
Cliche robbery

"System, how does this bag work?" Shiro asked as he held up the shabby storage pouch he retrieved from the gunner's body

[Magicians who have attained high mastery of space magic are required.] the disembodied voice replied as Shiro dug through the bag

The bag was filled with some old rations, water jugs, coins and explosives?

The explosives looked like dynamite sticks, there were even some match sticks to go with them.

Picking up a gold coin, the shinigami realized he didn't have any money until now.

"Hey system, what's the currency in this world?" he asked wondering if the coins are worth much

[The main currency of the world is called Midas coins or commonly referred to as 'Mides'. Originally spread by the wealth god Midas.] the system explained to it's host

counting the amount of money, the man had about 1200 Mides.

"Does this mean I'm rich?" Shiro asked with stars in his eyes

[An average wealthy person will have roughly 50,000 Mides] the system responded bringing down the shinigami's excitement.

The winter haired protagonist stopped when he noticed something ahead. A caravan surrounded by armed men mounted ontop of oversized lizards.

"Could this be the cliche road robbery!?" Shiro exclaimed with starry eyes

It was a simple job, distract the driver, surround the target and loot everything of value. There was no need for any bloodshed. But Scald just couldn't keep his dick in check. He just had to try to grab a girl just because she looked alright. The idiot, now we actually got a fight on our hands.

As I gave an eye signal to Bronc, we readied to put down any hot-head who thought themselves a hero.

"ARRRGH!" Until I turned to the sound of Kenny with a blade sticking through his chest

"BACKSTAB!" It was difficult to comprehend who said that, but it probably came from the bastard that killed kenny

"You killed Kenny! You bastard!" Looks like Bronc noticed it as well, this isn't good. Kenny and him and a thing going on. Neither Scald nor I ever mentioned anything about it, but it was pretty obvious.

"Bronc, calm dow-" I didn't get to finish as he jumped off the drizard. If you're going to charge at someone like an idiot, why would you jump off your mount!?

"I'M GONNA MURDER YOU, YOU SON OF A BITCH" Bronc roared as the white haired brat kicked Kenny's corpse to him.

"NOBODY MOVE" the kid yelled as he held up orange sticks between his fingers.

Dear gods the kid's loaded with high-grade dynamite! He's gonna kill us all!

[System believes this to be a terrible plan.] The voice stated as the shinigami held up the lit dynamite. Maybe the system was right, running up to someone and yelling 'BACKSTAB' was probably not the best idea.

Looking towards the faces of the bandits, at least they were terrified. Then again the people on the carriage seemed to be terrified too, so maybe using lit explosives to threaten people wasn't the greatest idea.

"Scram before I blow this place sky high!" the winter haired shinigami yelled as the bandits didn't move

"You're bluffing! If you use that, it'll kill the others as well!" one of the men that looked to be the leader said calling his bluff

"TRY ME! I WILL KILL AS MANY PEOPLE AS IT TAKES AS LONG AS YOU ARE ONE OF THEM!" Shiro yelled out with a menacing grin on his face

perhaps his bluff worked because the boss's face actually seemed a bit troubled. Good because there wasn't much time left until he was forced to throw the sticks.

"Scald! drop the girl and let's get out of here." the bandit leader finally called out

"But boss! He killed Kenny!" the man holding their dead comrade's body cried out

"And we will deal with him eventually, but for now we should bury Kenny" the boss said carefully. Looked like the grunt agreed as he got back on the lizard and rode off in another direction.

Shiro let out a deep breath as he saw them disappear far off.

"YOUR HANDS!" a man from the carriage yelled out as he pointed towards the shinigami with a horrified expression

[System suggests throwing the explosives] rang out the voice of the system as Shiro looked down at the dynamite in his hand that were about to explode.

"OH SHIT" he cried as he chucked them as far as he possibly could with mana enhanced arms.

Over at the bandits

"Don't worry guys, that brat will get what's coming to him" the boss assured to his underlings as they came to a stop to look for a place to bury their friend

It was in that moment that a thump was heard on the ground next to them. Looking closely it was the sticks of dynamite.


was the last thing the boss said when a massive explosion boomed off creating a mushroom cloud that was seen in the distance.


[Congratulations host on reaching level 20. As a gift from 'Ray', he has chosen to give you his blessings to help in your future endeavors. First Ascension, host has gained Brinicle Shell(Active) and Silent steps(Passive)] Informed the system as the shinigami was feelin good

Name: Toshiro Aversis

Level: 20 [900/8200]exp required

Race: Human, Shinigami(?) / Class: Outworlder

Soul Bound items: Hyorinmaru(lvl20) / Shinigami clothes (self repairing)

Blessings: 'Ray's Blessings' / Familiar Contracts: None

STR: 105 (+125) AGI: 90 (+120) END: 60 (+100)

INT: 55 (+115) LUK: 7 RES: 60 (+100)

Actives: Brinicle Shell

Passives: Divine Mental Protection / True Regeneration / Cold Immunity / Silent Steps

[Ray's Blessings: +100 to all stats except luck]

[Brinicle Shell: Consumes energy to conjure a sphere of ice around a target. The larger the target, the more mana will be consumed. Can be strengthened with more energy.]

[Silent Steps: User's steps will not make sounds unless the user starts to run.]

"Dear gods, that's a lot of stats." Shiro said in awe as he looked at the increase in his attributes

[Host's status is enough to be on par with levels 35-50. However System must warn host that despite the difference in level, Host can still be defeated by those around the host's level if they are skilled enough. System analyses host to over-rely on regeneration, should enemies adjust to deal with it then host may die] the system warned as Shiro did start the develop a habit of just tanking hits since he can just regen aslong as his body isn't completely destroyed

"Well that just bums me out, maybe I should join a school for sword training, also why is my class still the same?" The shinigami asked as he noticed he was still labeled as an Outworlder despite reaching level 20

[When Host's body was created, the custom Outworlder class was given to Host due to obvious reasons. If there is a large change to host's body, the class may mutate] explained the robotic voice

"Um... do you always talk to yourself?" came the voice to Shiro's side. He looked to the side to see one of the merchants he saved.

"Yup, don't worry about it." Shiro waved off the man's concern.

The man didn't look convinced the shinigami was alright in the head