

The snow flower and plum blossoms that filled the world faded away.

Like a fantasy.

Those who witnessed this sight stood in stunned silence. Lost in the afterglow, they were unable to escape the lingering imagery of that majestic sight. As the dreamlike visions faded, two people were left standing in their place.

Just two.

Chung Myung and Jin Geum-Ryong.

Everyone observed the two with bated breath.

'What happened?'

'Who won?'

Most people didn't notice what happened during the fight. They only saw a flurry of white snow flowers and red plum blossoms.

But soon, they would be able to clearly see the results they were looking for.

Jin Geum-Ryong appeared to be standing tall, but soon his knees began to tremble.

In a world where time had stopped, only Jin Geum-Ryong seemed to move. His knees bent to the floor, and his body crumbled.


The sound of his body hitting the floor broke the stifling silence.

That awkward and unfamiliar sound caused time to flow within Mount Hua once again.


Baek Cheon looked at the fallen Jin Geum-Ryong with his eyes wide open.

'Jin Geum-Ryong has….'

A wall that Baek Cheon could never overcome had been defeated and lay collapsed on the ground.

Was Jin Geum-Ryong weak?

That was not the case.

Jin Geum-Ryong's strength this time had far exceeded Baek Cheon's expectations. He could understand why Jin Geum-Ryong was so proud and had such confidence in himself. Even if they had battled a thousand times, Baek Cheon would still never defeat him.

But such a man was now lying on the floor.

Baek Cheon's gaze shifted to the side.

Chung Myung was looking at Jin Geum-Ryong with his sword lowered. It was not just Baek Cheon; everyone was looking at Chung Myung.

There was a slight unease.

And a sense of excitement that arises from the bottom of the heart.

Everyone was naturally aware of what this meant. The scene they had just witnessed would probably be spoken about forever.

As long as Mount Hua and the Southern Edge Sect continue to exist, the story of what happened today would live on through the mouths of the public, along with the names of the Southern Edge Sect and Mount Hua.

In other words.

A legend was born here today.

"… we won."

Yoon Jong mumbled without realizing it.

He couldn't believe it despite seeing it with his own eyes.

Ten wins in a row.

Mount Hua's third-class disciple, Chung Myung, defeated the Southern Edge Sect's second-class disciples ten times. He even faced off against their strongest disciple, Jin Geum-Ryong.


Many thoughts complicated Yoon Jong's mind, and nothing seemed to make sense.

All he could do was groan and stare at Chung Myung.


Chung Myung finally sheathed his sword to his waist and looked around. Those who met his eyes flinched and stepped back.


His lips formed into a smile, and he slowly said.

"This time's Mount Hua-Southern Edge sect conference…."

He declared in a voice that was neither too high nor low.

"Ends with the victory of Mount Hua!"

And with that came the reaction!


Yoon Jong was startled to see Baek Cheon screaming in front of him.

Although Yoon Jong had spent a lot of time together with Baek Cheon since entering Mount Hua, he had never seen Baek Cheon scream this excitedly.

But after thinking about it, it made sense.

Yoon Jong was only a third-class disciple; his feelings towards the Southern Edge Sect were naturally more shallow than Baek Cheon's. Baek Cheon and the second-class disciples had been crushed by the Southern Edge Sect for at least a decade more than the third-class disciples after experiencing many more conferences.

As such, Yoon Jong's emotions couldn't be compared to Baek Cheon's. Even so, Yoon Jong felt like he was losing his mind in the excitement.

The same was true for the other disciples.

"Woahhhh! We won! We won over the Southern Edge Sect!"

"The first victory in all these years! The first! Damned Southern Edge Sect!"

"Ten wins! Ten wins! That crazy bastard won ten straight times!"

"Right! Hahahaha, Chung Myung! Chung Myung, you brat!"

They had never won a single fight. Seeing the second-class disciples rejoicing for Chung Myung even more than the third-class disciples, Yoon Jong smiled.

'This is a martial arts sect.'

People argue with each other, and they may not get along well. However, when matters involving the sect's name occur, all those complicated feelings vanish.

Ah, of course.

"Ahhhh! Sahyung! That crazy bastard won! He beat Jin Geum-Ryong! Woahhh!"

That didn't mean that the third-class disciples were any less happy.

Jo Gul, who was next to him, grabbed Yoon Jong's head and began to shake him with a force that could break his neck. He seemed to completely lose his mind.

"Hey, let go of—"

"Ahhh! This is crazy! Crazy, I say! Ten wins! Ten wins! I knew he wasn't a human, but oh my God! Ten wins! That crazy bastard! Hahaha! He is seriously insane!"

"Let go of me, you idiot!"

Even as Yoon Jong screamed, he couldn't erase the smile covering his face.

Jo Gul, who was shaking Yoon Jong's head, nearly began to rip his hair out. Yet, they couldn't help themselves. A sense of joy and satisfaction was rising from their hearts.

Had they ever felt like this in their lives?

'Chung Myung. You did well, you punk!'

Yoon Jong looked at Chung Myung, who was still standing in the center.

Chung Myung raised his hand and pressed hard against his chest.

Then he gulped down a rush of blood that was seeking to escape from his mouth.

'I overdid it.'

The difference between what Chung Myung was capable of and what his body could handle was still as extreme as ever. It was good to overpower Jin Geum-Ryong with the Seven Sages Sword, but he suffered several internal injuries in the process.


"This should be fine."

He can handle this much internal damage.

In the past, he was the Plum Blossom Sword Saint and lived as an object of fear and respect to others. But had he ever done something like this in his life?

'I didn't sever the Heavenly Demon's head alone.'

Everyone knew the name of the Plum Blossom Sword Saint and his role in history. However, there weren't many achievements of his own that people could discuss.

Especially not when he was as young as Chung Myung is now.

But this battle today will be remembered and spoken about for a long time and follow Chung Myung throughout his new life in Mount Hua.

'Am I proud?'

'No. It's bittersweet.'

Chung Myung lifted his head and looked at the Southern Edge Sect. Seeing the disciples all dazed and mesmerized, something bloomed within him.

When life is this good, even plain rice would taste sweet!

A cold glint flitted through Chung Myung's eyes as he smiled and looked at the Southern Edge Sect.

A victory that could be seen on the surface was important, but what mattered to Chung Myung was that they had been ensnared by his hidden intentions. It was certain from how the disciples appeared to be lost and in a daze.

They had understood.

They will never be able to forget what happened here; this was going to be firmly imprinted in their memories. Thinking about how this would impact them in the future, they would surely struggle for the next decade to overcome this trauma.

"You should have never touched us."

Losing the present is a great crisis, but losing the future results in a complete collapse.

Today, Chung Myung stole the Southern Edge Sect's future.

'How is that! Sahyung! My sahyung! Can't this be called an act of perfect revenge?'

