
Rise of Android

The story follows a transmigrated individual who has no knowledge of the Dragonball world. He will be an Android with a slight twist. He is mostly neutral toward all the main cast and villains. This a DBZ/DBS AU because I’m bound to mess up with the story. P.S. I don’t own any DB characters or stories other than the OC.

Zeroskii · Anime und Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 24: Xonzoria


A ruthless aura emanates from him thick and foreboding as the air around him turns heavy and dark.

It seems to seep out of his very pores, suffusing the air around him with an almost palpable sense of danger. The energy crackles around him like electricity sparking off a live wire. His eyes gleam with a cold, unfeeling light.

"AI can other passive hosts also unlock Unique skills or Transformations?" Asks Enzo


*Affirmative Host*


<Scene Break>

<3rd P.O.V>

As the spaceship carrying Turles hurtled through the depths of space, the Saiyan warrior lay still in his healing pod, his body still recovering from Enzo's intense one-sided beatdown. Turles knew he had given it his all in the fight, but the power of Enzo had proved too much for him to handle.


As the automated systems of the spaceship signalled that Turles' healing had completed, the pod's lid slowly began to open. Turles stirred, his eyes blinking open as he gazed around at his surroundings. He could feel the energy coursing through his veins, his body fully rejuvenated after the restorative powers of the pod.

A smirk crosses his face as he realizes the extent of his Zenkai boost, feeling the strength and energy coursing through his veins. He flexes his muscles and tests his movements, marveling at how much stronger and faster he has become.

He takes a deep breath and focuses his ki, feeling the energy flow through him. He can sense that he is stronger than he has ever been before. He nods to himself in satisfaction, knowing that he has pushed himself to the limit and beyond.


"Too early to celebrate don't you think?" Says Enzo startling Turles.

"I'm going to wring out every ounce of potential your Zenkai can offer." Enzo states leaving no room for discussion.

Turles frowns and nudges Enzo as he walks past him.

"At least let me eat before putting me back in that god-forsaken healing pod." Grumbles Turles.

<Scene Break (10 days Training simulation)>

<3rd P.O.V>

Enzo and Turles continued to train and spar together. Turles, ever the tenacious Saiyan, refused to give up. He knew he had lost to Enzo in their initial spar, but he was determined to learn from that experience and come out on top in their subsequent battles.

Each time they sparred, Turles would analyze Enzo's moves and tactics, looking for any weakness he could exploit. He practised tirelessly, pushing himself to his limits and beyond. Despite his slower progress than Enzo, Turles could feel himself growing stronger each day.

*Woosh* "HAAA!! I almost had you hehehehe" Smirks Turles

In the next moment he is seen beaten to a pulp and carried by Enzo to Healing Pod.

"Home sweet home" Says Enzo being petty.

Turles eyes twitch as he stares at a smirking Enzo.

Despite Turles' improvement, Enzo remained a formidable opponent, his experience and tactical prowess keeping the fights intense and challenging.

Turles had always relied on Zenkai, to recover from near-death experiences and become even stronger. But after his last battle, he didn't feel any increase in power. He tried fighting again, pushing himself to the brink of death, but still, nothing happened.

"I guess this is all we can pull out of your Zenkai for now" Says Enzo.

At first, Turles didn't want to believe it. He thought maybe he just needed a bigger challenge. But no matter how hard he pushed himself, Zenkai didn't work. It was like he had hit a wall, and there was no way to break through it.

Eventually, Turles realized that he had to find a new way to grow for now. He started training in new techniques and tactics exploring new paths to power. It wasn't easy, but slowly, he began to make progress.

Their battles became more intense, each warrior pushing the other to their limits in a fierce display of skill and technique. But no matter how hard Turles tried, Enzo always seemed to have the upper hand.

Still, Turles refused to be discouraged. He saw each defeat as a learning opportunity, analyzing his mistakes and weaknesses in order to become a better fighter. He worked tirelessly, day and night, never giving up on his dream of one day brutally beating up Enzo and throwing him in a Healing Pod.

"HAHAAHAHAHAH" Laughs Turles maniacally as he daydreams.

Enzo tilts his head in confusion "Did that idiot finally lose it?...Maybe I should take it easy the next few spars." mutters Enzo.

{{Attention. Planet Xonzoria is 2 hours away.}}

Both Turles and Enzo nod to each other after hearing the announcement and start making necessary arrangements.

<Scene Change>

<3rd P.O.V>

Turles and Enzo wait in the cockpit of their spaceship as it approached the planet Xonzoria. Turles had a serious expression on his face, while Enzo looked relaxed and confident.

"So, are you ready for this?" Turles asked, breaking the silence.

"Of course I am," Enzo replied with a smirk. "I've been looking forward to this for the last few days."

Turles couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. As a former space pirate, he worried that his past would catch up with him, jeopardising their chances of joining.

Enzo noticed Turles' unease and asked, "What's wrong? Are you nervous about joining the Galactic Patrol?"

Turles hesitated for a moment before responding, "It's not that. It's just...my past. I was a space pirate for a long time, and I'm worried that someone might recognize me and cause problems for us."

Enzo gave Turles a reassuring smile. "Don't worry about it. We're going to help the Galactic Patrol, and they know who you are and what you're capable of. Besides, you've turned over a new leaf. You're not a pirate anymore."

Turles nodded, feeling slightly more at ease. But the closer they got to the planet, the more his anxiety grew. What if someone recognized him? What if his past caught up with him and he was arrested or worse?


