

Rio Better-man who was the last survivor of the war between humans and the infected gets a chance to return to the time before the apocalypse began. He vows to not repeat past mistakes and to use his future knowledge and experience to survive and shield the ones he loves. Those who tries to hurt them shall be destroyed.

Eric_Mantswe · Horror
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3 Chs


GRRRRAAAAA! {Zombie noise}

The zombie leaped and flashed its fang-like teeth. It was going for Rio's neck. There was no time to dodge since the distance was too close. That obviously only applied to regular individuals who had regular occupations previous to the apocalypse, but for someone like Rio who has years of expertise in battle and life-or-death circumstances, it was a piece of cake. He instantly leaped to the side to evade the deadly blow. The zombie was then kicked behind the head with a stunning spinning hill kick, sending it flying and slamming against the wall.

'I guess I was worried for nothing. First stage infected a much easier to deal with than expected. Well I guess it a given considering who I am. The last survivor.' Rio says inwardly.

GRRRR! {Zombie sounds}

The zombie stood up again and recovered from the attack. It was however not left unscathed. It's neck and both arms where broken.

"So you are not dead yet big shot. Lets get this over with, I need you to die quickly so I return before that baby brother of mine kicks the bucket. let me try out my fist technique on you corpse boy."

Rio clenched the bat in his hand. At the infected's feet, he stopped after charging it. His right arm received all of his strength as he twisted his waist. He used an unbelievable amount of force as he swings the bat at an angle. The bat's high-pitched sound of slashing through the wind was heard. The side of the zombie's head where the bat landed was exact. The zombie's head shattered like glass, and its brains scattered everywhere. However, the body was still standing there, with blood dripping from the spot where the head formerly was.

" Huh huh huh, this technique sure does strain my feeble body. When I was at my peak I used this technique very easily and with more distractive power."

Rio then fiddled through the scattered pieces of the brain. He did it so freely without being disgusted like he has done it a million times before . From the bloody chunks he found a tiny beautiful crystal as red as blood. He then made a slight smile.

' That's one lower rank evolution crystal obtained. Now what's left it to hunt at least twenty more and I will be set.'

Rio resumed his search. He took the stair chase leading to the lower floor as there where no other zombies in the floor he was on. It seemed most of the zombies had moved to the lower floors while chasing the escaping students and the loud noise outside the building.

On the fist floor there were no bodies lying all over. In normal situations this would be a good thing but in the zombie world is on issue of most concern. The absence of bodies in an area known to be attacked by zombies could only mean one thing. No zombie was managed to be killed hence the number of lurking infected is a lot.

Rio noticed sounds of growling zombies in the surrounding class rooms. ' The numbers are too much for me to attack head on. One mishap and I got hundreds of infected on my tale with no escape route. If evacuate to the top floor I will be putting my brother at risk. The best method for me now is to separate them and deal with them separately. And I know just how to do that.'

Rio approached the front of the other classroom door covertly and locked it. The keys were fortunately left hanging on the door for whatever reason. After that, he ascended to the terrace. He picked up some metal chairs and throws them among some cars in the packing area. He utilized his first skill to throw the chairs because they are too heavy for him to throw that far at the moment. Simple was the strategy. To activate the car's alarm system and create a distraction, hit it. The ones locked in the classroom should be left for him to deal with, as the remaining zombies in the building should be enticed by the sound and come swarming outside.

The strategy went as planned after the alarm was set off. The building's zombies fled outside to the vehicles parked in the lot. The undead were enormous. They resembled bee swamps drawn to sweets. They collided and ran over one another like vicious, ravenous animals. There was not a shred of humanity in them.

The zombies Rio had imprisoned in the classroom were there when he walked downstairs. He didn't try to elude detection this time. He approached them directly. The undead were acting erratically. The alarm noise and the disturbance the other zombies had produced had aroused them. They wildly charged at him as soon as he opened the door as a result.

But Rio wasn't concerned. Only a handful of them were present in the class. They also charged directly at him from the front, which made it simpler for him to dispatch them. He had employed his technique a few times, and his body could no longer withstand more strain without suffering severe adverse effects. So he had to employ a more sensible strategy. To lower the number of zombies, he torsed the first one behind him with a judo throw. and made use of that brief window of opportunity to use his years of skill to smack the remaining ones senseless.

He first had to cope with the others before facing the one he hurled. He didn't want to murder this individual. In order to teach his sibling, he wanted to restrain it and take it with him. He then took the remaining crystals from the zombies once he has subdued the infected and severed its arms and fangs. They were all comparable to the one he had previously gathered. They were stunningly vivid blood red and appeared to be expensive jewels.

' 1, 2, 3... Not bad, I acquired 27 evolution crystals. Raymond and I should be able to get by with this. I'll go back for the time being.' They were put in his pocket as he grinned with joy.


Hello readers I am sorry for any grammatical errors I might have made so far. I am really happy because you have stayed with me this far. If you want to keep seeing more of this story, please don't forget to comment, rate, and add it to your collections. Your comments are my motivation to keep writing and improving. Thank you for your time.