You're nineteen years, your name is Jennifer, you were well on your way to college to get your doctrine in medicine but then you were at the wrong place at the wrong time and that changed your life forever. Your Mom died at birth and it's been you and your Dad since you can remember. You and your dad are successfully been running your own diner in Washington, for almost a year now.
" head!" A beautiful build man with dark hair and blue eyes is laying on his arms on the counter in the diner.
"Yeah...did you have a good time?" You answered him with a wicked smile.
"What? Where am I?"
"Runaways diner"
"What? Please, what time is it?"
"Almost midnight" He was left alone after passing out. His friends were just too happy to leave him. They paid the bill and walked out with their girlfriends.
"Oh!!! no!!! Shit, shit, shit!!! I'm late!!!" He stands up, his hoodie is covering his face. He gets up too quickly and grabs his head in pain. "Ow!! Dammit!"
You grab him by the waist and lead him back to his seat. "Hey, you okay?" You see his deep blue eyes staring at you in awe. "Wow, thank you. I'm sorry for being so rude. I'm Jason and you are?"
"Jennifer. Please to meet you. You sure you're okay?"
"I'm fine. Thank you so much for caring, not a lot of people will care"
"I find that hard to believe that your "friends" just left you like this"
Your dad opens the kitchen door and peeks out "Honey, you locking up?"
"In a minute Dad!"
"Oh, I got to go" He stands up slowly.
"You sure you're okay? Can I get you a cab?"
"NO!" He clears his throat. "I'm sorry, I mean to say, no thanks I just.....I'll be okay,
thank you" He walks to the door. "Thank you for, Jennifer. I won't forget it"
"No problem" You try to see his face, but the hoodie is covering most of it. He turns around and
walks out of the door.
(I wonder why he covered his face like that?) You see a flash through the window.
(Is it starting to rain?)
"Honey, did you lock up?" Your dad peeks out the door again. "Yeah....almost"
You and your Dad heads home. You take a long bath and go to bed. You have an early morning tomorrow, the diner times are early to late. You wake up the next morning and that encounter with Jason stays in the back of your mind.
Your dad walks out of his bedroom "Ready for today?"
"As ready can I can be" You get to the front door of the diner and as usual, on time, Lucy is leaning against the wall. She's been with you since the beginning and you see her as more than a friend,
more like a big sister. "Good morning, my cuties! I brought the newspaper if anyone is interested"
"Nothing good happens in that anyway..." You comment
"Yeah you right, it's just bad news and celebrities nonsen-....whoa!"
"What??" You jump at her voice "John come and have a look!! Guess who made the front page!"
"What?" Your dad comes from the kitchen.
On the front page is a picture of the president's son and your diner in the background. "Wow! We better prepare for a big morning rush! Free publicity" you sigh.
"That's great for business!" your dad smiles. Lucy agrees "Yeah, let's get to work!" You were right, it's a huge morning rush. You run around like mad hatters. Finally, you get a small break. You sit at the counter.
"Whew! If I knew this is what advertising means than I wouldn't have wished for this" you fall on the chair. "Yeah, this is no joke. I need coffee" Lucy walks to the coffeemaker. Just when you thought you could relax, the next customers walk in.
"....I knew he shouldn't have had that mysterious looking cocktail!"
"Yeah, I guess he's in big trouble. His Dad isn't the forgiving type!" They laugh and slap each other on the shoulders. They take a seat at the corner booth.
"Oh boy! I do love my job...NOT!" You look at the two rich, college guys in the corner booth. "Don't worry girl, just another 6 hours to go"
"Not helping!" You walk over to their booth. "Hello. What can I get you?"
"Wow! He didn't joke when he said she's a catch" one of the guys commented while looking you up and down. "Excuse me?"
"No sorry darling, we were just thinking out loud..." They wink at each other and laugh.
" Oh....wait a minute....aren't you the trustworthy friends that left your friend here when he was passed out last night?" They look away, avoiding eye contact with you.
" must be mistaking us for someone else. Can we please have coffees to go?"
"Sure, anything for you upstanding citizens!" You turn around and laugh a little inside yourself for beating them at their own game.
(Rich kids, all the same!)
You make their coffees and walk over to give it to them, then you overhear them again
as you get closer.
"...he sure knows how to pick them..."
"Yeah but his Dad will never let him pursue..."
"Here you go, boys" They take the coffees and get out as quickly as possible.
"Pfff....of course"
"Yeah, you tell them, and while you're busy doing that, be ready for the next rush" Lucy laughs at you. She points to the outside and you see the lunch crowd coming in.
"Oh boy!" You run around to get all the orders in and clients satisfied. This carries on until it's
closing time.
"I'm close to dying. We should never advertise, EVER! I'm going straight to bed. Goodnight, hope tomorrow is less stressful." Lucy turns around and leaves the diner.
"Goodnight Lucy! I feel your pain!" Your feet sore and you're unable to walk after the day you had. Suddenly you're Dad's cursing in the kitchen.
"Dad? Everything okay?"
"It's my knees, way too much work for one day"
"Dad, why don't you go home. I'll lock up"
"Honey, I can't do that, let me help you" You take your Dad by the shoulders and lead him out the back door.
"Go home Daddy, I'm going to lock up and come home. Promise!"
"But honey!"
"Goodnight Daddy, see you later!" You close and lock the door. You walk very slowly and in pain to the front door.
"You okay?" You jump at the sound of his voice. You look up and see the same guy you found
passed out last night. He has his hoodie on again. You struggle to see his face."Whoa! Uhm...why?"
"I see you're in pain" He points to your feet. "Oh! Yeah, I'm fine, just a long day...."
"It must have been a painful day?"
"Well, standing on your feet and running around all day, will probably do that to you" You walk to the closest chair and sit down. "Ow, ow, ow!"
"You sure you okay?"
" the guy of last night? Jason, right?"
"Yeah that's me and you're Jennifer?"
"Yeah.....actually we're closed for the day. Is there something I can help you with?"
"Oh sorry, I was just...."
"Well, it's kind of embarrassing but I just wanted to come and talk to you again. I know it might sound weird but-"
"I'm....I'm actually happy you're here. I was wondering if you were okay after last night and if you ever made it home okay" You're trying to see his face but you can only see his blue eyes. He stands up straight.
"You keep on surprising me, caring for someone you don't even know"
"Yeah well, my Dad always should always have courage and be kind"
"Yes...yes that's so true" You stand up moaning in pain as you get to your feet. You walk closer to the door and he walks further away. He let his head hang low so you can't see his face.
" should put your feet up tonight" He turns around and put his hand on the doorknob.
"Yeah...yeah thanks, I will"
"You have a good night, Jennifer" Then he's out the door. You just stand there and stare.
(Wow this was unexpected and wonderful at the same time. He's got the most beautiful blue eyes you have ever seen)
You walk in a haze back home and keep thinking about Jason. You get home and put your feet up. You smile to yourself, thinking about the words Jason said to you. The next morning all things are in full swing in the diner. You can't help thinking if maybe you'll have a visit from Jason again.
A big man with a black trench coat and sunglass walks in the diner. "Hello, I'm looking for a Miss Jennifer?"
"Hello, that's me?"
"This is for you Mam" He hands you a blue box with a red bow on top.
"Are...are you sure?"
"Yes, Mam, that was my orders. Have a good day" You're shocked. You've never had a delivery, nevermind a gift. You open the box and find all kinds of expensive accessories for treating tired feet, with a note.
"Thought I could return the care - hope this would help relieve the pain"
(Oh my god! What's going on? Who is this guy?)