
Retrying as a Villain Until I Get Things Right

Our poor protagonist is sent to the game he used to play, but as a villain that was destined to die. With a limited amount of lives, how does he survive in this world that wants to kill him, let alone the protagonist?

Salad_Adressing · Fantasie
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31 Chs


Before long, with the servant's guidance, Braxis found himself in a resplendent dining room adorned with golden cutlery and a throne-like chair. He had finally reached the kitchen.

"Welcome, young master!" A stunning girl greeted him with an endearing smile. Braxis recognized her voice as the one he had heard knocking on his door earlier. She had long, flowing blonde hair and a beauty mark just above her top lip. Her eyes shone with a deep ocean-blue hue. It wasn't an exaggeration to say that Braxis was instantly captivated by her breathtaking beauty.

'I can't believe I wasted that life on the other girl... I really messed up. I should have been more careful... Actually, screw it,' Braxis thought as he reached out in front of him to take her hand in an attempt to hit on her. But before he could make contact, a middle-aged woman interrupted, "Breakfast, my dear Braxis." He was spared from making another disastrous mistake.

"Damn, she has the body of a goddess," Braxis muttered, entranced. 'Why is every girl so damn attractive in this world?!'

Seated at the table were Levant and another person Braxis didn't recognize, a man with jet-black hair who avoided making eye contact.

"Here you go, young masters!" The servant girl announced as she served more plates to each of them, then departed with a smile. The table was laden with an array of foods: various meats like bacon and sausage, refreshing beverages, and assorted pastries.

The two at the table began to eat in silence, treating the meal more like a chore than an opportunity for socializing.

Braxis eyed his plate of eggs and toast. 'Some things never change, I guess,' he thought, his expression somber. "I'll try some of the luxury food too; it can't kill me, right?"

As Braxis took his first bite, a peculiar sensation washed over him. A wisp of energy flowed through his body, lifting his spirits. 'This food is infused with mana!' His eyes widened in astonishment.

Braxis then ate more eagerly, polishing off his plate before the others could finish theirs. Levant looked at Braxis with disdain. 'Barbarian..' he internally though as he continued to eat with impeccable manners befitting his status.

The man with jet-black hair, stood up before finishing his meal.

"Dante, don't you think you should finish your meal?" Levant said, giving him a sidelong glance.

Dante shrugged his shoulders and left. Levant sighed, finished his meal, and also departed. "Thanks, Julianne," he said to the servant girl as he exited.

Braxis eyed Dante's leftovers and, making sure no one was watching, quickly stuffed his mouth with the food before leaving as well. He glanced up for a moment, his mouth full, to see Levant staring at him with a disappointed expression.

"One day, brother, we'll either instill some discipline and sense in you, or you'll meet your demise. I swear upon it. The choice is yours," Levant warned ominously as he walked away.

Braxis knew this was no empty threat. "Levant, next time I'll finish Dante's food in a more pleasant manner that suits your viewing pleasure, in fact, I hope you leave me some too." Braxis retorted sarcastically.

Not wanting to stoop to his younger brother's level, Levant left without another word.

Braxis then turned to the servant girl, Julianne. "Thanks, Julianne," he said as he exited. Julianne blushed at his gratitude, for Braxis had never thanked her once during her time there.

Julianne Relationship Status: +1

Julianne Relationship Progress: 5/300

As Braxis strolled down the hallway back to his room, he was intercepted by Levant. "Where the hell do you think you're going? I'm stuck babysitting you today, so you'd better act in a manner befitting your status! I'm talking about your sword lessons," Levant barked, feigning a brotherly tone.

"Thanks, Levant, but I have no desire to master swordsmanship. I would actually prefer learning magic," Braxis replied earnestly.

Levant laughed, "Oh brother, how many times do we have to go over this? You have no affinity for magic, and Father won't impart his knowledge of gravity magic with a degenerate like you," Levant scoffed, mocking Braxis's lack of talent.

Braxis focused on casting one of the spells he had learned in his past life with the MMO, managing to produce a weak puff of smoke that quickly dissipated.

"Hahaha, you call that magic? Come to your swordsmanship lessons when you're serious about life," Levant taunted as he began to walk away.

"Levant, stop! Let me show you what I'm truly capable of!" Braxis declared, determination etched on his face.

Levant turned back around, visibly annoyed, but intrigued by Braxis's sudden motivation. "Fine, I'll observe you one last time. But when you fail again, I'm telling father you abandoned your sword lessons," Levant warned, crossing his arms.

Braxis focused all his magic into the spell, ensuring every aspect was flawless. This time, he channeled all the mana he could muster into the incantation. A fiery explosion burst from Braxis's hands, setting the palace hallway ablaze. As he cast the spell, a gust of air emanated from him, knocking Levant off his feet and onto his backside.

"What the hell, brother! I had no idea you were capable of such power," Levant exclaimed, astounded.

Levant's Impression: +1

Levant's Impression Progress: -4/300

The atmosphere was thick with tension, the air buzzing with the remnants of Braxis' spell. It had been a rare sight indeed, to witness such raw power emanating from someone who had not officially learned the spell. Levant, his eyes still wide with shock, couldn't help but feel a begrudging sense of respect toward his younger brother.

But despite the grudging acknowledgment, Levant still held a deep disdain for Braxis. It was a feeling that had been festering for years, born from the constant comparisons made between the two of them. Levant was the shining star of the family, his swordsmanship skills unmatched by any other in the land. Meanwhile, Braxis had always been viewed as the black sheep - useless and unskilled in any form of combat whilst also being a degenerate laze.

Yet, as Levant gazed at Braxis now, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The younger brother's eyes were filled with a determination that Levant had never seen before, a fierce desire to prove himself in the world of magic. Levant could sense the power emanating from Braxis, a power that could easily eclipse his own swordsmanship skills.

Levant knew he had to say something, to break the tense silence that hung between them. "How did you learn this spell?" he asked, his voice low and cautious.

"I had been secretly practicing, Levant," Braxis replied, his tone cool and collected. "While you may think that I am useless and I don't take things seriously, I do. I just don't enjoy swordsmanship."

Levant's Impression: +1

Levant's Impression Progress: -3/300

Levant was taken aback by his brother's words. For years he had viewed Braxis as nothing more than a lazy and useless burden on the family. But now, as he looked at him, he couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration.

'Braxis had been secretly practicing all this time, determined to prove himself in a world that had constantly belittled him.' Levant thought.

"I was wrong about you on this circumstance brother," Levant said, his voice filled with a grudging respect. "I will give you that. Don't worry about your swordsmanship, I will tell father and I will request for more magical knowledge in your stead."

With those words, Levant turned and left the room, leaving Braxis standing there in stunned silence. For the first time in his life, he felt a glimmer of hope. Perhaps he could prove himself to Gravis.

'Yes! Now I can figure out more about how to channel mana properly!' Braxis internally shouted. The rush of adrenaline was almost overwhelming, a heady mix of excitement and fear that threatened to consume him. When he had played the game, pure swordsmanship could only go so far. He had especially learned that truth when he had fought that final boss, if he had learned a more powerful spell, he may have lived.

'Now I just need to find a spear. While I have ample techniques on sword arts, they're pretty useless compared to the spear. Well, in terms of surviving. If I had a sword, I'd die on the spot!' Braxis sighed as he walked back to his room, awaiting the books.