
Retired X Rank: Life Away From The Frontlines

The other title this book goes by: X-Rank Chronicles: Life Away From The Frontlines _________________ X-ranks. They are one rank higher than the average SSS-rank and two levels higher than the SS-rank. If the domain of touching the sky is SS-rank, and the realm of touching the stars is SSS-rank, then X-ranks should be depicted as beings capable of moving the stars. On a continent called Sun Land there exists a guild capable of mass producing X-ranks like they are cars ready to be sold to the nearest dealership. The country where the guild was created expanded the number of territories it controlled and ruled the continent with an iron might since their military strength has already been assured… Until one fateful day, the guildmaster of that X-Rank guild decided to leave the frontlines and retire. ________________________________________________ Disclaimers: 1. This novel will make your brain rot one way or another. 2. This is my attempt to make a novel where you only need to off your brain to read. 3. If you really don't like the story, leave your 1 star/2 star reviews here. I accept all criticism as I will not take it to heart. 4. Currently paused until July 1st 2024.

Lurking_Ancestor · Fantasie
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19 Chs

Group of Students

Eden of the Seraph's Winged Continent moved out first, sending a team of SS ranked sages and swordmasters to the Avalonian Continent.

After a week of traveling by boat to the continent, the group from Eden docked their boat by the coast before they got off and entered the mainland.

Approximately two weeks later, Ryuda was reading through a stack of documents when his student, The Saint of Dividing Space, entered his office with a solemn look.

The Saint of Dividing Space handed Ryuda a letter stamped with Eden's official seal.

Upon seeing the letter, Ryuda's chill expression became solemn as he opened the letter to read its content.

It read,

"Dear Teacher of a Thousand Paths,

I hope you've been well. We haven't talked since we parted ways with each other a thousand years ago. The reason I'm writing to you is to inform you that School can send a team to the continent of Avalon now.

Eden has lost contact with the team of SS ranked elites a week ago after they had entered the continent. Then it was 3 days later that we found the bodies of those elites hanged on wooden spikes around the borders of the Avalonian Continent.

The Seraph suspects that there is a great evil lurking within the continent so he asked me to send you a letter to request for help. That is all.

Your friend,

The Apostle of Nine Suns."

After reading the letter, Ryuda slumped into his chair as he let out a murky breath.

While the Saint of Dividing Space stood in front of his desk, Ryuda raised his head to stare at the ceiling quietly.

No one knew what he was thinking, his face remained calm at all times.

Not long after, Ryuda lowered his head to look at the letter in his hands. 'Seraph of Eden, I hope you're ready to pay me after I complete your request.'

Ryuda smiled at the thought of it.

3 days later, Ryuda led a group of SSS ranked elites from School to enter the continent of Avalon.

Among the elites he brought along were Azure Monarch who was proficient in casting spells with multiple transformations, the Saint of Dividing Space that was capable of slicing space to move around, the Witch of the Frozen World, as well as the Dragon of Whispering Gales.

Each and every one of his students were extremely strong and capable of starting their own guilds, yet they chose to remain under Ryuda due to their loyalty towards their teacher.

So to not let any of his students feel like their choice was wrong, Ryuda brought his students on a field trip to subdue a great evil in a foreign continent.

How nice of Ryuda, or so they thought.

Upon landing on the beach along the coast of the continent, Ryuda immediately casted several layers of enhancement magic on himself before he disappeared from his students' eyes.

In his mind, it was faster for him to explore the Avalonian Continent if he were to go by himself.

As for his students, Ryuda sent everyone a message before he teleported away in search of the great evil that plagued the Avalonian Continent.

His students on the other hand had already expected this. Ryuda was known to work solo in most missions.

So him bringing them along was not that surprising to them.

The students only felt that it was a pity that Ryuda only cared about the results and didn't bother to enjoy the process.

Nonetheless, none of the students had the ability to persuade their teacher to enjoy the small things during their trip.

They nodded to themselves before the group of students entered the forest and disappeared altogether.

Within the blink of an eye, a month had passed.

Ryuda was still searching for the great evil that plagued the lands of Avalon while his students were exploring the many great wonders found within the Avalonian Continent.

Not only were there palaces of all shapes and sizes littered everywhere, the group of students found several ancient ruins that still had abundant treasures within the ruins.

By the end of the month, the group of students had collected enough treasures to fill up the treasury of an empire.

And in that same month, Merlin the Demon went on several rampages within the Avalonian Continent, killing to his heart's content while he sucked on the souls of those he killed to become stronger.

Merlin had already gone off his original path so he didn't care whether his methods of becoming stronger were ethical or not.

He just kept on killing and killing till there were no more people to kill within that region.

Another month later…

Ryuda stood on the edge of a cliff as he watched a young man with a pair of black goat horns protruding out of his forehead, kill countless villagers of a random village while the young man laughed maniacally.

The young man was none other than Merlin who had gone astray from his original path.

As it had only taken Merlin 3 months to raise his prowess to the peak of SSS rank, Merlin continued to kill and absorb the souls of the dead to strengthen himself over and over again.

It was also at this point that Ryuda's group of students had caught up to their teacher.

When the group saw their teacher, they immediately bowed towards Ryuda before they followed his gaze and looked down at the great evil called Merlin.

"Huh, this devil is quite strong."

"Of course it's strong, this devil has consumed the lives of millions of innocent lives at this point. If we don't kill him now, I'm afraid that this devil will massacre every living thing in this continent given enough time."

"I agree with Witch of the Frozen World, I suggest that we should kill this devil now, lest he stirs up more trouble in the future."

The group of students became excited at the thought of killing the devil in front of them.

After all, it had been a long time since any one of the students had fought a strong enemy.

This devil was practically a god sent relief type punching bag for the SSS rank elites of School to vent their anger on.

Sorry I haven't uploaded anything in the past 2-3 weeks. I was busy with my SAD assignment which holy crap, it's actually hard. Unlike any of my programming assignments.

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