- Are you really a Taoist!?


Chung Myung contorts his face. A Taoist has no enemies!

Well, at least for this moment, Chung Myung felt thankful that his Sahyung wasn't alive. If he was alive or if they had returned together, he would have said that the Southern Edge Sect had sinned in the past, but their present disciples were innocent.

And Chung Myung would be asked to stop.

'But the debt hasn't been paid in full.'

Chung Myung stared at the Southern Edge Sect.

As long as both sects live near one another, they will continue to find themselves entangled together in the future. So, Chung Myung decided to steadily take his revenge on them.

But for now, this would be the end.

On one side, there was a burst of tearful cheers echoing loudly. On the other, a despairing crowd of mournful gazes.


"Huh? Uh!"

Un Am, who still hadn't pulled himself together, returned to his senses at Chung Myung's words.

Un Am looked around and gulped.

'H-How am I supposed to do this?'

If not him, then who else would do it?

Un Am clenched his fist and looked around, then he shouted with a radiant cheer.

"This Mount Hua and Southern Edge Sect conference ends in the victory of Mount Hua!"

The screams grew even louder.

The place where Mount Hua's second and third-class disciples gathered was chaotic. They were hugging each other, running around, and screaming out loud.

"Tch. Tch. Without any sense of shame."

Chung Myung smiled.

Then he looked over at the fallen Jin Geum-Ryong. Even though their disciple had been defeated, no one from the Southern Edge Sect had come to recover him.

No, it wasn't as if they simply weren't in the mood to do it. However, their shock was unlike anything they had ever felt before.

"Take him back."


"Get yourselves together."

Startled by Chung Myung's words, the Southern Edge Sect's disciples rushed to retrieve their comrade.

"Sahyung! Sahyung! Come to your senses!'

"To the treatment room! Move!"

Chung Myung, who was watching them, turned his head and began to return to his seat in the crowd.

Then, the second and third-class disciples that had been keeping an eye on Chung Myung quickly rushed to him.

"Oh, my god—"

Chung Myung's words were swiftly cut short.

"Ahhhh! Chung Myuuuuuungg!"

"You idiot! You crazy bastard!"

"No! Well, such men are needed! Seriously!"

The disciples rushed around him. Chung Myung felt like screaming as the immense weight of those around crushed him.

"Ack! My body! You idiots! My body…!"


"Crazy! Insane!"

"My body! You bastards!"

But it seemed like his words fell on deaf ears. The excited disciples continued to assault Chung Myung in unison, hurling praises and curses as they pushed, pulled, pressed, and hit him….

What sort of son of a bitch just hit him?

After a long period of suffering, Chung Myung somehow managed to escape from the disciples. He staggered. It felt like he collected more injuries from the celebration than he did from the battle.


'I don't feel so bad.'

Chung Myung smiled.

In the past, he always played the role of savior for Mount Hua, but he rarely received praise like this. Back then, everyone took his victory for granted. The expectations were different.

Chung Myung returned to life and had to handle many bothersome issues, but thanks to that, he was able to experience many things that he couldn't experience before.

One thing was certain.

'Today's event will change Mount Hua.'

The water in the stream began to flow.

The disciples, who had lost their confidence and suffered from a spiral of defeat, finally regained their pride. One day, that pride would lead them to higher planes.

'Sahyung. Is this good?'

- You did well. Chung Myung.

Getting a compliment from him was so hard.

A proud smile settled on Chung Myung's lips.

"Huh, uhh? Huu–hahaha…."

Hyun Sang was breathing heavily as a strange windy sound leaked from his mouth.

"T-this. Hahaha!"

There was nothing he could say.

It took all of his effort not to burst into laughter.

The victory was a great pleasure, but it wasn't appropriate to express it openly since the opponent had suffered horribly.

'If I was a first-class disciple, I would have run over there by now!'

This was the first time Hyun Sang felt so heavily burdened for being an elder.

'We really beat them!'

To be precise, Chung Myung had won, not Mount Hua. But who cares? Hyun Sang's only regret was that he couldn't join the children in celebrating because of his dignity as an elder.

"Uhahahaha! We won! We won! Did you see that? Sahyung! Chung Myung raised our wealth again!"

"… raised the sect's name, is that what you meant?"

"Didn't I say that!? Hahaha! Where did that golden pig even roll in from? Hahaha!"

"S-Sajae! Think of your words…."

"To shit with that! Why should I care about dignity in this situation!? This is the first victory I've had to celebrate since I entered this damned Mount Hua!"

"L-let's calm down…."

"Hahaha! Look at the faces of those Southern Edge bastards! It pissed me off every time I had to watch them leave so triumphantly! Ugh! I couldn't even eat! Their whole journey home is going to be hell! Hahaha!"

Hyun Sang gave up trying to control Hyun Young and smiled.

'He's right. Who cares about decency right now?'

What good ever came to Mount Hua when they kept up their appearances and stayed polite? All they received was applause for being well-mannered.

"Kuhahaha! Sect leader! Sect leader! Did you see!? That Chung Myung… sect leader?"

Hyun Young, who ran to Hyun Jong, flinched the moment he saw the gentle expression on Hyun Jong's face.

"Everything… has been achieved…."

"No! This idiot keeps trying to pass on anytime something good happens! Come to your senses! Sahyung!"

Hyun Jong shook his head.

'I feel like my soul escaped for a bit. Wait, that's not important now.'

"This wasn't a dream?"

"There's no dream that's as absurd as this!"

"Right, you're right."

Hyun Jong looked at Chung Myung with a proud smile. Chung Myung, who was surrounded by other disciples, appeared to be screaming and scolding them for their harassment, but all the Sahyungs were embracing him regardless.

'This is it.'

How long had it been since the disciples of Mount Hua gathered and rejoiced?

Hyun Jong was more satisfied to see the disciples so happy than he was at the fact that they'd defeated the Southern Edge Sect.

"Sect leader."

Un Geom approached him with a brilliant smile.

"The joy is indescribable, but why don't we end this now? It wouldn't be good to keep making the Southern Edge Sect watch this."

"I suppose so."

Hyun Jong smiled and looked at Un Geom.

"Did you know this would happen?"

"I didn't expect this much. But..."


Un Geom looked at Chung Myung and said,

"I expected that kid to raise the name of Mount Hua."

"You have high hopes for him."

"Right. He's someone that exceeds all expectations in many ways."

"R-right, I see."

It was true that there were many doubts surrounding Chung Myung, but what did that matter right now?

"We should go. Let them be; we need to greet the other side."

Hyun Young quickly jumped to help out as well.

"Shouldn't you bring them some gifts? That way, they'll be sure to spread this story, Sahyung! Let's open our wallets! We have some money left, so let's use it! We need to use the money to bribe these people into complimenting Mount Hua and—um! Um!"

