, maybe I'll be able to absorb it once I break through," he murmured softly as he pondered.

Da Shu, who was just getting up to put the two piles into his spatial ring, heard him and asked:

"Hm? Did you say something?"

"No, nothing. Come on, let's move. Otherwise, the guards will make us sleep outside tonight," Ethan said as he also got up and prepared to leave.

Unlike Da Shu, he hadn't brought much with him, just a small backpack with some provisions for the day.

He knew they would be here for several hours, so he packed something before leaving.

They had managed to eat a few hours ago when Ethan almost fainted because he had been chopping non-stop for hours on end.

Unlike Da Shu, Ethan's physique was no different from that of a normal mortal who had trained a bit, so he couldn't withstand that much exertion all at once.

So, although reluctantly, he took a short break to eat something and recover a bit.

He understood that he couldn't push his body too far beyond its limits, or he would only do more damage to himself.

After packing everything, both of them set off towards the long staircase leading to the sect's entrance.

Once they arrived, Ethan turned his head towards his friend and looked at him in silence with a smile.

Da Shu, feeling his gaze, changed his expression as he said with a sigh:

"haa, Not again."





" One big step for me, one small step for humanity "

o.o , Cought...

Here's today's chapter.

I hope you enjoyed it. If you have any questions or concerns, write them down below, and I will respond as soon as I can.

See you tomorrow.

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