
Reaching the milestone

"So, both the northern and southern borderlands are actually one and the same?" Leinei muttered with a look of disbelief on her face. She then shook her head and rolled her eyes. "Yeah, as if."

To say that my discovery was upsetting would be like calling a Second World War a small, local scuffle. 

But while the dryad simply discarded the news, opting not to believe in them… Madam actually took a moment to think about what I said. 

Out of the three of the women, only Fay didn't seem to pay much mind to the news, fully focused on squirming around me, as if she wanted to check every inch of my body to ensure I had no injuries whatsoever. 

'I wonder if that's all there is to it,' I thought to myself right when Madam started to discuss something with Leinei in a hushed voice while throwing occasional glances my way. 'Well,' my eyes turned over to the semi-transparent windows of my system. 'The master route isn't complete, so it can't be all.'

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