
Repeated Coincidence or Fate? (A Nigerian Romance)

This is the sequel to my first book, I Choose You (A Nigerian Romance). It can be read as a stand alone. ............. She was curious, curious about him. He was afraid, afraid that his secrets would be known. Meet Somadina Uzora, A cheery but extremely clumsy girl, who was seen as an happy go lucky person. Unfortunately that was only what the naked eyes could see. Now meet Zachary Stone, his last name practically states the expression he always carries. To put it simply, he wants no business at all with the entire human specie. They both practically had nothing in common. But it seems Fate or would I say..a R-epeated C-oincidence just kept bringing this two together. But when secrets start flying in the air, it appears that this two indeed do have an uncanny relationship after all.

Zanyyy · Teenager
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9 Chs

Cherry personality

"Wait, let me get this straight" Feliciá softly started, although I knew that silence always comes before the raging storm.

"So you're telling me that.... Zachary Stone. Leaves in the same building we are presently residing in?" Popping a gummy bear into my mouth I chewed on it briefly then answered her.

"Yup. To be more precise his apartment is pretty much directly above ours" I finished with an uncaring shrug. The shock I got from the very first time I got to know about this particularly shocking information concerning Zachary staying in the same apartment building as we did has most probably faded by now. Right now, all I could feel was 'acceptance'.

Like to hell with it. Okay so yeah we go to the same bloody school, yeah we do the same course, Yeah we friggin always had a really weird reoccurring coincidental bumpation (Uhm yeah, I literally just spoke crap, sue me) And yeah I just got to find out that we leave in the same building. But you know what, I have decided to accept it all. I mean that is the best way to go about all this shit right?

Feliciá gave me a very bored look "Why are you so calm about this Adina? The Zachary Stone leaves in our building and you practically look like you could give less fuck's about it" I was presently in Feliciás room. I was lucky enough to spot a pack of untouched gummy bears...lucky me I know.....so yeah, I kinda stole it, but with her permission of course. So practically if you analyze it very well, I technically didn't 'steal' it.

I let out a low snort. Popping yet another gummy bear into my mouth I smirked "Wait o, I don't understand, is it that you want me to start rolling on the ground like a mumu because I just got to find out that the highly antisocial kid leaves were we do"

(Translation: Mumu (Pidgin language): It is used to refer to someone as a fool)

"Tah correction, highly 'handsome' antisocial kid" I gave out a dead look as my best friend went ahead to suggestively wiggle her brows at me.

With the escape of a giggle, She further said "But you know Adina, have I ever told you that it's funny when you automatically switch to your Nigerian accent?"

"Well I am Nigerian after all" I smiled cheekily and gave her a smug look. "And you sef you're learning from me. You just said 'Tah', which I am pretty sure French people don't say"

With a smug look now on her own face she winked "Ah but mademoiselle, you forgot that I am also half Nigerian. So in other words, I am entitled to my heritage" I gave her a strange look as she in turn let out a huff. But in the end, I couldn't still fight the small smile that made it's way to my face.

"Yes, yes, Miss. Feliciá who is entitled to her Nigerian heritage" Standing up from the bed I started heading for the door.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Not waiting for a reply from me, she added yet another question "To your room?" She called out.

Before completely leaving I briefly turned back to respond with two words "Roof-top"

Almost immediately a deep frown edged on her face "Ady...are you sure you don't want me to go with y---"

Cutting her off I gave her a small smile "Don't worry, Felly. I don't plan on doing anything stupid like you're probably thinking" Not waiting for a reply from her, I closed the door behind me. Entering the leaving room the next thing I did was to head for the door leading outside of our apartment.


Presently on the rooftop of the apartment building, The stars were shining ever so brightly and beautifully tonight. A lot of thoughts were running through my mind, some good, but the majority were leading to the much darker side.

Sighing I softly whispered "Ah, if only everyday in life would have been half as beautiful as you guys are"

"Ahh, talking to inanimate objects now are we?" Of course I didn't need to turn back to know who had said that.


A deep playful voice replied cheekily "The one and only" I guess he was easily able to recognize who I was from my voice.

Finally turning back to have a good look at him a soft blush stained my cheeks. With his hair messily tousled, very visible eye bags and a ridiculously cute pajamas on his body, I couldn't fight away the blush that crawled unto my cheeks.

Making an attempt to drown away any thoughts of how incredibly cute he looked at the moment, I quickly said with a sly smirk.

"Cute Pj's. Where did you get them from?" I could swear on my life that a soft tint of pink stained Zachary's cheeks at my question. Apart from his frequent broody look and Sometimes cocky smirks, this was practically the first time ever that I have seen the University's royal prince, embarrassed.

"My sister" I heard him quietly mumble.

Although I was a little surprised at the fact that he had a sister, I made sure not to let it show.

Instead I responded "Well she most definitely has a really..." I tried to hold back my giggle as I stared at the big hello kitty image on his t-shirt. I finally continue "....cherry personality".

Rolling his eyes he walked closer to me and rested his arms on the rails just like I was. Letting out a scoff he said "You can say that again"

Swiftly changing the topic he asked "Do you always come up here every night?"

I was staring forward as I replied "I won't say 'every night' per say. Just only on the days I don't feel so happy" Shrugging I asked "What about you?"

When I turned back to look at him, he was already staring right at me, a look of curiosity doing the walt's in his eyes. Although I already had the knowledge that Zachary couldn't recognize faces all too well, the way he was staring at me at that moment, made me to have the thought that he was seeing me quite possibly well.

"Me? I just moved into this building this week, I've been soo busy with moving in so this is actually my first time being on the rooftop"

Rolling my eyes playfully at the ridiculous situation, I told him "And surprise surprise you met me here. You know I really am starting to believe that you're a full fledged dedicated stalker"

"Ah what a coincidence Somadina, I believe we were both thinking the same thing" A low shiver traveled down my spine as soon I heard the way Zachary uttered my full name not my nickname. It almost felt like this wasn't the first time I was hearing him say my name.

"Wait say that one more time" I hurriedly said out.

Confusion masking his face Zachary asked "What?"

"My name Somadina, say it again"