
Unknown Huntsman

More Ferocious than a tiger, more ferocious than a lion, the creature was definitely more powerful than 15 well armed humans. It was around 12 meters tall and and had tusks which were known to be strong as steel. it was known to dissect it's enemies and eat their organs. Dissecting Boar was no joke. Sarah and Pete knew this. But when you come face to face with a Bronze Strength Beast, what's there for you to do as Beginners in the whole adventure business?

The Boar was ready to pierce the two adventurers, and the two were no match for the boar. "It was great going to adventures with you, Sarah. I regret those times are going to come to an end."

"Don't say your last words yet you fool. You are not dead till the time you accept that there is no way to survive. Ready yourself. We will either live, or die fighting." Sarah commanded.

The boar charged towards them and in a few moments, got near them. They both charged together with the aim of deflecting the tusks in order to buy some seconds for one of them to escape. "After parrying, the one that is followed by the Boar will try and keep it's attention, while the other escapes. No hard feelings." Sarah said.

Sarah used two daggers whereas Pete had a Katana. The moment those weapons collided with the tusk, they both felt as if they were both hit by a giant elephant, except in reality, it was a giant boar.

After successfully deflecting the Boar's task, they ran as fast as they could in different directions. They could only hope that the boar did not follow them, but the author was not so kind as to leave both of them alive.


I was like a frozen doll. I was unable to comprehend the sight that I was seeing."How can I fight such a beast?" I thought to myself. All my confidence was washed away by that roar. Fighting humans was no big deal, I could do that anytime, no matter how strong the enemy is. But fighting a beast so terrifying that I literally thought about RUNNING AWAY towards the Farm. But then I saw the two adventurers running towards the beast to fight it. If mere adventurers are not afraid to risk their life to fight such a beast, then how was I, who had been given the task of becoming the Greatest magician of all time, give up? What is life without taking risk? Boring. and this was the perfect way to test my current strength.

I mustered up every single bit of courage left in my body and attacked the Boar while it was chasing one of the two adventurers, Sarah. And then when I was in its range, I shouted,"Fire whirl!" The Boar was chasing the adventurer and almost got her, until its left hind leg started burning. It was in pain and stopped right away and tried to extinguish the fire by stomping it's hooves . Success! But now I got it's attention. And it was angry. Very angry. I took out my most treasured sword and got ready to face the beast. It charged towards me with no sign of retreating. The moment it tried to impale me with it's tusks, I used my sword to cut the tusk. "Yes!" As insane as the idea was, it still worked. the tusk broke and the sword stuck its head and the Boar got knocked down towards the ground. I was dumbstruck."Why was my strength so high even though it showed low in the attributes given by the ring?"


"Who is this person? How was he able to knock out a Dissecting boar with just one hit?" Sarah was awe-struck. She did not even think a mere 15-16 year old child had the qualifications to even join a party 'trying to hunt' a Boar let alone fighting one. She was expecting the boy to be killed, and what she saw was completely unexpected. Who is this Unknown Huntsman?

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