Turles and Enzo noticed their destination, gazing out at the lush green planet of Xonzoria as they approached. The planet was known for its abundance of plant life and natural beauty, making it a popular destination for travellers from all over the galaxy.

As they got closer, they could see the sprawling cities and bustling spaceports that dotted the planet's surface. "Looks like this place is really thriving," Turles said, admiring the view.

Enzo nodded, his eyes scanning the landscape. "I can see why the galactic patrol would want this planet as their outpost. It's a real gem."

As they descend towards the planet, they can see the patrol station in the distance, a large structure with flashing lights and bustling activity.

The spaceship slowly enters the docking bay, guided by the automated systems. The sound of the ship's engines fades away as it comes to a stop, and the doors open with a hiss of air.


Turles and Enzo step out of the ship, greeted by the sight of several patrol members waiting to welcome them.

"Welcome to Planet Xonzoria," says one of the Staff members, a tall humanoid with blue skin and silver hair.

"My name is Nova. How can we assist you?"

Turles nodded in greeting. "We're just passing through, but we couldn't help but notice how beautiful your planet is. Can you tell us more about it?"

Nova smiled. "Of course. Xonzoria is known for its abundant plant life and natural beauty. It's a popular destination for travellers and is home to many rare and valuable resources. However, it's also faced its fair share of challenges, including the recent threat of space pirates."

Enzo raised an eyebrow. "Space pirates?"

Nova nodded gravely. "Yes, unfortunately, a group of space pirates has been targeting our planet, intent on stealing our resources. That's why we've called upon the galactic patrol for assistance."

Turles and Enzo exchanged a glance. "Galactic patrol, you say? Are they recruiting?" Turles asked.

Nova nodded. "Yes, they are always in need of skilled fighters to help protect the galaxy. If you're interested, I can give you more information about the recruitment process."

Turles and Enzo both nodded eagerly. Nova led them to a nearby building, where they were introduced to the recruitment officer for Galactic Patrol.

They entered the office and were greeted by a young officer who introduced herself as Lieutenant Vega. "Welcome to the recruitment office of the Galactic patrol. How may I assist you?" she asked.

Turles stepped forward. "We're interested in joining the Galactic patrol. Can you tell us more about it?"

Lieutenant Vega smiled. "Of course. The Galactic Patrol is a group of elite fighters who protect the galaxy from various threats such as space pirates and intergalactic criminals. Our mission is to maintain peace and order in the galaxy."

Enzo raised an eyebrow. "That sounds interesting. How can we join?"

Lieutenant Vega handed them both a brochure. "This brochure has all the information you need. The requirements to join the Galactic patrol include a high level of physical fitness, combat skills, and knowledge of various weapons and technology. You will also need to pass a rigorous training program."

"We have combat skills and knowledge of weapons and technology. How can we start the recruitment process?" Turles asked.

Lieutenant Vega smiled. "You'll need to fill out an application form and take a physical and written test. If you pass, you'll be invited to a training program, where you'll receive advanced training in combat and technology."

Both of them nodded, eager to start the process. "Where can we find the application form and take the test?" Enzo asked.

Lieutenant Vega handed them the application form and pointed to a nearby room. "The testing room is right over there. Good luck with the written test."

Turles and Enzo had passed the written test with ease, feeling confident in their abilities and knowledge of combat and technology.

They had completed the written test with ease and were now eager to move on to the next stage of the recruitment process.

As they walked back to the recruitment office, Turles and Enzo discussed their strategy for the upcoming physical and combat test. They were both confident in their abilities and knew that they could excel in any challenge.

They returned to Lieutenant Vega at the recruitment office, ready to move on to the next stage of the recruitment process.

Upon arriving at the office Lieutenant Vega congratulated them on passing the written test. "Well done, both of you. You've shown a good understanding of the basics.

However, before we can move on to the next stage of the recruitment process, I have to inform you that we've organized a special event that will showcase the best of the rookies."

"What event is that?" Enzo asked.

"It's called the Battle Royale," Lieutenant Vega explained. "We're hosting a public event in one week, where we'll broadcast live free for all battles between rookie candidates to find the top fighters. This is an opportunity for you both to prove your tactics followed by physical fitness and combat skills."

Turles and Enzo exchanged glances, Smirking. "That sounds exciting," Turles said.

"Yes, we're up for the challenge," Enzo added.

"Excellent," Lieutenant Vega said. "In that case, here are your badges that will help us contact you when necessary. We'll need a week to prepare and organize everything. You'll receive more information about the event soon. This will give you plenty of time to prepare for the physical and combat test"

Both nodded in understanding. "We'll be ready," Turles said confidently as he grabbed his badge that had the number 123 written on it.

Enzo also grabbed his badge which had the number 124 written on it.

"Great, I look forward to seeing what you both can do," Lieutenant Vega said with a smile. "Good luck."

Both warriors exited the building and walked through the bustling streets of Planet Xonzoria, their excitement palpable as they talked about the upcoming battle royale event.


Thanks for Reading (Zeroskii)

{What are your thoughts on the pace of the story?

Should I pick up the pace or is it just right?

Do you guys want time skips?

What about the fight scenes? Less detailed or more? Or it's fine as it is?

Last but not least what do you all think of the Planet's name? Took me a while to come up with a decent one.}

The updates will get a bit slower due to my work but I will endeavour for a few chapters a week.

Please leave some reviews and feedback :)