
Sword of Self- Reflection

We live in a world where we want to achieve something.

Protect someone. Get revenge. Build a kingdom and so on.

I was born to become a normal adventurer. That's my will, a destiny that I must fullfil.

We are taught that "will" is an incredibly powerful emotion that drives everyone. And in order for that "will" to come true, one must possess something to protect and embody that will.

And we call that "Armas" a term used to generally describe our weapons. Those weapon are forged based on own "will".

If our Armas shatters, it can only mean one thing, our "will" has change.

As an adventurer, I mind is full of curiosity, traveling around the world, and discovering new things. During that time when my will is to become an adventurer and discover new things, the Dwarves forged me a weapon: A Magnifying Glass.

A very useless when it comes in protecting yourself but it's incredibly useful in a way of seeing things at a different perspective.

But one day, I discovered something that made my mind blown away. And because of that information, I was chased by those people.

And ultimately, I got killed. They stabbed me in every part of my body, and they are doing it very slowly. Making me feel every inch of their blade. My fighting skill at that time is similar to an average person, but with my chaser's skills, I'm completely powerless.

They left me at the heart of the forest, bleeding and breathing slowly but painfully. My blood are scattering everywhere under the raining sky.

I can no longer feel any pain as my mind is already dying. As I look at the sky, my "will" has finally change for the first time.

My "will" to survive and get revenge. My Armas slowly get cracked until the glass shatters as my new will overcome my original will.

"Damn it."

Finally, I died.

But the fate sure do like to play.

When I close my eyes as I died, by mind starting working again. But this time is different.

I was reborn as a son of a noble family, completely different from my past life as a commoner who works as a adventurer.

I was reborn as the youngest grandson of Lunons Family. A family with great background, money, and fame.

And this new life of mine will be different. My new "will" overshadow my original personally. Being tortured slowly to death makes me forget who I really am. But that's not the point, my goal right now is to kill those people who killed me.

The mischievous fate probably sees my misfortune and put me in this place right now. This may be a once in a lifetime opportunity, so wasting this is extremely idiotic.

In the past I was known as Adam but right now, I am known in the name of Raynor Lunons.

Being in this family is already a good asset to me, right now that I am already 15 years old, my body is already fight for a fight. Though, with my current strength I won't last to fight a pro, but I can confidently say that I can protect myself.

In the Lunons Family, each child must start training at the age of 10, they will be trained by a knight assigned by the family.

Sometimes, they will throw us in a forest and survive for 3 days and 3 nights, thankfully, I survived that with the help of my past knowledge as an adventurer.

Now, they are teaching us how to fight using a weapon so that we can protect ourselves. Among the child from the family, I don't excel at everything, but I will continue my training to make myself stronger and better for my revenge.

And at this day, something will definitely good will happen.

"Young Master, your Father has asked for your presence at the hall." A main knocks and state her business through the closed door.


Raynor wears his clothing that has a black coat hanging in his shoulder. As he exit his room, he walks in the large hall full of windows on the side. He looks at the garden and breathe deeply.

"This life would be different after this day is over. Because this day is the day where we will forge our weapons!"

[Hall of the Lunons Family]

A grand and luxurious hall where all large portrait of every member of Lunons Family that brings honor to the family.

Inside, many family members are gathered in front of the Family Head, Thomas Lunons.

He's Raynor's grandfather, despite his young look, he's already at his 60s. He has a large body build, gray hair, and wearing a serious facial expression all the time.

Raynor's father, which is 4th son of the Head, and also a member of Gray Wolf, an elite group in the Kingdom that protects the Law of the country.

Aside from Raynor's father, four of his father's siblings with their child are also present in the room.

Raynor's look around and proceed to his father, while walking he analyze the room.

'There are only four of us here. Most children all look tensed. Well this is their first time, so I guess it's normal.'

Raynor's father, known for his name as Leo, look at his child and see that no hint of nervousness is evident.

'He's bot scared at all. Where is he getting that? and he seems excited.'

Leo can see that Raynor is just walking towards him with ease on his face but he can see a faint smile on his face as if he's excited.

"Are you all right, my son?" Raynor asked.

"Yes, I'm fine, father."

"It seems that you're looking forward for this."

"Of course, after all, this is the time where we will manifest our 'will'"

Every year, at each child at the right age, will finally received their [Armas], a term used for weapon which is a manifestation of their will. It could be a spear, sword, an eye glass, or even a pen. It's form varies from each person's will, do it's form is not determined until it fully manifested.

The Family Head, who is sitting at the higher platform look at his children and his grandsons.

'Well, well, let's see if we can see something interesting this year.' Looking forwards to the situation that is about to unfold, another person enters the Hall.

Everyone shifted their look towards it, and one the light hits its face, it turns out to be a Dwarf.

A being that has the ability to forge the weapon based on the persons will.

"Well then, unpolished gems, let's see what kind of will you all have there."