Hyun Jong sighed and shook his head as Hyun Sang grabbed Hyun Young and dragged him away.

Sama Seung kept silent.

It was often said that a person driven to the extreme doesn't feel anger; it would seem that was correct. The anger that had dominated Sama Seung's mind before had vanished. In its place, there was merely a hollow feeling of disappointment.

'Why did it turn out like this?'

The Southern Edge Sect had never been defeated in the conference until now. Of all times, it happened now. At the very last conference, they suffered a devastating defeat that could never be washed clean by future generations.

The Southern Edge Sect, a member of the Nine Great Sects and One Union, lost to a crumbling sect that they sought to destroy.

What happened here was unbelievably ridiculous.


This was no simple defeat.

This defeat would change the flow of power in the surrounding regions. Anyone who knows will regard the Southern Edge Sect as a loser in Shaanxi. The future of the sect would be unknown.


Sama Seung looked at the disciples standing in front of him.

Some were unconscious, while others were caring for the fallen. However, most just seemed bewildered.

As he watched the vitality drain from their eyes, he felt something prick his heart.

'They will also fear Mount Hua.'

Just like their ancestors did.

After the Demonic Sect's attack, Mount Hua's disciples felt the same despair that the Southern Edge Sect felt. They must have also experienced frustration and hopelessness when faced with a wall that could never be overcome.


It was all because of him.

Sama Seung's eyes shone.

'We didn't lose to Mount Hua.'

They lost to one man.

Had it not been for Chung Myung, such an outcome would have been impossible. What the third-class disciples achieved could be written off as an accident. After all, the Southern Edge Sect's third-class disciples are younger when compared to Mount Hua's anyway.

However, Chung Myung defeating the second-class disciples left no room for excuses. From now on, whenever the Southern Edge Sect's name is mentioned, Chung Myung's name will surely follow.

'What kind of humiliation is this?'


A disgrace that will never be repeated.


Seeing Sama Seung grinding his teeth, the disciples bowed their heads.

'This… damn it!'

Now that he'd realized the situation, his eyes shone with anger and humiliation. His heart began to pound as if it would explode as his eyes turned distant.

"How do I face the sect leader?"

The faces of the disciples turned a ghostly pale when they heard Sama Seung's murmuring.

In the eyes of Sama Seung, who was grasping for a way to explain this, he saw the sect leader of Mount Hua approaching.


He bit his lip enough to make it bleed again. But he couldn't allow his pain to be shown to Mount Hua. They would only mock him further.

Sama Seung controlled his expression and spoke to Hyun Jong.

"Congratulations, sect leader."

"You did well too."

Hyun Jong smiled.

"We were lucky this time."

"… then we must be out of luck."

Sama Seung's eyes flashed.

Hearing Hyun Jong's words, he wanted to scream out, but he spoke coldly.

"You can rejoice as much as you like, Sect leader. Isn't victory a rarity for Mount Hua? You never know if this will be the last time you experience it, so you should be happy! Ah! Be happy!"


Hyun Young was about to yell, but Hyun Sang quickly pulled him back.

Sama Seung continued to speak as his tone began to shift.

"I admit that we lost the conference today, but don't forget that Mount Hua didn't win against the Southern Edge sect! Only the third-class disciples won, not the second-class! The fact is that you haven't changed a thing."

Hyun Jong smiled brightly as he listened to Sama Seung.

"We think the same too."


"I am grateful for your comments. I would appreciate it if you could send my regards to the Southern Edge Sect's leader."

Hearing those words, Sama Seung's eyes went wide.

'How dare he say this!'

Hyun Jong didn't even dare to look him in the eye just the other day. But now he was acting so defiantly, just because he won once…


That moment.

"Ha. Cheap stuff never goes very far."


Sama Seung turned his head.

It was a familiar voice now. A voice that he would never forget in this life. Chung Myung approached the elders, along with his sahyungs.

Sama Seung's eyes were bloodshot as his gaze pierced Chung Myung.

'All because of him.'

Sama Seung seemed to be holding back a belly full of raging fire as he glared at Chung Myung. Receiving the elder's gaze, Chung Myung punched Jo Gul, who was standing next time him.

"Sahyung! Cheap stuff!? Huh? Cheap! How could you say that!?"

"Hey! I'm the Sahyung here!"

"So? If you are the Sahyung, you should at least try and protect my face. How can you act so rudely!"

"… are you really talking to me right now?"

"Who else? Sahyung!"

Chung Myung kicked Jo Gul once again and turned to Hyun Jong.

"Sect leader. The conference is done, so I felt that it would be polite to come and greet the other side."

"Huhu. I see."

'Don't be polite to them, you bastard.'

Seeing that he had the sect leader's permission, Chung Myung shifted his focus to Sama Seung.

Seeing a disgustingly wide smile on Chung Myung's face, Sama Seung's body trembled to its core.

'This is all his fault.'


Perhaps this man will be the biggest obstacle for the Southern Edge Sect in the future.

Then, he'd rather…

Inside his sleeves, Sama Seung's hands twitched.

As long as he was prepared to live in infamy, a contribution of unprecedented importance could be made to his sect. He may never be able to return to the Southern Edge Sect, but for the sake of their future…

At that time, Chung Myung smiled and said,

"Would you like to take a swing at me?"


Sama Seung's eyes shook.

'This brat…'

Sama Seung's face turned white upon realizing that Chung Myung discerned his intentions.

'What young man could….'

If Chung Myung's guard was down, Sama Seung might be able to kill him in a surprise assault. However, with the strength that he's shown, it would be impossible to slay Chung Myung in one stroke as long as he was prepared to defend himself.

And if Sama Seung failed to kill Chung Myung, then he would be stigmatized and hated without accomplishing anything. In fact, his sect's reputation would suffer for having raised a villain.

Chung Myung smiled at the elder who couldn't do anything to him.

"I think we'll see each other often in the future. Next time, I'll greet you first."


Sama Seung stared at him for a long period and then turned away with bloodless eyes.

"We're going back!"

Without even waiting for his disciples, he quickly left Mount Hua.



Hearing the sighs that freely flowed from the crowd around, Chung Myung laughed.

'Why act like that?'

He couldn't understand.

"Chung Myung."

Chung Myung turned to the voice that called for him.

Hyun Jong was looking at him with a very complicated expression. There was a complex mix of affection, pity, pride, and regret all at the same time. Recognizing that look, Chung Myung closed his eyes without realizing it.

In this case, Hyun Jong had the same expression as his Sahyung.

He would also have that same expression when looking at Chung Myung.

Chung Myung didn't understand what that face meant in the past, but now he did. He naturally came to understand when he led Mount Hua.

After a long time, Hyun Jong's voice cut through Chung Myung's ears.

