
Rental Girlfriend - Upgraded Kazuya

Rent a girlfriend / Kanojo Okarishimasu - Kazuya x Chizuru Kazuya took this break up more seriously than what was depicted in the anime. He thought of himself as pathetic, cried multiple times, and always asked himself what he did wrong to Mami for her to dump him? He thought their relationship was going great. Was it his excessive horniness when Mami caught him stealing glances and trying to steal kisses? (That's why Kazuya's horniness will be toned down here contrary to the series) He experienced his first anxiety attack and after a few days of suffering depression, he realizes how devastating and tired his face was upon looking at the mirror. So, he decided to move on. How will he do it? He doesn't know but he will. Notes: As this is a fanfic, I will do my best to follow the plot but there may be minor changes that may affect major arcs later on. Things such as Kazuya working out, getting a new hobby, and even luckily getting a side hustle as a business consultant which is his talent and forte are examples of minor changes I will be introducing in this fanfic. I am also not a native English speaker, and I apologize in advance with how I position my sentences and how I convey the story. After I finished writing this fanfic, hopefully it will give me more experience so I can write new novels in the future. My boss sometimes asks me to do unpaid overtime, but I will do my best and release at least 1-2 chapters a week. I promise I won't drop this fanfic. PS: I do my best to proofread each chapter to ensure everything is in order and plot makes sense. Others: " " this indicates that character is speaking ' ' this indicates that character is speaking from their mind (thinking) [ ] future format during SMS conversations. I did not use this yet early on since Mami blocked Kazuya. Most likely, she also blocked him in SMS or other Messaging apps. ( ) Author notes Sentences in Italic would be memories that have resurfaced like a flashback.

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11 Chs

Embracing the Unkown

As the clock neared 5 PM, Kazuya arrived back at his two-story apartment, his heart brimming with excitement. He had spent the afternoon exploring the mall and then made a stop at the grocery mart to stock up on essentials.

Now, determined to dive into his dropshipping venture, he jogged up the stairs to the second floor, eager to get started on his plans. However, as he reached his floor, a curious sight caught his attention. A pile of mail lay in front of the door of the unit next to his.

"Hmm, so someone is living here?" Kazuya wondered, concerned that his neighbor's mail had been left unattended.

Setting aside his shopping bags, he gathered the stray letters and carefully placed them through the mail slot of his neighbor's door.

"Maybe the postal worker was in a hurry," Kazuya reasoned, hoping he had resolved the situation.

As he sorted the mail, he noticed that some of the items seemed to be meant for a female recipient, like magazines and subscriptions that were popular among women.

'Come to think of it... I've been here for more or less 3 months and haven't met any of my neighbors,' Kazuya mused inwardly while he tidied up the mail.

With that small act of kindness done, he finally entered his own apartment. Over the past seven weeks since his breakup with Mami, Kazuya had made several changes to his living space. A stylish clothing rack now adorned one wall, showcasing the new clothes he had purchased earlier.

There's a few personal touch such as a few plants he bought as well which adds serenity and freshnes to his living place. In another corner, folded gym equipment awaited his workouts, neatly tucked away when not in use.

He noticed he still has a few extra spaces and thinking of his dropshipping venture, he immediately thought that he needed a proper work space.

Engaging in some quick mental calculations, he estimated the budget required for setting up his workspace. However, he knew it was essential to explore various options before making a final decision. With his groceries in hand, he returned to the apartment and placed them neatly in the fridge.

Next on his agenda was deciding what to cook for today's dinner. With the excitement of his new dropshipping venture fuelling his spirits, he planned to prepare a special and affordable meal. It would be a way to celebrate this newfound idea and at the same time, a gesture to wish for luck and success in his new journey.

Since he started working, Kazuya had become conscious of the importance of maintaining a healthy diet. While he occasionally indulged in eating out, he made a genuine effort to cook nutritious meals whenever possible.

As he busily prepped his celebratory dinner, he multitasked by browsing office tables suitable for his home workspace on his phone. One particular option caught his eye—an ergonomic home office table with adjustable height.

"Interesting.." Kazuya murmured to himself, captivated by the idea. He noticed a video in the preview that showcased the table's versatility. The person in the video stood up, adjusted the table height, and even unfolded a small treadmill to walk on while working. The concept appealed to his desire for a healthy lifestyle, and he couldn't help but consider it as a practical investment for his work and well-being.

Very intrigued by the idea, Kazuya decided to bookmark the item, recognizing its long-term benefits despite the slightly higher price tag. After setting his phone down, he focused on finishing his dinner preparation.

Earlier, during his trip to the grocery mart, he had bought the ingredients for the baked salmon with asparagus, along with a few other items to ensure he had supplies for the next few days.

For the salmon dish, he had picked up fresh salmon fillets, vibrant green asparagus, cherry tomatoes, and a lemon. The total cost of the ingredients came to around 1,500 yen, which he considered reasonable for a delicious and healthy meal.

With everything ready, Kazuya preheated his oven and began preparing the dish. He seasoned the salmon with a dash of olive oil, freshly squeezed lemon juice, salt, pepper, and a sprinkle of dried herbs. The asparagus and cherry tomatoes were drizzled with olive oil and seasoned as well.

Once the oven reached the desired temperature, he placed the seasoned salmon and vegetables on a baking sheet and carefully slid it into the oven. While waiting for the salmon to cook to perfection, he took the time to tidy up the kitchen, washing the utensils and wiping down the countertops.

The tantalizing aroma of the baked salmon filled the air as it cooked to a delectable tenderness. After about 15 minutes, Kazuya pulled out the baking sheet, pleased with the beautiful result before him.

