
Chapter : 20

The next day, he logged on. He suddenly recalled that the zombie's meat bag from yesterday hadn't been opened yet, so he took it out and cracked it. A piece of yellow paper slowly floated down.

Liu Wei An picked it up and looked at it. There were three words written on it: Undoing Corpse Talisman. It turned out to be a spell. He didn't know why, but upon seeing the word "spell," a sect immediately appeared in his mind: Mao Mountain.

He focused his attention on the yellow paper and sent a message over. The yellow paper burned on its own without any wind. With a "peng" sound, it turned into a ball of fire and was burnt to ashes.

Liu Wei An had already grasped the incantation for understanding Corpse Symbols, his fingers could not help but take the air as paper and draw the incantation smoothly. Not long later, a talisman was formed, and the moment the talisman was formed, a strange energy fluctuation was transmitted from the air, the fluctuation disappeared in a flash.

Liu Wei An didn't notice anything. He kept his eyes closed and continued to draw in the air. He slowed down to a fast pace. In the end, his fingers danced as numerous runes formed. They paused for a split-second before disappearing.

Liu Wei An drew tirelessly like this, and only stopped after two hours had passed did he stop. He took out ten arrows from his spatial ring, inserted them into the ground, quickly drew one, bit his right index finger, and quickly waved it around. Very quickly, the dismemberment spell was completed without any change on the arrow, there was only a ball of blood on it.

Liu Wei An only needed to glance at it once before he threw away the arrow and switched to another. The arrow's lines were stuck and blurred, no wonder it failed. He carefully slowed down the speed of the second arrow. Unfortunately, he was still unable to complete the unravelling of the second arrow in such a small space.

The third arrow, he thought of a way. He found a branch and stained it with blood. At first, it was fine, but the blood dried up and the lines became incoherent. Once again, he failed. However, there was progress.

The fourth arrow, failed. The fifth, failed. The sixth arrow was successful.

After the incantation was formed, it released a faint yellow light. After that, the incantation was concealed within the arrow and only blurry traces could be seen. However, Liu Wei An could feel that a terrifying energy appeared on the arrow.

The sixth arrow, because it was too excited, had failed again with a shake of its hand.

The seventh arrow failed.

The eighth arrow was successful.

The ninth arrow was successful.

The last arrow failed again. Liu Wei An pulled out another ten arrows. However, no matter how much he tried, he failed. None of the ten arrows were successful. He could not believe what he had just seen. He pulled out another ten arrows and failed ten times in a row. He stopped and immediately felt dizzy. Looking at the three successful arrows, he seemed to have understood something.

With his current ability, he could only draw it ten times. Then, if he wanted to be strong again, the success rate would be close to zero. As he understood this, he immediately abandoned his disappointment and went into the depths of the military graveyard.

He had only walked half a mile when he saw a rotten corpse rushing over with an unpleasant sound. Liu Wei An took out one of the three arrows that he had drawn and understood corpse runes and placed it on the bowstring. His left hand moved.

The arrow hit the rotten corpse's chest from twenty meters away in a flash.

After the arrow had pierced through the chest and entered the abdomen, an energy burst out from the arrow and struck all directions. The energy was not strong, but it carried an indescribable cutting force and spread through the body of the rotting corpse. Then, the rotting corpse's body suddenly exploded, and pieces of flesh shot out in all directions.

In the face of this energy, the solid rotten corpse was as weak as tofu. Liu Wei An burst into laughter. He was overjoyed. The fear that the zombie had brought to his heart had disappeared in an instant.

For archers, archers were extremely important. Arrows were the only weapon, and close range was the only way to get close to the enemy, so killing the enemy before they could even get close to their own bodies was extremely important. This was especially important for the eyes.

As they went deeper into the cemetery, the number of rotting corpses decreased as the number of undeads began to increase. Liu Wei'an slowed down as well. His right hand continuously shot arrows like flowing water. The hit rate was as high as 90%.

In less than an hour, it had killed almost two hundred undeads. Suddenly, he turned his head and saw a zombie in clothes flying over. It landed quietly and was much more cunning than an undead. When it was discovered, it was already within ten meters of his body.

Liu Wei An's eyes were narrowed without a trace of nervousness or fear. He drew an arrow that understood corpse runes and aimed it at the zombie. When the zombie reached the highest point in the sky, the arrow shot out.

A sky-shattering sound rang out, striking him squarely in the chest.

After falling to the ground, his upper body took on a strange posture as it turned over and slanted to the side, falling to the ground. His lower body was motionless, but his two arms and head were still shaking, and his sharp fangs were grinding up and down, and his expression was fierce. Liu Wei An aimed at the center of his brows and shot five consecutive arrows before finally shooting him.

