
Master's Relic and Mission

After opening his eyes, David feels like he is complete now and some kind of imaginary burden lifted from his head

It took 1 week to stabilize his power and come to his master to tell her his success

In karma-Taj you can see ancient one standing with master Wong looking at the training ground. Suddenly she turned around and look a portal forming and coming out from it her disciple who gone for his seclusion.

"Master" said David while greeting his master

"Master Wong" said David greeting master Wong

"So how are you feeling now" ask David's master

"complete" said David

"Good you are now ready to become master of Kamar-taj" said his master

David have mix emotion he is not sure whether he is ready or he needed more knowledge to become master

"I taught you all there is to teach, now you need life and death battle experience to be more proficient with the mystic arts" said his master

"No knowledge in Kamar-Taj is forbidden. Only certain practices. Those books are far too advanced for anyone other than the Sorcerer Supreme." said master Wong.

" Okay I am ready you can take anytime the test" said David and ancient one smile, and she made a portal for him to go inside without any hesitation David step inside the portal.

After the test, David found him self standing if front of a door compare to before he's far more vigilant around about his surrounding, you can also tell that he change from his past naive self to more mature self.

Ancient one opened the gate and David could see numerous magical artifacts cased in different shelves. He follows her in side while she explains.

" This is the treasury, not as impressive as Odin's vault, but will do. We're here to get your artifact. Just concentrate and feel the relic which you have the most connection with "

He starts roaming, examining the room, looking at different relic. There were many relics he knows, such as The Wand of Watoomb. Then there was a collection of gems, which probably Merlin Stones. 30 minutes later he had completely visited every relic but none of them choose him.


Disappointed, I exited the Treasury, and had Ancient one lead me to the Portal room.

"Don't worry. You'll find a relic. Every Sorcerer does. Someday, if not today." said ancient one patting my shoulder.

I smile and nod at her, and say, "Thank you for taking the time to show me the way, Master "

"you are my disciple, at least I can do this much"

Once I'm back in the Portal room of Kamar Taj, I take the portal to The Hong Kong Sanctum.

After stumbling for a while around the Sanctum later, I finally feel something. A two pulse they are calling me towards them, how should I explain this feeling as if it is resonating with me. After reaching there, I found a katana and circular stone. I pick them and take them to my master.

Ancient one was surprise that two relic are resonated with her disciple

David presents those relics to his master to know about them

after seeing them, Ancient one tell him "Eye of True North it guides the user to anyone or anywhere they desire while sword is a soul bond weapon not much known about them but what is known is that each sword is unique: the swords are reflections of the person who use them, and they change depending on their user's power and soul, and they are sentient beings you have to form a bond with them and know about them your self and their strength depend on the person holding them."

David was surprised as he could see similarities between this katana and a Zanpakutõ he couldn't help but feel excited about the concept of having one.

He turned to his teacher and requested: "I need to enter seclusion master"

After taking permission, David retreated to a small cave in the Himalayas mountains. He sat down cross-legged and put the katana on his lap and entered deep meditation. When he opened his eyes he entered a vast field where ever you look there is chaos and destruction, he looks down and see his katana in his hand. He looked forward to seeing a pale woman with white hair who standing elegantly holding her sword with her eyes close. A silence fall between the two and as if communicating with their silence they ran toward each other, each holding a sword.

After a year in his soul state he can finally fight with the woman in front of him properly and made his own sword style which he named [Silverlight style] which focus on speed and strength and when you look it from far it look like a dance under the moon light.

After the battle woman finally open her eyes showing her dark blue eyes and when David look at them, he lost in them how beautiful they are they look sky and when you look for a while you can see stars in them, and she said "it's enough. You have improved a lot. You should exit meditation, but before you go. Remember your Katana has changed shape, you will see it when you go. And lastly, katana can be hidden in your soul, and you'll get it once you think about summoning it forth"

David nodded earnestly and smiled back at her, then exited his meditation. After a year of battle his Zanpakutõ he knows her name that is [Koodori (Dancing) Debabou! (Knife)] Looking at his Sword which changed, now all white at handle while having a black western dragon coiling at the handle guard which look like it's climbing toward the blade and having little stars on the blade. David was amazed at the beauty of the blade, thinking about hiding it the sword shone lightly and dispersed David found a tattoo of dragon coiling on a blade in his right arm.

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