"… you've worked hard."

Chung Myung smiled brightly.

"It was nothing, Sect leader."

The start was grand, but the ending was pretty sloppy.

There were several reasons.

First of all, Mount Hua had never imagined they could win, so they never made any plans to celebrate if they did. Even if they wanted to celebrate, the feeling seemed vague.

Secondly, since Sama Seung had already left, the disciples from the Southern Edge Sect had no choice but to leave Mount Hua in a hurry.


"Sect leader! Can we talk for a moment?"

"Don't push! Didn't I come here first?"

"Sect leader! Wait for a second, sect leader!"

As soon as Sama Seung left, the officials of Shaanxi, who had seen the events, rushed for Hyun Jong. They had set their sights on Mount Hua's potential, and they couldn't just leave empty-handed.

'I need to make a deal!'

'I need to secure some business with them!'

'We can't let the Eunha Guild soak up all the profits!'

Mount Hua may have won the conference, but that didn't mean they had completely overpowered the Southern Edge Sect. Still, it was undeniable that Mount Hua was growing stronger at an incredible rate.

Such is the logic of the world. Where there was power, money was bound to flow. The people of Shaanxi had seen the results of the conference for themselves, and they hoped that the money that would soon flow into Mount Hua could trickle down to themselves as well.

"What is wrong with all of you!?"

Hyun Young shouted so loudly that the officials flinched and looked at Hyun Young.

'Did I overdo it?'

'Right. Still, he is a sect leader. I should behave politely….'

'Everyone arrived at once, so he must be flustered.'

However, the words that followed were different from their expectations as Hyun Young spoke.

"You should be discussing the matter with me, the finance head of the sect. I've prepared refreshments, so please come this way. I will prepare enough time for you all, so we don't need to rush through this."


"Ah, and I've prepared rooms for you to stay, just in case. If anyone wants to stay, let me know."


As the crowd watched Hyun Young humming as he headed toward the finance office, they realized that there would be a difficult day of negotiations ahead of them.

Just before all the Southern Edge Sect's disciples headed home, Chung Myung found himself face to face with a certain disciple again.

"Thank you for the guidance."

"… What?"

"Thank you, young disciple."

Chung Myung looked at Lee Seong-Baek with a stiff expression.

"All your other sahyungs must be gnashing their teeth right now. Is it alright for you to come and say this to me?"

Lee Song-Baek scratched his head with an awkward face.

"We're already halfway distant."


Should he be called optimistic? Or simply stupid? The disciples of the Southern Edge Sect were clearly glaring at Lee Song-Baek with eyes full of hatred.

It was only natural that they'd feel that way.

A traitor is always more hated than the enemy. From the Southern Edge Sect's point of view, the most terrifying enemy was Chung Myung. So, how could they think positively of Lee Song-Baek when he so openly fraternized with the enemy?

Although, it seemed like Lee Song-Baek didn't care about that at all.

"Before, I couldn't understand what the young disciple was saying."

Lee Song-Baek spoke with determined eyes.

"But now I think I understand what you were trying to tell me and the path I need to take."

"… hey, I am from Mount Hua, you know?"

Lee Song-Baek smiled brightly.

"What does it matter which sect you belong to? Anyone can be a teacher as long as you have something to learn and are willing to listen."

"Excuse me, you…"


"Do you want to join our sect?"

'He should just join Mount Hua.'

'He's way more like a taoist than me!'

"After all, you've already made an enemy of the Southern Edge Sect."

Lee Song-Baek smiled humbly and looked over at Jin Geum-Ryong, who was still unconscious and being carried out.

"Sahyung must have felt a lot from today's match. Be careful. Sahyung is an amazing person. He'll surely train with the young disciple as his goal from now on. He'll become much more powerful and frightening.

"Yes, well, whatever."

Seeing Chung Myung's response, Lee Song-Baek smiled bitterly.

"It might be meaningless for you, young disciple."

Chung Myung will become stronger much faster than Jin Geum-Ryong. As time passes, the gap will only widen, never closing. Lee Song-Baek was also well aware of that.

"I just wanted to thank you again. Then, until we meet again…."


This time, Chung Myung called for Lee Song-Baek.


Chung Myung and Lee Song-Baek stared at each other without exchanging a word for what seemed like a long time, then Chung Myung began to speak in a different, more serious tone.

"It will be a difficult road."


Lee Song-Baek looked at Chung Myung and sighed.

"Young disciple really seems to read people's minds. I can't hide anything from you."

"You'll still stay with them?"

Lee Song-Baek nodded.

"I didn't choose this path because I wanted to. I need to take this path, so I will follow it."

Chung Myung nodded.


Chung Myung was struck by a strange emotion as he watched Lee Song-Baek return to his fellow disciples.

Lee Song-Baek will probably have to fight a lonely battle from now. The Southern Edge Sect's disciples would never be able to forget Chung Myung's sword and would live with that as their goal.

It would be difficult to protect the Southern Edge Sect's techniques in that environment. People reject those that are different from themselves.

It will be a lonely and difficult battle, but…

"If he can do that, maybe he will become the hope of the Southern Edge Sect."

Chung Myung turned and looked at Mount Hua's third-class disciples.

Seeing Jo Gul and the others smiling, he couldn't help but sigh.

'At least one sect seems to be doing well.'

Why was his sect made of such people!?

If only Mount Hua had a single person like Lee Song-Baek, Chung Myung's job would have been twice as easy!


Chung Myung shook his head.

What could he do?

'Even if I die, I'm still a man.'

Humans do their best in a given environment. There's no point in blaming others or being envious of what they have.

Chung Myung turned around to watch the Southern Edge Sect leave.

With this, the matter with the Southern Edge Sect was concluded. From now on, Chung Myung would no longer take the initiative to strike at the Southern Edge Sect. They might not know, but he had already taken enough revenge.

So, did his relationship with the Southern Edge Sect end here?

'Of course not.'

Now, for the Southern Edge sect, Chung Myung went far beyond just being a thorn in their eyes and had become their number one enemy.

It was understandable. At least, if Chung Myung was the Southern Edge Sect's leader, he would do anything to avenge this humiliation.

Because that is only the way that they can survive.

"Then they'll get what's coming to them."

Chung Myung smiled.

Then someone quickly rushed in looking for him.

"Chung Myung!"

It was Yoon Jong.

"What is it, Sahyung?"

"Come here. The sect leader is looking for you."


Chung Myung didn't feel like going.


He raised his head and looked up at the distant sky.

'I should have held myself back.'

Actually, the series of events was far from over.

After all, didn't Chung Myung take down all of the Southern Edge Sect's second-class disciples and make plum blossoms bloom from his sword?

