3 The heir to the throne

We kept on walking nonstop without rest fearing the Blosheviks were close behind us. I was very tired and weak but determined to stay alive for my brother.

After 4 daughters, the Imperial Family was worried because Mama was getting older and the possibility of having more children seemed fading. Papa needed an heir to inherit his throne. Conspirators, enemies and everyone with their own agendas were already planning their next move if no male heir will be born.

The Russian court was a dangerous place. Everyone was hungry for more power and they were willing to do anything to gain the confidence and approval of my father, the Tsar, Emperor and King of all Russia. They all wanted to have a piece of him and having no heir left him vulnerable and weak.

The birth of Alexei changed it all. Finally, the continuation of our dynasty has been ensured. Glorious poms and celebrations greeted his arrival. For our enemies, his arrival was a huge blow.

My parents waited for him for a very long time. The desperation for a male child had driven mama to extreme measures which in time would eventually hasten our downfall and execution.

We loved our brother from the very first time we saw him. A beautiful boy destined for greatness. We adored his every move and watched him grow into a mischievous little creature who had his entire family at the palm of his small hands.

Our happiness was interrupted when it was ruled out that he has haemophilia. A blood disorder often caused by inbreeding and has been spreading throughout the royal houses of Europe only affecting the male members. My mother was a carrier. It was widely rumoured that this disease originated from Queen Victoria, the grandmother of mama.

My mother, the Tsarina, Empress and Queen became more and more erratic. Her obsession with Alexei caused her to seek help to questionable people who claimed they can heal him. From shamans, to warlocks, to the high priests, monks and not soon after, to Rasputin.

In a court full of intrigues and backstabbing, that behaviour was used against her to spread malice and instability while they called papa a fool behind his back by allowing himself to be manipulated by a self- styled holy man with a promiscuous past.

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