
Return of Lust

What can destroy a man!? What can destroy a God!? Answers are infinitely different, but always gather towards one point! Jealousy! Greed! Sin! Yang Tian, the Lust God! He learned formations to make the daughter of Formation God fall for him, he learned Alchemy to make the Alchemist Goddess fall for him. He was a genius beyond comprehension and a God beyond normal beliefs. His ‘Beauties Palace’ contained 3 of the 5 Universal Beauties, not to mention the rest. His wine was the best elixir that Universe could offer, and he drank it like water. His wealth knew no bounds, as there were people who said that he would eat a ‘Heavenly Pill’ like eating cheap candy. The shiniest star will most certainly blind whoever tries to look at it directly, and that was the same for Yang Tian. He attracted the jealousy and hate of the other Gods in the Origin World, was trapped by them, stripped of his divinity, as they tried to extinct him. Could that be his end!? The cover image is not mine it was taken from: https://www.artranked.com/topic/Harem+Girl#&gid=1&pid=17

crazy_immortal · Urban
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128 Chs

Chapter 111: Yin Supremacy Sect

It was common knowledge that the lives of the beauties of the HighClub didn't belong to themselves, but to the establishment.

For that reason, whenever someone wanted to take one of them away, they had to actually deal with the HighClub and the price that they set for them, rather than with these beauties their selves.

For that reason, the two beauties were surprised and startled at first, but they quickly regained control over their selves, as the one dressed in blue said,

"Young Master must certainly be joking with us! We are possession of HighClub, and our lives and futures are in the hands of HighClub!"

"Hehehe~! Really!? I thought that disciples of a Sect at least would have the freedom to choose their own path, don't you think so Miss Luo Ya!?"

Just when they thought that Yang Tian would behave like some sort of arrogant and cocky Young Master, the guy not only kept his calm and cool but even delivered a much greater shock.

Just how the hell did he..?

"It seems like Young Master Zhu He, is truly a Hidden Dragon, because even our HighClub has no information whatsoever about your identity!

Yet, you seem to know more than enough for us! I truly wonder where you come from!"

As the two beauties on the king sized bed were looking at Yang Tian with careful and cautious eyes, the voice of the beautiful Luo Ya came from a shadowed corner of the room.

"Isn't that the whole point of using a fake identity, Miss Luo Ya!? I think it's enough to understand that you can't afford to mess with me right now and seat her to have a nice conversation about the future possibilities!"

"I do agree that you seem extremely mysterious, and the fact that you were brought here by Elder Feng, who even called you a friend makes me even more curious and interested in you.

But knowing too much isn't a good thing, and right now we are both in an extremely difficult position, don't you think!?"

"Heheheh~! If you think this is all I know and are in such a difficult position, then I am truly curious what you would think and do later!"

"Oh!? You know more!? Please humor me, Young Master!"

"Stealing Yang to replenish Yin is a path of cultivation that is considered to go down the evil path!

Yet to be able to have such an establishment and have such a standing on this planet, it certainly shows great skills and abilities! Shouldn't I be the one who is interested and curious!?"

Immediately as Yang Tian said those words in a calm and cool voice, the temperature inside the room immediately fell down by a few degrees, and a dense killing intent spread with Luo Ya at the center.

It was clear that Yang Tian's words had hit the nail on the head, as she was now truly considering Yang Tian's death.

"Miss Luo Ya doesn't need to act so fiercely, I have no intention of spreading this information, this is just to humor you!

So, I would appreciate it a lot if you controlled yourself and your killing intent before any misunderstanding is born amidst us!"

Even though Yang Tian was still talking with his usual calm and cool voice, this time the beauty could understand that he wasn't just requesting her but threatening her.

Not only wasn't he afraid of her and the fact that he was in the wolves den, but he even gave her the chills. It looked like the one who should be afraid was her, and not him.

In this sort of situation, she couldn't help but try her best to control herself and her feelings, as she said,

"Very well then, who are you!? What do you want from us!?"

"My identity isn't worth mentioning, I am just a simple second-generation Young Master who walks down a similar path to yours!

The only difference is that my path is complete and doesn't fall to evil! While you steal yang to replenish yin, my cultivation uses balance to create pure Yin-Yang Qi!

As for what I want, is just like I said, I want cooperation with you and the sect behind you!"