Naturally, the elders had no choice but to harbor doubts about him. Until now, the conference had been ongoing, so they couldn't concentrate on him. However, now that the conference had concluded, they were bound to have questions they wanted to be answered.

'What kind of excuse would work here?'

Should he say that he's their ancestor?

No, he couldn't say that.

How about saying that he just happened to pick these techniques up by chance?

No, no one would believe that.


While Chung Myung scratched his head and struggled to devise a way out of this scenario, Yoon Jong just tilted his head in confusion.

"What are you up to? Come on, let's go."


Chung Myung took a deep breath.

'Ah, my life.'

Now, even after winning, he would have to make up some excuses.

'My sahyung! Are you watching? Should I really live like this?'

- Then just die.

'No! You bastard'

'You're just saying that because you are dead!'

In the end, Chung Myung headed to the sect leader's residence like a cow being led to the slaughterhouse. Given that there were quite a few shoes in front of the room, it seemed like the elders and the first-class disciples had all gathered.

"Sect leader. I, Yoon Jong, brought Chung Myung."

"Come in."


Yoon Jong beckoned Chung Myung inside.


And he beckoned again.


"What are you doing, brat! Get in!"

"… hmmm."

Chung Myung sighed and entered.

Now that he was entering, he would have to deal with being questioned…

"Oohhh! Chung Myung!"

"Oh-ho! You did well! Very well! My Chung Myung did well!"



As soon as he entered, the elders and the first-class disciples waiting for him all applauded.

It was strange to see all these men that should be doubting him clap for him.

'What is wrong with these people?'

When he looked up, everyone was smiling and full of laughter. Even though they couldn't bloom plum blossoms from their swords, they seemed like they would bloom at any moment from these men's smiling faces.

Seeing Hyun Jong, who was seated in the middle with a smile so wide that it reached both ears, Chung Myung realized one thing.

'Ah, they never felt this.'

Seeing the adults of the sect smiling and laughing as if it was nothing important, Chung Myung felt both a bit dreary and emotional at the same time.

'What was it?'

It was a bit like a child seeing his father fail to live up to his expectations…

Hyun Jong began to speak while trying to calm himself.

"Right. Chu—ugh! Right, Chung Myung….kuk!"

Hyun Jong lowered his head and covered his mouth with his hands. Even the word 'Chung Myung' seemed too good for him to say.


The old man seemed to cough. However, his face turned red, and it seemed like he was still struggling to hold back his laughter.

"Right. Are you hurt anywhere?"

"Just a slight cut."

"The wound might fester. So, after leaving here, go straight to the medical practitioner."

Hyun Sang spoke with dazzling eyes.

"Just call the medical practitioner here! Why ask such a busy man to go to them?"

"… I feel like that's a bit strange. Who's busy?"

"That child is busy! What work does the practitioner even have to do?"


Hyun Jong looked at Hyun Sang with blank eyes, but he simply puffed up his chest feeling proud.

And everyone gathered there nodded their heads as if it was the natural course to take.

"…then let's do that."

"Yes, Sect leader."

"You're Mount Hua's—"

It was then.


The door burst open as Hyun Young sprinted in.

"Sect leader! Money is pouring in! Hahaha! A lot of money is rolling in! I've never even heard of a story where we make money without doing anything! That guy is the God of Wealth! God of Wealth! Earning money… Chung Myung, this child! You are here!"

Hyun Young rushed to Chung Myung and grabbed his cheeks.

"What a cute child! Hahaha! If I had a grandson like you, I wouldn't wish for anything more in the world!"

Chung Myung, whose cheeks were stretched out, looked like he was going to pass out.

'My sahyung!'

'Look at how I have to live.'

'Now, a child that's too young to even be my grandson is stretching out my cheeks. Huk! Do I really have to live like this? Huh?'

"Look at you. You seem quite happy."

"Uhahah! What? Right. I am happy too. Uhahahah!"

All the adults in Mount Hua seemed to have lost their minds.

Chung Myung looked at Hyun Jong's back as they climbed up the mountain.

Hyun Jong, who congratulated Chung Myung, called him to talk alone.

And they were now climbing the mountain alone.

Chung Myung's eyes stayed fixed on Hyun Jong's back as he followed behind him.

It was the second time he was staring at the elder's back like this. The last time was when he witnessed the tragic sight of the sect leader unable to open the door to the underground warehouse.

The back of Hyun Jong, who carried the fate of the crumbling Mount Hua alone. That sad back, which was unable to be shown to others, remains firmly imprinted in Chung Myung's memory.

But today, his back seemed a bit less burdened than before.

Hyun Jong, who finally reached the summit, looked down at Mount Hua.

Chung Myung also looked around. Taking in the sights of Mount Hua's rugged mountains.

"Chung Myung."

"Yes, sect leader."

"This is the highest peak on Mount Hua."


"Did you feel anything when climbing up?"

It was a random question, so Chung Myung just honestly answered what he felt.

"It's high."


Hyun Jong turned and looked at Chung Myung. However, Chung Myung just proudly puffed out his chest. As if to ask, 'was it wrong?'

Hyun Jong smiled seeing that.

"Yes, yes, you're right."

Hyun Jong's face softened.

"I've called you here because I have something I want to ask you."

'Is this where it starts?'

Chung Myung's face turned grim.

He wasn't sure what the question would be, but he knew that he needed to avoid being entangled or confused…

"Chung Myung."

"Yes, sect leader."

"The plum blossom on your sword."

Chung Myung licked his lips. Firstly…

"Thank you."

Hyun Jong bowed his head towards Chung Myung.

At the unexpected action, Chung Myung flinched and took a step back.

"Why are you doing this, sect leader!?"

"This isn't being done as the sect leader of Mount Hua. I am thanking you from one human to another. I have always wanted to witness that scene, at least once in my life."


"But my position as the sect leader of Mount Hua is more important than me being a human, so I cannot help but ask you. How did you manage to make the plum blossoms bloom with the Seven Sages Sword?"

Chung Myung looked at Hyun Jong and spoke.

"It just happened naturally."

"… Naturally?"

"Yes. As I learned the Seven Sages Sword, the plum blossoms naturally bloomed. I don't know why either."

"I see."

"It's just…."


Chung Myung looked at Hyun Jong and asked.

"Aren't all the swords of Mount Hua like that?"

Hyun Jong looked down at the view beneath his feet without answering. After staring down at the mighty figure of Mount Hua, he said.


He thought that maybe there was a secret behind what Chung Myung did. However, Chung Myung's answer denied his thoughts.

'Right. That is Mount Hua's sword.'

Chung Myung was simply saying that he was ahead of the others. In other words, if the others continued to train, then one day, their swords would also make plum blossoms bloom.

'Plum blossoms.'

If the day comes when all of Mount Hua's disciples can do that, the era of Mount Hua will begin again.

