
Return The Demon King of Gluttony

One day, a man from Earth died after being hit by a truck, and like the typical isekai stories, he was reincarnated not as a human but as a demon in a world that was not Earth or a similar world, but a demon world: Gehenna. With his intelligence combined with his Predator ability, the man, now a demon named Belial, became one of the kings in Gehenna and earned the title 'Demon King of Gluttony.' Unsatisfied with being just a Demon King, Belial eventually tried to challenge the ruler and creator of Gehenna, the Demon God Jainko. Due to his arrogant actions, Belial met his second death. However, his fate didn't end there. With the abilities he acquired from devouring the Ruler of Souls, Arima, Belial transferred his soul into the body of a young man in a fantasy world of swords and magic. What will this man do now? ================== I changed the cover, because I think the current one is cooler. And by the way, the image is not mine, so to the owner of this image, please comment and I will immediately apologize and ask for permission to use it. Even so, I made the cover myself, only the pictures belong to someone else. And if my English isn't good or bad, I'm sorry, because I can't speak English enough. Greetings [Author].

OnlyOneVerse · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Chapter 13

Celestia woke up. She had been unconscious for two hours. It could have been that long because the Elf girl had used powers she hadn't yet mastered. Yes, that could be the reason.

She looked around and instantly confusion crossed her beautiful face. Clearly, this was not a room she recognized. However, upon closer inspection of the room filled with luxurious interiors and furniture, the Elf girl finally understood that she was currently in the royal palace. More precisely, in one of the rooms in the palace.

Since she was able to move now and her stamina had recovered enough, Celestia finally got up from her bed. But when she glanced towards the window of the room, she was extremely surprised.


The Elf girl wasn't startled by the window or what was beyond it, as it was just a view of the Elf city, so how could she be surprised by that?

What made Celestia shocked was someone. Someone who was sleeping in one of the chairs near the window.

"What... What is this human doing in this place?"

Yes, the person sleeping in the chair was a human. Who else but Belial?

Suddenly remembering her previous fight with Belial, where Celestia lost despite using all her powers, Celestia became very angry.

With her fist clenched and her face turning red, the Elf girl attempted to approach the sleeping Belial. Perhaps she wanted to hit him.

However, before she could reach Belial, he suddenly opened his eyes and yawned.


Seeing Celestia standing not far from him, Belial smiled.

"Oh, you're awake?"

Meanwhile, Celestia pondered her intentions and slightly lowered her head. She was still annoyed and angry at the moment, but she didn't show it.

Although she really wanted to hit the human in front of her, Celestia knew it was not possible. Considering the human's incredibly strong and somewhat intimidating power.

"Hm... What's the matter?"

Celestia remained silent, not answering the man's question. However, after a while, she finally spoke up, but it wasn't an answer, rather a question.

"How... How did you end up here?"

Celestia looked at Belial curiously for a moment. But after seeing his red eyes, she lowered her head again. Somehow, those eyes made her slightly nervous.

"Ah... Just ask your Queen."

Saying that, Belial smiled innocently at Celestia.

And of course, that only made the Elf girl even more infuriated. However, she couldn't do anything and simply stood there in silence.

"Sigh... It's hard to explain. Basically, your Queen brought me here after we both decided to become 'friends.'"

Belial deliberately emphasized the word 'friends' in his sentence. It was unclear what he meant by that.


Celestia pondered for a moment.

'Friends, he says? How can I possibly believe that, you damn human! You have already harmed us, who are knights of the queen, for heaven's sake. So how could the queen possibly want to be friends with you!'

She didn't dare voice what was on her mind. Celestia truly didn't want to confront the human in front of her.

However, what the Elf girl didn't know was that Belial and The Wise Elf Queen, Glorieux eta Dotorea, or her Majesty, had indeed agreed to become friends.

It wasn't mentioned, but when they arrived at the palace, while Celestia was still unconscious, Belial had a brief conversation with the Queen. In that short conversation, Belial used his Power of Mind and implanted the idea in Queen Dotorea's mind that he would be her friend from now on.

And yes, it worked. However, this brainwashing effect would wear off at the predetermined time set by Belial, which was in 5 days, precisely when Belial would leave this forest.

