
Hell of a day

"Is this the end? I ask my self as I see the bodies around me as I am the only one standing I the center of the chaos in an unknown planet not yet marked as the terrifying blacked wing beast destroys the ship we came on which had 50 other passengers all of them now dead as the beast flies towards me I try to jump behind equipment but the beast effortlessly destroys it in a swipe of its talons with the ability to do cut effortlessly through a hundred pounds of steel but the equipment explodes as it is cut and stuns the beast as I see this I begin to run into what seems to me be a forest but soon after the beast is right behind me again and.

I run into a strange plant that shoots spikes into me on impact and i fall to the ground unable to move and when I had given up all hope suddenly a mysterious figure appears in front of me and says "lamas lor noel" but I was paralyzed and unable to understand it while this was going on suddenly the beast swooped down a with and ear shattering screech and attacked the figure but the figure stood there and with a swipe of a hand the beasts head was rolling near me and I passed out When I wake up I find myself in a room with blue torches and I look around for a minute and I see writing on the wall that I can't understand and suddenly I hear the mysterious voice again and it says what is a human doing here? And I quickly look behind me and seated is a man, and he repeats the question in a louder voice and as I'm looking at him he's eyes turn red and.

I respond we were sent here on and expedition the look for inhabitable planets to create bases on for the factions, and he stands up still looking at me and steps forward and says child of ADAM my time now is short so inform me of what has happened between the humans vampires and origins but unsure of what he is talking about I respond vampires are nothing but legends and the humans have been the same since I was born and why can I understand you now and what are origins, and he looks at me and says come with me child, and so I follow him into the vast Forrest, and we eventually reach a cave and inside is a wall with similar writing as the hut

I will explain to you the ties between the three races the humans vampires and origins as you have confirmed my earlier fear the origins are of no more and the humans and vampires have separated, and he proceeded to tell me how he dosnt know ho the races came about, but he explained to me that before the three races were one all together and as time went on they spread away from each other as the vampires started to stray away from the humans and stopped seeing them as beings in need of protection and nothing more than mere cattle and the origins and vampires were at odds because of this but feared a war with the origins who had their powers and more and how the other races progressed in technologyabd knowledge the humans remained stagnate and were not progressing and.

The origins who were the judges of both races were trying to keep the vampires from trying to overtake the human through trickery this caused a conflict between the origins and vampires and finally the vampires separated themselves from both completely then he says child I am due soon and.

I wish to make you an origin do you wish to become one and thinking of how easily he killed the beast I immediately say yes, and he them puts his hand on my head and chants amor de gio three times then pass out and when I awake In the cave I see a screen has popped up and it says.

Level: 1

name: James lancer

race: Origin

Status: Dazed

Abilities: Blood control 1, influence 1, charm 0, stamina 5, agility 2, strength 10

Quest: Reach level 10