"Plum Blossom Swordsman…"

These were words that no one dared to say now.

Plum blossoms were the symbol of Mount Hua. Naturally, the name of the one that could wield that symbol was the Plum Blossom Swordsman.

Right now, no one in Mount Hua deserves that title. However, as Chung Myung said, as long as the day comes when every disciple can make the plum blossoms bloom, that title will surely be passed on properly.

"It's still a long way off, hahaha."


The atmosphere was nice, definitely!

Looking back at Chung Myung, Hyun Jong saw that mischievous smile, which weirdly put his heart at ease.

Hyun Jong spoke with a large smile.

"Chung Myung."

"Yes, sect leader."

"What is Mount Hua to you?"

Chung Myung shook his head without answering.

He seemed to see his sahyungs in the blue sky above.

'Mount Hua.'

"For me, Mount Hua is…."

As his sahyung said.

"Is just Mount Hua."

Now he understood a little of what that meant.

Hyun Jong lightly nodded his head when he heard that answer.

"It is enough that you are a disciple of Mount Hua."

A warm smile formed on his lips.

"People just want to be here, but the world doesn't leave them alone. That's the way the world works, after all. Can you manage to hold your ground?"

Chung Myung chuckled.

"If I couldn't hold my ground, I wouldn't have started."

"I see."

Hyun Jong looked at Chung Myung and softly said.

"If that's how you think, then Mount Hua will protect you. Mount Hua and I will protect you from everything you might have to bear."

Chung Myung smiled.

Nothing was asked.

Hyun Jong didn't ask a single thing. There must be countless things he wanted to ask, but he was saying that Chung Myung being here was enough for him.

'The sect leader of Mount Hua.'

Hyun Jong was born later than Chung Myung, and compared to Chung Myung, he didn't have a reputation built on strength. In terms of power or prestige, he was someone that couldn't be compared with Chung Myung.

But Chung Myung acknowledged him.

Because this man possessed something that Chung Myung lacked. He was never the sect leader, and Chung Myung was unable to call himself a Taoist. So, he couldn't help but respect this man who chose to follow his own path.

"Sect leader. It isn't about protecting me."

Hyun Jong seemed confused.

"We're just going together. Under the name of Mount Hua."

Hyun Jong's slightly hardened face cracked a small smile.

"You are right."

Hyun Jong smiled softly.

"Chung Myung."

"Yes, Sect leader."

"Promise me one thing."

Chung Myung raised his head and looked at Hyun Jong's soft eyes.

"I hope to hear more from you someday."

Chung Myung opened his mouth slightly and then closed it.

It felt strange; it was like something was being squeezed within his chest.

He pressed down on the emotions he couldn't understand and looked up at the sky.

"I will."


Right, someday.

Excitement doesn't end so easily.

Especially if they have been through something incredible that's never been experienced before. For months, such excitement can dominate a person's mind, let alone a few days.

Mount Hua's third-class disciples were currently in such a state.

Although the conference was over, the third-class disciples weren't free from the results of the conference.

"We really won?"

"… I still can't believe it!"

"It's like a dream. We seriously won against the Southern Edge Sect."

It would have been easier to accept had they been confident of their skills and regarded the Southern Edge Sect as a worthy opponent.

However, most of the third-class disciples believed that they were weak and lacked faith in their skills.

It was understandable. Their skills weren't developed through their own efforts; it would be more accurate to say that Chung Myung forcefully injected their skills into them.

Moreover, Chung Myung was a tyrant that made one understand the cruelty of this depressing world. He wouldn't even explain what kind of effect the training would have on them or what level they would reach once they completed it.

So, their dumbfounded reactions were only natural.

"I don't know what that bastard's thinking!"


"Who? Who else, if not Chung Myung?"

Everyone gathered nodded in unison.

As the aftermath of the incident swept over them, and they started to calm down, they realized how terrifying Chung Myung truly was.

No one among the third-class disciples was unaware of Chung Myung's greatness. But what he did this time was so great that he single-handedly overturned everyone's understanding of him.

Jo Gul, who seemed strangely mesmerized, spoke to Yoon Jong.



"I can't sleep."

"… are you even going to ask me to give you counseling?"

"Not like that…."

Jo Gul scratched his head and spoke.

"Whenever I close my eyes, the sword Chung Myung showed keeps flashing in my mind. It almost feels like I'm being possessed… I can't explain it well. But it's like that."

Yoon Jong gulped.

'He is the same?'

It was the same for Yoon Jong.

Whenever Yoon Jong would close his eyes, he would see the swordsmanship that caused plum blossoms to bloom. No, even when his eyes were open, he was constantly thinking about it.

At first, it was fine.

Most of the work was done by Chung Myung, but the other third-class disciples also defeated their opponents.

The more they thought about their victories, the more it became difficult to calm their hearts.

But as time passed, the excitement faded, and they started to think about what they saw.

'That Sword…'


Could it be explained further?

Yoon Jong felt like he had a good fight against the Southern Edge Sect.

But that sword…

If only he could unleash that sword on his own…


Yoon Jong looked at Jo Gul.

"Will we ever be able to display a technique like that?"

Yoon Jong fell into deep thought.



"Yes, Sahyung."

"I don't know if this is something I should say when I'm just a third-class disciple of Mount Hua…."

Hearing those words, everyone's eyes focused on Yoon Jong.

"To be honest, I just wanted to be strong."


Yoon Jong continued to honestly speak his mind.

"I never thought about reaching a certain level or wanting to show any particular techniques. I just had a vague desire to get stronger."

"It was the same for me."

Jo Gul spoke like it was a confession.

Most of them probably felt the same, which helped Yoon Jong to relax slightly.

"But this time, seeing that sword..."

'How should I put it?'

Yoon Jong shut his mouth to carefully choose his words.

He never felt that he was bad at speaking, and it wasn't that he couldn't find the right words. For some reason, he just found it difficult to express how he felt right now.

After thinking about it for a few moments, Yoon Jong spoke frankly.

"… I thought. That's what I want to do. I want to be able to display that swordsmanship myself."

Everyone nodded.

Perhaps these words represented what all of them were thinking.

Perhaps that was the sword of Mount Hua.

That's the direction they should engrave in their hearts and strive to achieve for the rest of their lives.

Several years after their initiation into the sect, they had finally seen Mount Hua's true swordsmanship.

"Can we really unfold that technique someday?"

Yoon Jong received everyone's attention and silently endured it as he nodded.

"I believe that we can."

There was determination in his eyes.

"We are the disciples of Mount Hua. There's no way that a disciple of Mount Hua would be unable to display Mount Hua's swordsmanship. If we work tirelessly, one day, we will surely be able to achieve that goal."


"We need to train well!"

"I'll surely reach that level one day. I have a goal now."

"Right. I will work hard too. Along with you all."

