
Chapter 10

I walked out of my tent and was greeted with the sight of burning tents everywhere. I looked around to see if I could spot what may have started the fire but the flames around me were too big.

I saw a gap open in the flames and ran out, the thought of stealing armour or weapons long forgotten. On my way out I managed to catch a glimpse of the commander's tent. Surprisingly it wasn't on fire and the area around it was unburnt as well.

After a few minutes of almost unbearable heat, I had reached the boundary of the camp. I took a long run then jumped at the wall. Despite my strength stat being considerably higher than it was the day before my fingers just scraped the top of the wall then lost grip.

I felt myself falling and tried to twist myself so I wouldn't fall on my back. I realised that was the worst decision I could have possibly made when I thumped to the ground and all the air was pushed out of my lungs.

I lay there, desperately trying to breathe, as flames got increasingly closer to me. I finally got my breath back and took a deep breath. I started coughing almost instantly as I had just inhaled a shit load of smoke.

I stumbled over to the wall, trying to stay in the last area of clear air. After I finished coughing I tried to get up the wall again. This time I was successful and I pulled myself up.

I looked around. There was a lot more fire than I initially thought. I had just assumed it was in the camp but the whole forest was on fire.

From on top of the wall and had a better view of the commander's tent. I thought I could see something surrounding it but it might just be the haze from the fire.

I put it out of my mind as I looked around. As far as I could see the whole forest was on fire.

I spotted the cliff I had come from and decided to try and make my way back. I jumped down from the wall landing on their other side with a crack.

I anxiously felt my foot, worried I had broken it but it was just a pile of deadwood I had landed on. I brushed some of the ash off my clothes and started walking.

On my way I saw large claw marks leading off to somewhere in the forest, all the trees around it either uprooted or half-turned to ash. I stayed far away from the tracks, wary of whatever creature made them.

Fortunately, I didn't meet any orcs or other creatures on the way back to the cliff, though I did find a lot more claw marks in the ground and some on the trees.

I walked through a gap in the trees and my eyes widened in surprise. I moved to the side as a knife flew past me into a tree. I quickly punched out catching the orc in the face.

He flew backwards into the cliff and crumpled to the ground. He coughed out blood then stopped moving. I grabbed the knife and stabbed it through his chest.

[20 XP]

Level: 20

860/5700 XP

As I was looking at the notification I heard a roar from behind me. I tried to move to the side but I wasn't quick enough. An orc slammed into me and we both tumbled to the ground.

He immediately started pummeling me with punches. Maybe due to my greatly increased vitality stat, I couldn't feel a thing. He punched my face and I heard a snap.

He roared and grabbed his wrist. I could see the bone poking out of the skin and his wrist at an angle that shouldn't have been possible.

I chuckled and grabbed his head. I exerted a little bit of force and his head popped like a watermelon.

[20 XP]

Level: 20

880/5700 XP


"The levels of all the creatures and animals in the tutorial have to be raised.

"This is because you have risen beyond the power level of the tutorial"

"Creatures resetting"

"Creatures power levels have been raised by an appropriate amount"

"Animals resetting"

"Animals power levels have been raised by an appropriate amount"


"It has been detected that the bosses will no longer prevent any form of difficulty"

"Bosses resetting"






"Bosses power levels have been raised by a major amount"

I had long since stopped what I was doing, starting at the flurry of notifications in front of me.

I decided to start at the top and work my way down.

According to my status, I was now too powerful for the creatures and animals to handle so they all levelled up. "I would be interesting to see what level they had reached," I thought to myself.

The next notification was probably the worst of them all. The bosses power levels have been increased. This was the worst thing that could have happened.

When I fought the orcs boss yesterday he was beating me up until "Immortal Mode" activated, whatever that was.

But now if the bosses have increased in strength, I truly had no hope of finishing the tutorial. It did cross my mind that maybe I would survive the fights because "Immortal Mode" might activate, but I didn't was to rely too heavily on it or rely on it at all.

As far as I know, that could have been my only activation of "Immortal Mode" for the rest of my life. However, I may have unlimited activations of it, which would be insanely overpowered.

I sighed and got to my feet. I wasn't bothered thinking about this anymore. I climbed back up to the cave and sat down on the blankets.

I felt like I was forgetting something. I looked around and groaned.

"Fuck I forgot to get firewood"

Thanks for reading

MrTemplarcreators' thoughts
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