
chap 9: kill the dog

"WELL COME INTO MY KINGDOM, ILLYA D'ILLUMI" declared a voice full of authority



"Miss Lilith" shouted several voices simultaneously

It was cerberus the dog of hell

"Cer...berus" subtly uttered Lilith, when Heracles raised his sword to strike the last blow when a huge hostile pressure immediately appeared behind him, guided by these reflexes, Heracles made a great jump of about ten meters back to escape the devastating jaws of the guardian of the gates of hell

Cerberus therefore the posture and uprightness was also to that of a brave knight, in his dark black fur, and of those flaming eyes or could float the badge itself of despair, it was cerberus the guardian of the underworld

"Heracles therefore the stance had been released," propelled himself with a step filled with power such that it caused huge gusts of wind, having filled the distance of ten to put that separated him from cerberus, he lifted up his sword and with a violent motion of rotation his sword blade passed through the body of cerberus, the sensation that Heracles felt could be described as a fog, or a smoke,this feeling we feel when we try to slice an entity so our blade cannot hurt .

"The blade of Heracles has passed through, as if his body itself ..."( Ishtar)

*Intangible, that's what you have to say to yourself now," how his blade got you through "  well it's simple, cerberus is the last survivor of the crimson beast clan, a tribe known for their ability to immunize themselves against physical attacks by transforming the matter that constitutes their bodies into smoke components ....

"Of these three heads, a huge smoke came out, the atmosphere around this warming to the point that space seemed distorted"

"What is this thing?" asked Ishtar with her eyes fixed on the sky when she saw three huge flamboyant crowns

*"Hell blaze" is one of the basic skills of the crimson clan, the legend says that the heat of these flames can evaporate all the water of a planet and the temperature of its core is equivalent to that of several suns ..." Pandora this instantly cover with a transparent shield with multiple layers of protection " 

"this area will be wiped out and you with" ( Pandora)

"Heracles ....."  Hurled Ishtar when the three crowns set in motion..

Heracles thus the being was suspended in the air, flying at full speed towards the crowns of fire

"Poor fool, each of these crowns possesses the power of several suns, even you would be unable to follow to such a power," declared cerberus

an explosion broke out, the ground broke up, the sky broke down, a cloud of dust gave way to a huge crater or only the void could be observed,

"Incredible even after such a power, the barrier of its majesty is still intact, the transcendent capacities are much more frightening, as I had imagined." said Pandora, observing the space vacuum that had spread when a crushing pressure invaded space, so great and powerful that the infinite void trembled giving the sensation that it would collapse at any moment

The space is cracked, from the gap created Heracles exit the body covered with steam following its regenerative capacity

"How is this possible," said cerberus, so the body was suspended in space,

"How could you resist that atta..." Cerberus had scarcely finished these words that Heracles erased in an instant the distance that separated them, his sword instantly changed to halberd and sliced the body of cerberus, which left a few drops of blood

* Impossible , how could he have sliced the body of cerberus which is constant smoke state,  then how can he sliced a being made of smoke particles* Lilith wondered

"Nghhh!! huff!! huff... Shit.. shit ..." cerberus threw smoke attacks at Heracles who sliced them one after the other " cerberus summoned six number of flamboyant crowns and directed them all towards Heracles ..

"null the effects are null no matter how many crowns I invoke no one has any effect on it ... that regenerative capacity it possesses ... It is who is monster" cerberus, absorbed by these thoughts did not notice the presence of Heracles who had filled the distance that separated them and without being able to react Heracles cut him in half of his sword thus erasing his existence..

"Martha the legendary sword capable of erasing the souls of these victims, cerberus had no chance of escaping from it not true lilih" said Pandora

a light springs up, the body of Lilith recently cut in half instantly regenerates, a dark black sphere enveloped it, releasing powerful vibrations that made the infinite void tremble

"What's going on?" said Ishtar, wrapping a protective shield around his being.

"Pushed to the edge of death, the power that slumbered in her is awakened, LILITH the first Mesopotamian demons, the very incarnation of evil" ( pandora)

* First demon? what do you mean? *( Ishtar )

* If I can give you some advice, you better get away, the negative energy waves emanating from her can corrupt even the most powerful of spirits * said Pandora before instantly teleported

*Tch * spewed Lilith before disappearing has his turn to join pandora outside the galaxy

"Now and if we start after all, I have for Mission to eliminate all those who intend to take to his majesty," declared Pandora

*Those who intend to take to his majesty*? I find you very presumptuous," replied Ishtar.