Yang Tian wasn't lying, he most certainly was what he had just said, and the whole planet recognized him as such.

But sometimes saying the truth doesn't mean that people will believe you, just like right now. Miss Luo Ya didn't seem to believe Yang Tian's words in the least.

The more she interacted with Yang Tian, the more did she think and feel that he was extraordinary and special.

Still, just because she thought of him highly, it didn't mean that she would actually agree to his proposal that easily, as she continued,

"Heheeh~! This doesn't seem much like a deal and negotiation, but more like a threat, and blackmail, don't you think Young Master!?"

"Hehehehe~! I am sure that you wouldn't be thinking like that once you hear what I can offer you, Miss Luo Ya!"

"Oh!? And what are you offering us exactly!?"

"A complete cultivation method that can help you escape the limits of cultivation on Earth, and an opportunity to discover a wider world!"


While Yang Tian was still cool and calm as a cucumber, the beautiful Miss Luo Ya had lost her cool for the third time already.

After all, what Yang Tian just said was something beyond her expectations. All the powers and forces on this planet knew that there were limits imposed on their little planet.

That wasn't only due to the laws of Earth, but also due to their incomplete and lost cultivation manuals, and lack of resources.

Yet, Yang Tian had just told her he would get rid of one and the biggest problem on her path! The value of that was beyond imagination.

"A-are you serious!?"

"What do you think!? I am not that bored as to play with fire in your place!"

"This… this is beyond what I can decide, you will have to talk to mother about this!"

"Oh, is she your Sect Leader!?"

"No, my mother is only one of the Elders!"

"Then wouldn't this be a waste of time for me!? Why don't you bring your Sect Leader to negotiate with me!?"

"She is unable to come here at the moment!"

"Well, no other choice then I guess! But make no mistake and test my patience otherwise, you will regret it!"

"I understand!"

Even though Yang Tian felt that his threat wouldn't have much effect on the greed of some people, he still wanted to give them this small chance.

Fortunately, he didn't need to wait for long, as the door to the room opened, and a slightly older, but more mature version of Miss Luo Ya entered inside.

Upon entrance, she immediately took a close and piercing look at Yang Tian, before she actually spread around her the pheromones unique to her cultivation technique, and approached in a seducing manner,

"Hello handsome, I am Luo Qing, an Elder of the Yin Supremacy Sect, but you can call me Qing'er! I must say that you are even better than I expected!"

This old lady wasn't hiding in the least her intentions to enchant and seduce Yang Tian, as she had even used some sort of aphrodisiac perfumes on her body.

Against a normal cultivator, these tricks would do more than half the work, and coupled with her hot body, no one would be able to escape her 'honey trap'.

Unfortunately, the person she had thought to use these against was Yang Tian, who was recognized as the Lust God.

While these aphrodisiacs were certainly working on him, it wasn't difficult for him to control them, and counterattack.

Since this woman had decided to act like this, then he didn't need to hold back either. Immediately he released his own pheromones and then used his Qi to act as a catalyst of aphrodisiac and push them towards the opponent.

"Nice to meet you Qing'er, this Young Master is called Zhu He! Before we start though, without offense Qing'er but are you able to represent your Sect in talking to me!?

I don't want to waste time, as it's extremely precious!"

Madam Luo Qing had never thought that not only wouldn't her charm and tricks work on Yang Tian, but she would actually be the one to suffer.

As if that wasn't enough, Yang Tian was counterattacking fearlessly, and approaching her too close.

Her heartbeat had become a bit abnormal, but differently from her daughter, she had more experience and control over herself, as she quickly recollected her thoughts.

"But of course, if what you say is right, I am sure that it wouldn't be a problem even if we handed all of our sect's resources to you!"

"As I said I am not that bored as to make such stupid jokes, Qing'er! And I don't need all the resources of your sect either, I am not that greedy!"

"Oh, then what does Sir want from our little sect!?"

"Female Disciples!"


"Yes, you heard me! I want more than 100 female disciples every month for 100 years! Of course, if their Yin Essence is preserved then it would be much better!

If I am satisfied with their quality, in the future I might even give you pills, weapons, and notes to reach higher realms!

I wonder what Qing'er thinks about this!?"


Madam Qing was certainly surprised, startled, and shocked. That was because this deal was…

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