

Bo is an Omega of the Jaded Mark Pack. She has nothing and no one to support her. She has had to navigate life on her own as a kid through her teenage years scrapping for leftovers in the harsh streets. She comes across a poster that reads the Alpha is in need of a new sex slave. The Alpha is scary and ruthless but life as his sex slave was more preferable than the life she had already. Bo goes through the requirements and she has everything it takes to be chosen as one of the Alpha’s sex slave. She applies for the job without thinking. Alpha Kendrick is in need of three sex slaves. He holds an audition where girls turn up to take the interview and test to become his sex slave. He has come to a conclusion that he’s never going to discover his mate so he uses women as his sex slave and discards of them as he pleases. He sees it as his way of giving the moon goddess the middle finger for cursing him to a life without a mate. His loneliness makes him ruthless and cruel to everyone around him. After the interview, he picks three girls to be his sex slave and that night all three girls are summoned to please him. Bo is a virgin and she has no sexual experience or exploits to brag about. Bo feels a sharp pain in her chest when Kendrick gets close to her and her inner wolf, Hera, confirms that Alpha Kendrick is her mate. She freaks out and runs out on Kendrick. This act infuriates him so much and his rage gets heightened the next day when he is talking to his Beta about it.

PatyLeo · Fantasie
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13 Chs



{somewhere far away where the mortal realm}

Shalyana stared once more at the wickedness she had just witnessed, as clueless as he was…she still made the impossible happen by granting him a mate, one of the strongest female that ever lived.

It was all about wrong timing, she needed him to learn a lesson, one that should correct him, although he looked broken, she just couldn't justify it for him…he had wronged a soul and ought to be punished, getting drunk and messing up wasn't by any chance a way to be punished.

She sat back and thought of the sweetest kind of punishment she could ever give; Alpha Kendrick had appeared too many time in her bad book but killing his mate was an unjustifiable crime that he must pay for.

Shalyana was who all wolves referred to as their queen, she was an epitome of beauty that no wolf alive have seen and lived, in short they all knew her as the moon goddess.

Her hair shined bright and were just like the stars that lit up the night, her voice sweet and calm to seduce a blind 4ogue. She wasn't quite pleased with Alpha Kendrick and the moe4 she e4played the video, the more she thought of different other ways to severely punish her.

Once again, she looked down at Kendrick who looked in so much pain from above and she shakes her head in disgust, the only thought that flew through her mind was what exactly was he thinking she had him forged and mated to a sweet and powerful soul like Bo.

Still deep in her thoughts filled with Kendrick, she immediately cautioned the servant that had taken the chance to enter thinking she hadn't heard him call, clothed in white like his master Shalyana was, he immediately bows and apologizes.

"This isn't the first time you have done this" she cautioned but it sounded so calm and alluring, it was no wonder as to why no wolf had seen her and remained the same as it takes a lot of willpower to resist the urge to want to serve her forever.

"What seems to be the problem this time?" she asked softly after shrugging away the sincere apology of her servant, "a soul once again was directed here rather than towards the seat of judgement" the servant replied still shaken, Shalyana was indeed nothing close to harsh or wicked but then having disobeyed her countless of times, the servant found himself unworthy of being in her presence.

Although Shalyana was in fact very frustrated and filled with annoyance due to the amount of cases she had gone through today when she had people that were supposed to make it easier for her. Muttering under her voice about why all her creations were defying her, she goes with him.

With a loud gasp, Bo wakes up in a dark place feeling as though she had just been pulled out of water. unconsciously her hand moved to the position where Kendrick had stabbed her, as her hand traced over that spot…upon seeing the place healed and not bleeding, without being told anything, she stood gently gazing around everywhere pitch black, darkness surrounded her.

"Hello!" She called out, gazing around it looked like her eyelids were closed

"Is anyone here!" She yelled, this time her voice giving an echo, she walked carefully trying to find a way out.

It seemed endless like an abyss the more she wandered the darker it became if that was even possible.

"Child" A gentle melodic whisper said, it sent shivers down her spine giving her a sense of calm.

She looked around trying to trace where the voice came from.

A pang of hope and desperation filled her could it be possible, it could be that she was taken back in time to escape Kendrick and was given a second chance to prove herself to the world.

"Mom..." She breathed out shakily, reaching out her hand in the dark.

"You can call me that '' Her voice got closer.

"I can feel the yearning of your heart child" From the dark a light bloomed out, then a figure stepped out.

The lady was an epitome of beauty, her skin smooth and glossy, her face perfectly sculpted with cat-like beauty eyes and hair like a sunray.

In her presence, she felt calm and peaceful beyond explanation.

"Who are you?" She asked in awe.

"I am Shalyana, someone who you refer to as the moon goddess" the woman replied calmly making Bo's heart thump hard, she didn't any magician to inform that she was dead and was never saved, Bo tears dropped, as she hoped that she was dreaming or hallucinating.

"The moon goddess?" She questioned finally after staring so intently at her with eyes so full of wonder and fear.

"Yes child" She replied with a warm smile, to the disappointment of the goddess rather being happy for the chance the universe had provided to live again, Bo's eyes flickered as she gazed down at the ground.

All her life she felt the moon goddess had abandoned her, she stopped praying to her and considered her dead.

Even when she was mated to Kendrick she felt she had played another trick on her, a few moments to her death she had prayed and called upon her but then he said nothing to her.

Why had she given her this fate?

Why had she abandoned her all these years?

Why did she mate her to someone as heartless as Kendrick?

Why didn't she do anything when she had called on her so many times?

"Child, I can hear your heart and all the questions you seek"

"Why are you here? I mean why am I here? I am supposed to be dead and you had allowed it too so why am I here?" She questioned loudly that her voice had an edge to it.

"Your soul longs for something I owe you" the moon goddess began with a soft voice, one that melted away the anger that was beginning to fill Bo up.

"Revenge?" Bo asked with a soft smile appearing on her face.