
Rise of Mana: Renewal of The Will

"I don't want to lose those who I hold dear" "No, not again! Not without a fight!" After desperately losing everything he hold dear in his past life, Matsuoka Masayoshi and later reincarnated Riku Kiesling determined to not repeat his mistake, and vowed to himself to resurrect his mother and regain his only family back, the one he holds dear, a bond he doesn't want to lose again.      In his path to regaining his mother, he has to study at Noir Alchemy Academy to find clues and ways to revive his mother because of the scarcity of knowledge he has. What will Riku unravel while studying at the Academy?... Will it be the inkling to save his mother?... Will it be the truth of himself?... Will it be revealing his destiny?... Or will it be the true intention of the inherited Book of Addranova?... But going through the Academy will put him into disputing his own discord within himself. Will his distrust in humanity he attained in his past life hamper him off to learn in a place full of students of his age?... Will saving his mother be the only thing he has to do?... And will his mother be the only thing he holds invaluable?... This will be a grueling path, that Riku has to face to find the purpose of his second life, his second chance. Will the guilt of his prior life deters him from going onward?... Will his resolution die down?... Or will he strive forward his to his goals with all his might and willpower?... Something he doesn't have in his repentant past life...

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Chapter 07: To A New Start

"So you said that our alchemy knowledge can be surpassed by the thing that you call Science?" Alastor repeats after hearing what I said. We're not on our way yet to the Academy, I'm still prepping and he really is curious about how I usually synthesize.

       "Yup, Science is basically all that happens, all that exists, it's everything. Even your body is a part of Science!" I informed. "Can you elaborate?" He asked. As we are alchemy geeks, the exchange of information is irresistible.

"So, we make heal jar, how does a liquid heal you? It's just a soup we made through a process we show off as Alchemy, usually, you need to just lay down, compress the wound, put on some bandages and it will heal itself" I gave an example.

       Alastor frowned, "Well, yeah but you can fasten it up with the item and it's just how it is right?" He commented. "Nah, in heal jar, we have spinacherb that actually functions as coagulant support so the blood stops going out of the body and the gland from puniball fasten the work of your platelets!" I said.

We continued talking for a long time and he actually saw how I usually synthesize and he was shocked. Because I use my scientific approach while they're just like witches, they just throw the ingredients into the cauldron, and voila!

       It's been a long time since I have had a friend to talk things like this, I used to have a good workmate in my lab, but he had to move to Hokkaido, what a good lad he is. Sometimes, I do miss being in Japan, even though my life back then wasn't so good.

{Winter, 02nd | 1 MT | At the House}

I have done packing all of my stuff, and the house seems a bit empty, thanks to Faie, I don't have to bring all the things with me, I guess I need to make something for myself than relying on Faie for storing stuff. She's not a carrier, she's my Mana.

       "All done?" Alastor asked. I nodded. "Then, it's time to consult this with the mayor, since I can't stay here either, let's go!". We walked to the village and greeted the mayor and informed him about our leave.

"So, it's time you head out to the academy? It's going to be tough for you to leave the house but I promise you, we'll take care of it" Mayor affirmed. "Thank you, Mayor Lester" I thanked.

       "It's only a small thing, nothing compared to what good deeds your parents have done for us, we also prepared a horse cart, I'll tell them to get it ready for you". After we were done talking, the mayor prepares the horse cart and we went home.

Then we had our last dinner here and we're talking about the route to get to Midgard City, Alastor also explains some of the things I should do or not, the rules. "So, you can't get in the Temple of Creation?" I asked.

       "Yep, it's pretty much only for senior or VIP only, but you can go to the Hall though, more than that, hands-off" Alastor explained. "And you say the Mana Grounds are now infested with monsters? Aren't those places are supposed to be sacred?" I asked.

"It's supposed to be, until the Chaos made the continent fall and disrupt the continent's Mana Flow, making monsters to spawn from it" He explained.

       "It's kinda dangerous for the students, that's why going to the Mana Grounds requires a permit to enter" he continued. After that, he explains more of the rules that students have to obey and I pretty much readies myself.

It's the last night we'll be here until 4 years from now and holidays, of course, so I went to see mom with Faie seeing her smile in her sleep gave me a lot of hope and motivation, she wished for us to smile and live happily, I will try my best to fulfill that.