"It seems you don't trust me... Well, it's up to you. I'll leave."

Belial actually woke up not because of the Elf girl, but because he sensed something strange.

Without waiting for Celestia's response, which she didn't have any intention of giving him, Belial quickly disappeared from behind the door.

"Hmph, typical humans, no sense of decency..."

Celestia, who was already irritated and angry at Belial due to the previous incident, immediately turned around and followed suit, leaving the room as well. She wanted to make sure by asking her Queen whether what Belial said was true or not.

* * *

Inside the throne room.

Queen Dotorea sat gracefully on her throne, deep in thought about a past event. It was about an Elf whom she had once cut the ear of as a punishment for his advances.

"Sigh, that was a long time ago. There's no need to dwell on it."

Indeed, the incident had occurred a long time ago. However, Queen Dotorea still worried that the man might seek revenge.

Although she was hailed as The Wise Elf Queen: Glorieux eta Dotorea, without her Mythical Item, she was merely a Tier 2 Magic Caster who could only cast intermediate-level spells. On the other hand, the man was a swordsman—a swordsman who enjoyed teasing women.

Yes, they belonged to the same race. However, Queen Dotorea despised such lecherous men. Despite her strength, that kind of man was not her type.

"You can rest assured, Your Majesty. If that man appears again, we will swiftly sever his head."

The voice came from an unknown source. But upon hearing it, Queen Dotorea regained her composure. She didn't want to dwell on that man too much.

"Yeah, thank you."

Still sitting gracefully, Queen Dotorea smiled and expressed her gratitude to her assassins.

* * *


"There you are."

Belial was currently leaping from one tree to another. And just as Belial spotted a figure in a robe with a horde of Skeleton Undead behind them, he stopped on one of the trees and smiled, gazing at the cloaked individual.

Belial had sensed it before, and that was what had awakened him from his deep slumber.

Dark Mana.

That was the nickname he gave to the energy he had felt earlier, which now had its source walking not far from him.

"But what does this person want to do with those skeletons?"

Now, this intrigued Belial.

"Does this person want to attack the Elf Queen's kingdom? No, that's not possible with those walking skeletons. Then... What is their actual target?"

Belial truly didn't know. He could only speculate in his mind.

However, in reality, Belial's guess was spot on.

It was true that the cloaked individual intended to attack the Glorieux Kingdom using the numerous Skeleton Undead. It remained unclear what grudge they held against the kingdom.

"Well, enough of that. What's more important is that I can't let you pass. Hehehe."

Belial quickly vanished from above the tree and promptly reappeared in front of the cloaked person.

No, Belial didn't use his speed to move. It was one of the abilities of his Power of Void, which he called Warp.

As the cloaked figure stared at the youth who appeared out of nowhere, standing right in front of them, they were naturally startled and immediately commanded the two Skeleton Undead behind them to attack the young man.

"I don't know who you are, but it's your own fault for appearing in front of me!"

Whatever this person was thinking, Belial remained silent, yet he was suddenly attacked.


"Power of Sword."


"+ Power of Destruction."


With a speed that was still visible to the eye, Belial swiftly attacked the two Skeleton Undead by slashing them.

Swing! Swing!


Whether the creature screamed or not, it immediately crumbled upon Belial's strike.

"Huh? Wh-what's happening? Aren't Skeletons supposed to be vulnerable only to blunt weapons? And where did that sword come from?"

Of course, the cloaked individual was baffled by what they witnessed. According to their knowledge, swords were ineffective against Skeleton Undead, and only blunt weapons like maces could destroy them.

Well, that was true in most cases. However, a sword could be used effectively if it possessed sufficient power to combine with its strikes.

Take Sword Magic, for example. It could eliminate Skeletons with a single slash.

However, for Belial, it seemed unnecessary. His sword was made of Mana, and he also utilized the Power of Destruction to enhance its destructive force. So, did he really need Sword Magic? Certainly not.

Belial smiled, looking down on the cloaked person. It seemed that they were currently bewildered by the turn of events.

I'm really sorry I couldn't update today. My health is not doing well, so please understand.

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