After a long time together, the third-class disciples had begun to believe in each other and unite as one.

"Even if we have shortcomings, won't Chung Myung solve them?"

"Because he's like a goblin."

"Won't he make us stronger?"


At the same time, confidence in Chung Myung began to rise within them.


It was then.


The door opened violently.

'I must have told him fifty times to open the door with his hands. You can't just kick it open.'

It seemed like Yoon Jong's thoughts were read as the door was closed normally.

And a very familiar face began to slowly scan through the disciples in the dorms. The calm faces quickly contorted in panic.

'It's s–starting again.'

'What is he going to say now?'

Chung Myung's lips seemed to twitch, as if he was annoyed, before violently opening.

"What are you all doing exchanging warm words of encouragement like kids! Huh?"

… why haven't the ghosts taken this demon back with them yet?

Well, they could never catch that kind of person.

"Y-you are back?"

"You worked hard. You should rest a little…."

They were good words. Very good words.

Good words to resolve the awkward atmosphere.

The third-class disciples were desperate, but unfortunately, Chung Myung wasn't the kind of person who changed his mood to accommodate others.

Rather, he tilted his head to the side.

'Why is he doing that again?'

'Something good just happened! Why is he like this again!?'

Chung Myung, whose head was turned, began to speak. Even his voice seemed eerie and distorted.

"You all seem to be in a great mood, aren't you?"


"Wow, look at everyone resting. Resting after all that trouble. I would have been thinking about going out and swinging a sword one or ten thousand times if it were me. Or maybe, training my body with some weights and running."

These third-class disciples could cope with all the harshness in the world, but they couldn't cope with this insubordinate sajae of theirs.

Everyone desperately glanced at Yoon Jong. They were implying that it was up to him, as great sahyung, to save them from this predicament.

'You only think of me as great sahyung at times like this, you rotten bastards!'

'Why don't you show me some respect in peaceful times too!? It's not normal!'

But what could be done? The truth is that he is the great sahyung.


Yoon Jong began to speak with an awkward smile.

"Why are you so angry? I think we all did well this time."

Yoon Jong was trying to subtly imply that Chung Myung shouldn't be so cruel after they finally turned a chain of losses into their first victory, but that bastard didn't seem to understand Yoon Jong beating around the bush.

"Well? Sahyungs?"

Chung Myung stared at the others.

Seeing the madness in his eyes, all of their expressions darkened.

"What amazing people, and now you are gathering to hold a celebration too! Aren't you supposed to be training instead of wasting time? Train! Have your life goals been achieved just because you won a conference?"

That's what it was.

That was it.

Chung Myung covered his face and continued to speak.

"When I was a kid! I went to war and got stabbed, and I still got up and trained the next day! Seriously, kids these days, uh…."

'When did he go to war?'

'Aren't we older than him?'

"Isn't it good enough that we defeated the Southern Edge Sect's third-class disciples? We should celebrate."

Yoon Jong decided to rebel and speak out, at least a little. But such rebellion doesn't always lead to good results, especially against Chung Myung.

"Defeated them? Ah, right. Well said."


"Just looking at them, weren't they at least five years younger than all of you? Are you really happy that you beat up those kids?"


"They looked so young; how old could they have been two years ago? You must have been weak as shit to lose to them!"


Chung Myung always knew how to stab where it hurts most.

The excited air in the dorms quickly turned melancholic.

"If the fight went well, I wouldn't have said anything! But you! You twisted on your own foot and almost fell!"

One of the disciples flinched and looked away.

"How could you miss and strike the shoulder when you were aiming for their head!?"

Another disciple flinched.

"The bastard who lost his cool, declared his victory, and rushed in only to get hit and almost lose!"


Chung Myung, who was speaking loudly, almost as if to yell, waited and took a deep breath before looking up at the ceiling.

"I taught you all wrong. I… sahyungs made no mistake. It's my fault."


Jo Gul and Yoon Jong exchanged hesitant looks.

'What's wrong with him?'

'How should I know?'

'Try to fix it.'


Yoon Jong had a dead look in his eyes as he tried to resolve this situation.

"O-of course, there were some mistakes made. But didn't it end well? In practice, mistakes happen all the time."



Yoon Jong was suddenly struck with the ominous feeling that he had said something terribly wrong.

"Then being stabbed and dying on the battlefield is probably just a mistake to you as well, right?"

'Huhuhu. Is this where I went wrong?'

"You don't even try to avoid making mistakes when training! It's natural to make mistakes!? This is what happens when you train with such a weak mental state! All you needed to do was swing the sword properly, and you couldn't even do that?"

Yoon Jong gave up on stopping this demon anymore.

"And what? Someday you'll do it properly? Someday?"

Chun Myung smiled brightly.

"When will that day come?"


"I wonder how you manage to drag yourselves out of bed and train each day with that mentality! You're playing around and treating this conference as just another training session!? Someday you'll get it right and take it seriously!?"

Jo Gul smiled.

'Mother. I miss you.'

He would yell at his mother to stop nagging, but now he wanted to apologize to her. Her nagging couldn't even be considered nagging anymore.

'Does this bastard have a knife in his mouth?'

How could each word hurt so much?

Chung Myung lowered his voice.

"Don't be so happy."


"This was only the first battle. We will have to fight countless times in the future. Right now, this may be a big deal for Sahyungs, but in hindsight, it's nothing.

The third-class disciples nodded their heads.

"Can I ask one question?"


"If we really train like you say, will we also be able to display such swordsmanship?"

Chung Myung's face contorted again.

"Sahyungs. You seem to be misunderstanding something."


"It doesn't matter what you want; you will have to."


Chung Myung blinked his eyes.

"Does it make sense for Mount Hua's disciples to be unable to display Mount Hua's techniques and make even a single flower bloom? Do you think I'll sit still and let that happen?"

It was strange.

They were also thinking the same thing, but how can it sound so different depending on who's saying it?

The third-class disciples, who were filled with motivation to unleash the techniques that Chung Myung had shown, suddenly lost the will to continue.

Their eyes, which were brightly burning like the sun, quickly decayed into a dead and hopeless expression.

"What are you doing?"


Chung Myung directed them with a nod of his chin.

"We need to go. Are you going to skip training today?"

"…Chu–Chung Myung. The time is already…."

"You said you wanted to learn that sword, didn't you?"

'No, yes, but….'

'No, Chung Myung, we aren't in a hurry to do that. We can do it later.'

"Are you going to come or not?"


The third-class disciples rushed out of the dorm. The dorm that had been buzzing with hope was now void of such optimistic feelings.

Chung Myung watched the disciples rushing out and grinned.

'I can't let them get too excited.'

This was just the first step. It was good that this victory instilled confidence in them, but confidence often turned to arrogance.