{Winter, 03th | 1 MT | At the House}

       Clothes, check. Weapons, check. Food Stocks, check. Books and Findings, check. Tools and Apparatus, check. Legal papers, check. Mana Stones, check. I think we got all in Faie's Space, we're ready to go.

I made Katsudon for the last breakfast we'll have here, which is very satisfying. I checked the farm and the chicks and then we walk to the barrier's gate, meeting the people that is in charge of taking care of the house for us.

       Fortunately, I knew four of them, they're Lize-san, Mineri-san, Harul-san, and Yunika-chan. Lize-san and Yunika work at the village's bakery, Mineri-san is a close friend to my dad, and Harul-san is Lize-san's husband.

They have waited for us to come and we came through the barrier, "You gotta be careful out there, and have friends and fun!" Yunika cheered. "I'll see what I can do, please feed the chickens, Yunika-chan," I asked. "Sure!"

       "You packed all you need? It'll take a while to get here if you forgot something" Mineri-san giggled. "Yep, I think I forgot none" I answered. "Don't worry about your house, I'll do all the maintenance and if you don't mind, I'll use the farmland while you're away" Harul-san said.

"I don't mind and thank you, Harul-san" I thanked him. "Yer house'll be okay, feel easy out these!" Harul-san said. "Lili-chan will be so happy sending you off to the academy, if she's awake, make her proud, make lots of friends, Riku-kun," Lize-san said. I nodded "Roger that"

       "Here's is little something from me, it's the recipe for the croissants and your mom's chicken stew, and I have initialized it using elements, so you can make it everywhere, hope it will give you the memories of this place" Lize-san handed me some paper.

"Thank you so much, everyone, please take care of my house, and take care of my mom. I will never be able to repay all of you" I thanked.

"Aww, that's the sweetest thing you ever said" Mineri-san teased. I blushed, "It's embarrassing to say, don't make me regret saying it," I said. "We won't," she giggled.

       After we said goodbye to the house and the villagers, we head to the village gate where the mayor has prepared the horse cart, then we departed to the academy, it supposed to take us 2 days to get to Midgard City.

Well, whatever happened from now, it's the risk I have taken, this could've been the worst decision I've ever made, but it's a risk I'd be glad to take, to whatever possibility or changes it brings to our life, we can't turn back now.

       We sat on the bench and set forward towards the Village gate, everyone waved goodbye, it's sad for me and Faie to leave this place, so many memories, good and bad alike. This is going to be our first time getting out of the Village, this is just the first step.

I see now, the area around the village is pretty much green meadows and a bit of marsh, there is a road for carts and travelers though, so the cart's not free coursing.

       We pass by a lot of merchants and travel wagons, honestly, I miss my old Jeep, wondering why do I have a Jeep? I love to camp when I'm really stressed out with my late girlfriend, we used to go camp at Yamanashi.

If I could've saved her, we would've gone to Izumo that December... I was kept in my mind when Alastor pats my shoulder, "Do worry not, you chose the best decision to go, don't stress it out before you even get in the Midgard City" he consoled.

       I nodded, then I keep looking forward on the horse, thinking about the cart, I found out that it's really not as uncomfortable as I thought, and I found myself a time to continue reading since we've brought all the books to the library and Dad's workshop.

{Winter, 05th | 1 MT | Midgard Lake City}

After 2 days and 1-night stay on the cart, we've arrived at Midgard City, and it amazingly baffled me up, it looks amazing, and to add to that, you can see Eden this very close, and you can see how developed is the civilization is here and on Eden, and most everyone I see were all Alchemists.

       "So, this is where our journey starts, isn't it, Faie?" I said. She nodded and smiled. I don't know what will happen in the future but I guess, I just have to go with the flow. As they say, those who don't travel don't open their next page of life.

He's finally at the doorstep of the Academy, from this on, the story will get more exciting to write and hopefully to read too.

Have you read the Character Bio, yet? I made it a progressive chapter so it updates every time we face a new character.

Well, I hope you enjoy reading this chapter, and be sure to read my new schedule, so sorry I have to change the schedule so many times, but it's because of my IRL life.

Be sure to drop some votes if you like, see ya in the next chapter!

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