Last night, he had risked his life to kill a zombie, but now, an arrow was enough to remove its corpse. However, the next time he had to aim his head, he didn't know if he could sell a zombie without its chest.

Ten minutes later, Liu Wei An met the second zombie. This time, Liu Wei An found the zombie fifty meters away, and it took Liu only a second to master the zombie's speed, and the moment the zombie landed and jumped, Liu Wei An had already shot the zombie's head.

A loud sound rang out, and his head was smashed into a watermelon. Brain matter and brain matter were scattered all over the place. Headless corpses were lying on the ground in complete silence, not moving at all. Looking at the broken pieces of flesh, Liu Wei An regretted searching for the seed. Luckily, it had not been damaged, otherwise, he would not have been able to cry in time.

He studied the corpse for a few minutes before coming to the conclusion that he would shoot it in the chin or mouth next time.

As Old Li requested for more money to carry the bodies deeper into the cemetery, Liu Wei An smiled and said, "Of course, of course."

When he returned to Stone City, he discovered that there were many players cleaning up the corpses at the city gates. They had probably been working there for a long time and had cleaned up the area near the city gates. Although there was still a stench coming from them, at least they looked much more comfortable. Old Li explained as he saw the surprise on Liu Wei An's face.

"A person hired jointly by the shops in the city."

"Are they that kind?" Liu Wei An only thought that there was no business at all.

"They are also afraid of the plague." Old Li's tone was full of envy, "In the days of the massacre, how many stores were destroyed, only those big ones are still intact? When we returned, where were the items inside those smashed shops? Needless to say, they took the initiative to snatch it away. In those days, how much money did they earn and how many talents did they hire?

Liu Wei An thought about it and felt the same way.

At the Sun family's medicine store, Liu Wei An chatted with the shopkeeper. Knowing that Sun Lingzhi had come online, he immediately rushed into the backyard, only to discover that Sun Lingzhi's elder brother, Chief Wu, was also there.

"Brother Liu!" Sun Tzu Wu greeted with a smile.

"Brother Sun!" Liu Wei An looked at Sun Tzu Wu and found that he looked exhausted. His beard was unkempt and his hair was uncombed. It seemed that he hadn't rested for a long time.

"Don't tell me about your mess." Sun Lingzhi said impatiently.

"You're my sister, I won't tell anyone else." Sun Tzu Wu's eyes were wide open.

"I'm only interested in alchemy. I'm not interested in anything else." Sun Lingzhi, however, was not afraid of her big brother and turned around to enter the laboratory.

"It's all spoiled by me." Sun Head Wu helplessly shook his head, "I've let Brother Liu down."

"Having character is good." Liu Wei An had no interest in nagging Sun Chou Wu. Just as he was about to say goodbye, Sun Chou Wu grabbed him, "Come, come, let's have a chat. These past few days, I've been so bored."

Liu Wei An had no choice but to follow him and sit on the rectangular rock in the courtyard. He looked up and asked, "Is the Sun family's young master troubled as well?"

"Stop laughing at me, every family has its own problems." Sun Tzu Wu forced a smile and counted on his fingers: "No girlfriend, old age, no career, the old man talks about it every day, but recently, do you know what I've been busy with?"

Liu Wei An shook his head.

"Some time ago, about three months ago, I could no longer remember the exact time, but in the middle of the continent of the Demon Beasts, there was a Divine Darkness Mountain. One night, there was a change, and I don't know what kind of change it was, because I didn't see it either. Therefore, Liu, Li, Zhao, Wang, Zhang, and Yang six families sent their men over, and the other families did not want to be left behind either. With everyone gone, my Sun family will naturally join in on the fun. Sun Tzu Wu slapped his thigh, "What do you think it is?"

Liu Wei An rolled his eyes. Three months ago, I just entered the world of magical beasts.

Asking was just Sun Yiwu's habit, of course he knew that Liu Wei An didn't know the answer. This kind of thing had long been monopolized by some people, and it was already good enough for the people below to hear the news. Thus, before Liu Wei An could reply, he had already said it himself with a serious expression.

"Ancient Scripture!"

"Ancient scripture?" "What the hell is that?" Liu Wei An couldn't help but ask.

"Ancient scriptures aren't things. Hmm, no, how can you say that?" Sun Qixiu organized his words and said, "You know the martial arts manual, right? The martial arts manual is divided into different grades, from low to high, and the ancient scripture is the highest level martial arts manual."

"How high?" Liu Wei An asked.

"Er — —" Sun Tzu Wu laughed dryly, "How many stories high are you?"