
chap 3: Fate threads

somewhere in an unknown forest something big is brewing

"the transmutation circles are finished, let's start the ritual" repeated a group of young girls all dressed in white, they invented a mysterious spell in a mysterious language

"Mara aratum nimpa isa'aaaj rasjlm ofin

a light sprang from the circles, time stopped and from the emptiness of space appeared three spinners

"we are the spinners of fate" said one of the spinners

"we spin the destiny of all that exists god or humans - demons or elves - dwarfs or fairies we all write their fates" answered another spinners

"what do you wish white witches" ended the last spinner in a synchronized manner.

one of the witches walked up to the spinners and stated their request

"O great spinner, I would like to cut the fate of a being who jeopardizes the balance of the universe not its mere existence, a being who cannot be killed, a being outside the logic of this world and of the others that exist, I would like to destroy the "Lord of death spawn" the witch screamed loudly

<playing with fate is a risky thing> (spinner)

<erased someone's fate means erasing it from all possible existence> (spinner)

<so what are you ready to offer to exchange this service> (spinner)

"my .. my life I will give you everything you want" said the white witch

<anything we want?> (spinner)

<what we want is your carnal envelope> (spinner)

<are you ready to sacrifice it> (spinner)

"yes I'm ready" retorted the witch firmly

good deal (spinners x3)

The spinners raised their hands to the sky, the one opening instantly in two letting an object drop so the size was as big as the moon, it looked like a harp

"is that the Ark of Fate? amazing" (white witch)

"the one you are looking for does not exist in this world, his fate is not on the map of existence, it is impossible for us to interact with his fate" replied the spinners at the same time

<< what? how its it no longer exists? I don't understand a thing >> (white witch)

"To play with fate what a horrible sin it is," replied a voice that was unknown to the witches. .

<< Spawn, damn you, how did you manage to find us> reader

<< how did you manage to enter this place separated from reality >> spinners

"what a coordinated way of expressing yourself that's very cute I think, how did I get in? Through the door of course" Strawn replied with a humorous air.

'' dirty dog ​​of the living dead '' one of the spinners balked.

"oh the ugly word, you deserve a little punishment" Strawn snapped his fingers and one of the spinners caught fire, those screams echoed throughout the room, a black fire as black as death itself

"for a spinner who immunity to fire is recognized throughout the universe you burn pretty well" (Strawn)

<< tsk stop playing the clown you irritate me, disappears >>

a huge clock appeared in the sky and began to accelerate the life expectancy of spawn, She Turned so fast that after a few seconds spawn was just a heap of dust

"did you ... did you manage to kill him"? asked one of the spinners

"no He can't die, that easily and then his concept is still intact, he will come back, no he already probably has come back and hides his presence." (white witch)

we can discuss all this" (white witch)

<< shown me? why would I do it? I could very well kill you from here >> a flash of several trillion volts burst from the sky and disintegrated one of the spinners who had not even had time to react

"tsk, damn it we have to get away, cancel your dimension spell" ordered the white witch to the last remaining spinners

<< impossible my magic works abnormally I no longer control it >>

"this place will be your grave, I will seal you in this place for eternity" repeated Spawn

huge circles of magic appeared and straw sealed the white witch in another dimension.

"good now" ..Spawn this instantly teleported to another dimension different from the ones he was in.

"the Lord of death spawn, you find us at the end"

<< this hidden in another dimension and sent avatars as representation it is the one of your turns prefers you who fear the death, I came to bring it to you >> repeated Spawn seriously

"Do you think you can defeat us one more time? filth of the living dead" repeated one of the spinners.

"the tatar is weakened, its seal has been broken all the entities that you once sealed will now be released, chaos will reign again on the multiverse" continued the elder spinner "

"You have always been such a bad tongue, even if the Tatar has lost these powers and the seal has been broken I will lock you in again" (Spawn).

one of the spinners cast a fire spell and sent it to Spawn who took it full force, the spell was so powerful that the space around was melted

<< fire has no hold on me, I ignore this concept >> (Spawn)

"Tch, you're really embarrassing" she cast a new subzero ice spell and sent it straight at Spawn. but the attack disappeared as soon as it appeared

"What ... what, what happened? Why did I come out of ice disappeared?" asked the spinner

<< time >> replied another spinner

"eh" what the weather? (spinner)

<< Spawn controls time as he pleases, for him time is just an object that he manipulates as he wishes, the fact that your spell is gone is that Spawn has to rewind time until it becomes a puddle and evaporates >> (spinner)

"but how is this possible, this space does not have a temporal flow, how can he use a temporal spell in a place where the concept of time does not exist?"

"...." (spinner)

<we have no other choice but to use the arcarne that we have> declared one of the spinners

arcane .." Spawn thought

the three spinners began to cast a summoning spell, multiple dimensional circles appeared in space when suddenly a strong and blinding light appeared and within that brilliant glow was a being, clad in gold, a lance in hand, a halo floating above her hair, a pair of four wings as white as snow, one would have said ...

"an angel ... Michael the angel in the service of god" repeated a spinner

"this is your end Spawn, our stay in this late endless hell, made us stronger a lot stronger than you" (spinner)

<< to say that beings as nefarious as you are capable of invoking a servant of god ... you exceed my expectations, iria, neuophasia aveline "(Spawn)

"ow, as you remember our names, the curse that follows you doesn't seem to affect you is it resistance or just willpower?" asked one of the spinners.

"it doesn't matter you will die here" (Spawn)

Michael raised his spear, a golden light appearing at its tip, a brilliant light so brilliant that one would have said he wanted to purify the whole universe. a huge dazzling light invaded the universe, a few moments later the glow dissipated and Spawn was no longer there he had been ..

"erased .. the light of Michael erases everything it touches no matter the types of resistance a weapon capable of bypassing defensive walls and the will of people, it is its arcane power. you will have understood it enough late Spawn "repeated the spinner

a crack appeared in space just as the spinner was about to leave, from the crack a light burst and Spawn exited without a single scratch

"im. impossible how could you survive such a thing" (spinner)

<< the scenario, the scenario is a really fascinating thing, thanks to it we can change the course of things, the end of a story or even the unfolding of a scene, I modified the scenario of the work to undo my death, and erased Michael from the unfolding of this story, you understand don't you? iria >> (Spawn)

"the plot? impossible, no being has such power"

<< I am not just anyone, I AM THE LORD OF DEATH SPAWN "

"mphff, even if you kill us, we don't die as long as the flow of fate exists, we are the three immortal spinners" declared one of the spinners

"Arcane Summon dexthalia" (Spawn)

<< dexthalia one of the legendary arcana how is that possible

"dexthalia is an arcane in humanoid form so the power can compete with the gods of the upper worlds, how did he get one" thought one of the spinners

<< if fate prevents you from dying, just take it away from you, I will separate you from this concept "(Spawn)

dexthalia invoked a legendary sword called takemikazutshi "the legendary sword slicer of fate and with a rapid and imperceptible movement it separated the spinners from their concepts before purely erasing them from existence.

the spinners had been beaten but the threat continued to hover over the multiverse.