Real progress would be made when these disciples took their victories and followed them up with continuous training. He felt like he pushed them too much, but…

"I'm only doing this because I want them to grow!"

Chung Myung shrugged his shoulders and began to follow the disciples outside when someone entered the White Plum training hall.


Chung Myung titled his head at the unexpected face.

"What brings you here?"


The eyes of the person trembled.

"If you see your sasuk, you should greet them first… no, such things probably don't mean anything to you."

Baek Cheon stared straight at Chung Myung and asked.

"Could you spare a few moments?"

Baek Cheon, climbing up the mountain's peak, snuck a peek at Chung Myung.

"Ah, my legs."

Chung Myung looked around and sat on a tree stump. He seemed to perfectly fit the image of an elderly man!

'That little jerk.'

'You're too young to be acting like an old man!'

But there was no way Baek Cheon could point that out.

"Thank you for giving me some time."

"It is nothing. You are my sasuk."

Baek Cheon felt glad.

"But what brings you to me? To summon me to this humble place, are you going to attack me?"


Although they didn't know each other for very long, Chung Myung was aware that Baek Cheon didn't like him. So, what could he be thinking to ask Chung Myung for his time, as if there was no bad blood between them?

"I saw the battle between you and Jin Geum-Ryong."

"He already worked quite heavily against you."

"You were overwhelming."

"It was nothing."

Baek Cheon stared at Chung Myung in silence; he slowly opened his mouth after a long period.

"All the sasuks are quite shaken up. At first, it seemed like they were all fine, but now, everything seems complicated."

That much could be guessed.

As long as they had eyes, they couldn't deny what Chung Myung did. It was also true that the third-class disciples were noticeably stronger than before.

The second-class disciples were meant to serve as examples and lead the third-class disciples. However, how were they supposed to feel now that the third-class disciples had the potential to become stronger than them?

No, maybe the third-class disciples had already become stronger than them.

"So, what are you trying to say?"

"We want to be strong."

"… ohhh."

Baek Cheon looked at Chung Myung with determined eyes.

"I don't know if you're aware, but, as your senior, it isn't easy for me to come and say this."

"I fully understand."

Who wouldn't understand Baek Cheon's feelings, especially Chung Myung, who had seen Baek Cheon's struggles for himself?

'His mind must be a mess right now.'

For the first time, he felt sympathy for Baek Cheon.

"But no matter how much I think about it, this seems like the best choice I can make. It's not that I don't believe in my sasuks, but what I can learn from them is different from what you can teach us."

Chung Myung just looked at Baek Cheon.

"So, you're here and setting aside your pride because you want me to teach the second-class disciples by myself?


Chung Myung laughed bitterly.

"Why should I do that?"


Maybe it was because of the unexpected response, but Baek Cheon was at a loss for words and stared blankly.

"It's annoying, and I don't get anything out of it, so I don't see why I should agree."

"… I am your sasuk. Don't we belong to the same sect?"

"So? Have the second-class disciples been watching and guiding the third-class disciples? Or did you just leave and do your own training?"

Baek Cheon went silent. He had no response. It was true that he had never paid any attention to the third-class disciples' training.

'I always assumed that was Un Geom sasuk's role and left it up to him.'

"But haven't you already taken control of the third-class disciples' training?"

"Why do you think that is?"

When Chung Myung asked back, Baek Cheon struggled to respond.

'Why? Why….'

The reason is too simple. It was because the third-class disciples are the same rank as Chung Myung. It was annoying and troublesome now, but if they were raised well, then Chung Myung would be able to live without raising a finger in the future.

Baek Cheon sighed deeply.

"You mean that you want me to bow my head."

"Ehh. You're making me look bad. How could I dare think that?"

It was implied that you shouldn't say it out loud even if you understand.

Baek Cheon hated that he understood what Chung Myung meant.

"… But we are still Mount Hua's disciples."



Chung Myung spoke calmly.

"Did you see the third-class disciples training?"

"… I did."

They seemed barely human by the end, more like stones rolling around.

Just being alive seemed like a great achievement. But Baek Cheon didn't say anything.

"Do you think I can make the sasuks do that?"


The answer was…

'He could definitely treat them harshly; the only reason he holds himself back is so that he doesn't get caught by others'

That's what Baek Cheon thought, but he's a smooth talker and knew that he shouldn't say that out loud.

"It would be difficult since you're a good person, but I think you'd somehow manage."

"Yes, yes."

'What bullshit.'

Chung Myung just shrugged.

"But that's why I can't do it. I can make it work for the sahyungs, but I can't do anything for my sasuks. If I do, would the first-class disciples let me continue?"

Baek Cheon looked at Chung Myung.

'It's possible.'

Chung Myung was pointing out the problems, but he never said it was impossible.

"Then, if all the problems are taken care of, you can make us stronger, right?"

"Haven't you seen the results with your own eyes?"

Baek Cheon had certainly seen the results.

That was why he was here.

Baek Cheon took a deep breath.

Chung Myung had managed to train the third-class disciples to the point that they could overpower the Southern Edge Sect's disciples and even defeated Jin Geum-Ryong and the other second-class disciples himself.

Not a single second-class disciple could even touch him.

Baek Cheon bit his lip tightly.

"I will fix that issue."


"During the training, we won't be the sasuks. Those who receive guidance will be the disciples, and we will respect you as a teacher."


Chung Myung looked interested but shook his head while looking at Baek Cheon.

"That won't be enough."

"… why?"

"If you curse me after the training, then there is no way out for me."


Baek Cheon spoke bluntly.

"No, we wouldn't sink so low…."

"With just one day of training, you'll change your words. Even the sahyungs were troublesome at first."

Baek Cheon was at a loss of words.

"T-then what do I do?"

"If you're going to do it, you need to make it clear."

Chung Myung snapped his finger.

"If you want to learn, whether it's time to train or not, you'll have to bow to me. Then I'll help. But if that doesn't work, then I can't do a thing for you. I need to be able to live here as well, you know."


Baek Cheon agonized, but not for long.

'Do I have any pride left?'

It was disgraceful to bow to a sajil. But it was a greater disgrace to be weak. And…

'I want to be able to display that sword one day.'

The sword that destroyed Jin Gem-Ryong. Mount Hua's sword was branded deeply into his memory.


Baek Cheon answered firmly.

"From this moment on, you aren't a sajil for the second-class disciples. Your title may be sajil, but none of the second-class disciples will attempt to use that against you. I guarantee it with my name on the line."

'Caught you!'

A happy smile crept onto Chung Myung's lips.

He was thinking about how he could catch these idiots, but they jumped into the net with their own feet.



"Are you sure?"


"Alright. Then everyone will gather and come out tomorrow morning."



"Ah, no. nothing.'

Baek Cheon would only realize later on what a grave mistake he had made.

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