Happy and content with his cooking, he set up a small table by his bed, creating a cozy dining spot. Settling down, he savored each bite of the succulent salmon paired with the roasted asparagus and sweet cherry tomatoes.

With his stomach satisfied, he decided to browse more options for his home office while enjoying his meal. The ergonomic office table with the foldable treadmill still caught his attention, and he finalized the purchase, eager to enhance his productivity and overall well-being.

As he sat there, eating and browsing, he couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. The changes he had made to his living space and his commitment to healthy eating and personal growth filled him with optimism for the future. With a warm feeling of contentment, he knew he was on the right path, yet there lingered uncertainty about how others perceived him now.

Still browsing through various options, Kazuya's enthusiasm for improving his living space grew.

He settled on purchasing a few vibrant and low-maintenance plants to bring a touch of nature and tranquility into his open balcony at the back. Imagining a cozy reading nook on his rear balcony, he also added a comfortable bean bag and a small round table to hold his books or serve as a spot to play his guitar.

Kazuya envisioned spending leisurely here, surrounded by greenery and enjoying the gentle breeze that filtered through the open balcony.

After finishing his meal and cleaning up the dishes, Kazuya settled in front of his laptop, ready to formulate the plan for his new venture. His first step was to research the available platforms for dropshipping.

Among the various options he explored, SHOPEEFY emerged as the most appealing choice for Kazuya, primarily due to its focus on online stores. The platform's user-friendly interface and streamlined setup process instilled him with confidence, knowing that he could efficiently navigate through the platform and launch his store seamlessly.

On the other hand, WEX provided a wider range of product variety, but Kazuya recognized that it was more tailored towards website content rather than E-commerce. While it offered flexibility in creating captivating websites, he understood that his main priority was building a successful online store for dropshipping.

Undecided yet to which platform he should be using, Kazuya turned his attention to finding the perfect niche and product for his venture.

"Hmm, beauty products seem profitable...but is there a way I can leverage my hobby and expertise in marine life..?"

While beauty products appeared to be a lucrative market, he also considered delving into his passion for marine life. The idea of selling marine-related products, such as aquarium supplies, marine conservation merchandise, underwater cameras, and scuba diving gears, excited him.

As he researched and analyzed the potential of each niche, he acknowledged that although dropshipping didn't require him to be an expert in these areas, having a basic understanding would be beneficial in curating a thoughtful and appealing product selection.

Fully aware of the importance of planning, Kazuya aimed to see early traction and generate income. He dedicated time to strategizing and identifying the best products that aligned with market demands and his own interests.

With his niche and product ideas taking shape, he typed his thoughts into his laptop, mapping out the necessary steps for each phase of his dropshipping journey. He knew that careful planning and organization would be the keys to success.

Beyond product selection, Kazuya explored other crucial aspects of the business, such as digital marketing, social media presence, and customer service. He understood that effective marketing strategies and engaging content would help him connect with potential customers and build brand loyalty.

Scaling up his venture was also on Kazuya's radar. While he began with a modest budget, he knew that allocating funds for future growth and expansion was essential. He calculated how much he could invest in marketing campaigns, website enhancements, and improving customer support to ensure a smooth and reliable shopping experience.

Despite the advantage of not needing upfront capital for inventory, Kazuya recognized that a budget was still required to make his dropshipping venture fully operational. He meticulously planned his finances, ensuring that every aspect of the business received the attention it deserved.

As the night went on, the excitement in his heart was undeniable. But a small part of him couldn't shake off the uncertainty—

'what if I fail to make this work?' His heart filled with doubt.

While feeling a wave of uncertainty, he subconsciously glanced at the scar on his right palm. Then, seeking a moment of contemplation, he lay down on his bed, resting both hands on his head.

After some time, he stood up, made his way to the fridge, grabbed a cold can of beer, and headed to the balcony to gather his thoughts and find some clarity amidst the excitement and nerves.

When he emptied his can of beer, He look at his right palm again, seeing the long scar that he got from that day, he chuckled.

"The thought of starting my own dropshipping venture fills me with both excitement and nervousness. It's like standing at the edge of a cliff, ready to take the leap into the unknown."

As Kazuya gazed into the starry night sky, he felt a mix of trepidation and determination. The scars of the past served as a reminder of the challenges he had overcome.

He recognized that a successful dropshipping business could provide him with the means to support himself financially while also allowing him to pursue his hobbies and studies without compromise.

The journey ahead might be filled with ups and downs, but he knew that with careful planning, unwavering persistence and boundless optimism, he could make his dreams a reality.

While all this was happening, someone from the unit next to Kazuya's opened their door. As she saw the organized stack of mails, a surprised expression danced across their face—it was the first time Chizuru had witnessed such thoughtfulness. She always love being organized, and receiving her mail in a disarrayed manner had been a regular occurrence for her.

With a warm smile, they picked up the mail, feeling a sense of appreciation for the small act of kindness.

Heading into her own apartment, she couldn't help but carry that pleasant encounter as she prepared dinner. The simple gesture of consideration had brightened her tiring day.

Little did Kazuya know that his small act of kindness had already made an impact on someone's evening, and it was just the beginning of the journey that lay ahead for him.

Author Notes

(Remember that scene where Chizuru acted as a ninja in a live play? Yeah, she didn't get the next role/project due to nepotism. While she cries at the later scenes, we can actually see how meticulous and organized she is when learning the character to truly embody it and bring it to life.)

Manga Chapter 53