

Spending several years in the warfare academy of Brightburn was taxing for Max. Having lost a lot of loved ones due to the war between the humans and the alien race called Zerons was what kept him going, through tough training to happy moments. Maximilian, the best warfare cadet was graduating from the place he called a hell hole, the warfare academy on New Earth. The fighting, simulations, skills and knowledge that had to be acquired and the hard work put into it.

Caliing on stage the warfare cadets , medals being handed to them. Finally the main event, "Maximilian, the best warfare cadet ever seen in the years the warfare academies were put in place. We are proud that a legend is rising for the betterment of the human race. We here by honor you with the highest medal for best warfare cadet and the most advanced space battleship'The Facon' as well as you receiving advanced Mech and weapons "General Chris said. Sir, thank you for all the training you and the teachers have given me. Without you, I would not have made it far. I shall try my best to fight for the human race, my family and make sure what happen in the past does not occur again.

Even though I was not born, I have seen the footage of the war between us and the Zerons. The death, cries of people, destruction of our home planet Earth, my family members that are missing and those dead as well as the 60 percent of the human race that got wiped out. My blood boils". Maximilian said to those present.

Young one, your words have made us proud and with your courage there is an opportunity for you to pay those aliens back. Your training the same as others but your determination has made you stand out graduating with highest honor and I can proudly say that you have the potential to be greater than Commander Burnington. A toast to you, All hail Max. Cheers erupted as General Chris finished his statement.All around Max the graduates looked envious "he does not have a power but thinks he can win just because he's smart". Suddenly a wire moved like a snake as it tried to coil itself around Max as he was leaving the podium which got cut by a sword. "Any cadet who tries that again can have his dreams in prison, do I make my self clear" sir yes sir as the fear of General Chris gripped their minds.