
Revenge of the Saint

She was warned. Before his death, the demon king spoke a warning to her, one warning that didn't take long to be true. "Ow one who shines the brightest, these mongrels who you so cherish, who you defend so fervently will turn on you, they will be the ones who will end you." She'd ignored him, but not even a week after that she was betrayed and humiliated. Then burned alive, much like a witch would. Instead of death though the Saint is offered a chance at rebirth. What will happen as she traverses hell to fulfill this task? I do not own cover.

Simphiwe_Sibeko · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Fall of the saint

The landscape was vast, hectures and hectures of land, baren of life not even plants, or even it there were they would all be consumed by the raging fires, sank under vast quantities of water, cut up by strong gales of wind, uplifted but earth beneath them among other supernatural phenomena.

Within a massive crater of the size of a small kingdom two people stood facing each other. Both exhausted, and covered with nigh lethal wounds. One was a woman once dressed in an armour that could have been considered dazzling, but was now in pieces, with a black undersuit that too was falling apart. Her face, unnaturally beautiful, possessing neck length black hair, and pale skin. In hand she held a beautiful pure white rapier.

Her opponent dressed in a dark armour that was also crushed and destroyed was a man. He possessed tanned skin and white hair and eyes that shined dangerously. in hand he held a blade made of pure darkness.

The demon lord stood and the saint followed suit. He raised his weapon and the shadows gathered, |Null slash| muttered before shooting forward in a frozen world. The saint took a thrusting stance and her blade was emitted a dangerous light. |God's thrust| she called and blasted forward as well.

No sound, no light nothing could be seen a both fighters entered sticking range, the demon slashed and all was erased on the path of his weapon, but the saint ducked only instinct told her that she would die if she didn't, then she attacked, piercing her target's heart.

First light caught up with them and the sights became prevalent. Then the shattering sound of the sound barrier being broken, then heavy winds and the earth where they once stood less than a second ago shattered. The violent reactions died down, and both fighters started to step back, the woman letting go of her weapon. Then both collapsed.

"You win protector of men, how unfortunate." muttered the demon.

"You fought well ruler of demons." said the woman.

"I suppose, but I fear my defeat is but the start of your journey." muttered the demon his voice low.

"Heed my words, one who shines the brightest. These mongrels who you so cherish, who you defend so fervently will turn on you, they will be the ones who will end you. I wonder what will you do then." spoke the demon lord before his breath finally came to a stop.

"You speak lies demon king Fanra" muttered the saint as her eyes grew close, consciousness leaving her.


Waking up presented something that confused her, she wasn't looking at the infirmary of her hometown, nor an infirmary at all. Around her were stone walls, all lined by runes and talismands. Her body covered in chains, and tied against the wall. 'Huh?' she muttered, unsure of where she was and unsure of the situation, 'did the demon's capture me?' the woman asked herself while trying to look around.

"What is this place, did the demon's capture me?" she asked herself while looking around. "No these runes are human made ones." said the woman as she looked at the symbols around her. Then she heard footsteps and someone walked in. He was young and handsome too, dressed in white robes of a high ranking cardinal from the holy church, a church that she serves as the sword and shield for.

"Cardinal Nomendy?" she muttered. Cardinal Chris von Nomendy, someone who she respected and admired walked towards her, an unpleasant smile on his face, the saint felt uncomfortable, and a sudden pit on her stomach.

"Ah Saint Semiramis, hero of the holy kindom of Valkri. You have done well in defeating the demon king Fanra. Now we can rest easy." spoke the man an acknowledging gleam in hims eyes, then that gaze turned darker than midnight. "But this world no longer has a need for a figure like that, someone who can topple countries in a passing whim. You might be the saint now but who's to say you won't be a threat to the world later on?" asked the Chris as he paced in front of her.

"I don't understand, what are you talking about sir?" asked the woman thurowly confused.

"I'm saying that this world has no need for a witch like you who seduced the prince of this great nation among other high ranking nobles, in order to be given a more influence over the country." spoke the man his face turning to a leering expression.

"I...I" Semiramis was unsure of how to react to these words, she blinked a few times then something rank out in her head

{Heed my words, one who shines the brightest. These mongrels who you so cherish, who you defend so fervently will turn on you, they will be the ones who will end you. I wonder what will you do then}

"Your going to kill me!" she shouted in shock.

"Ah i see you caught on, yes. But first..." he trailed off while walking closer to her. Recognising what was about to happen the woman's eyes went wide and fear filled her heart.

"No you can't do this!" she shouted.

"Ow hush now, you'll die but at least you'll be a woman when you do." said the man as he tugged at his pants letting them hit the floor. Semiramis looked at the advancing man in horror.

"No. no please don't do this!" shouted the siant but the man didn't.

"Time to have some fun." he spoke with a grin.


Days after day Semiramis lived through hell, an defiled by people she served along side, people who she was meant to trust, people who were paragons of morality and justice. Her mind was blank, eyes lifeless as she was left to the centre of the centre of the capital, tied up and being humiliated, cursed and spat on but the very same people she defended.

She didn't register their words, or the people who were lined up as they dragged her across the throngs of peoples lined up on two lines. Then she was placed atop a wooden platform and tied hands up and feet barely touching the wooden platform. Then it was lit ablaze and slowly, painfully so even she was burned to nothing up ash. She didn't scream, she didn't shout, she didn't show pain or any reaction aside from a single scarlet tear before she died. Then the people cheered.


Opening her eyes Semiramis found herself infront of massive beautiful gates, gates that stretched seemingly forever upwards. Under her feet were clouds, fluffy and white. Laughter and other sounds of joy could be heard from just beyond the gates. Heaven, paradise was what was infornt of her.

Yet this sight felt more like an insult more than anything. She turned, choosing not to enter the land she'd strove to enter for entire life. Instead Semiramis walked away walking to somewhere she somehow new wasn't a place meant for her.

"My what a surprise." muttered a voice in the wind. "You do know what you are doing is irreversible correct." it warned and Semiramis uncaringly lifelessly looked down at the edge of the clouds to see a darkness beneath. Then without hesitation she leaped.

.oOo. end of prologue. oOo.