
Chapter 6: An Unusual Alliance

Nightingale kept her gaze fixed on Roland for a moment before releasing a soft and enigmatic laugh. "You're intriguing, Your Highness. Your dark sense of humor surprises me."

Roland nodded in acknowledgment. "It's a dark time, and sometimes, a bit of humor can keep us sane."

Nightingale laughed softly, her laughter enigmatic. "Well, Your Highness, in these troubled times, a bit of black humor can help maintain sanity."

Removing her hood and revealing her face, she was a young woman of stunning beauty, her golden and wavy hair cascading like a waterfall, dancing in the candlelight. "But returning to the reason for my presence here, I came because I would like to take Anna and Nana with me."

Roland raised an eyebrow, a teasing smile playing on his lips. "Interest? And why do you think I would allow you to take them?"

"I will bring them to the Witch Cooperation Association, and that is their destiny," Nightingale declared firmly.

Roland's teasing smile faded into a more serious expression. "And why should I trust you with them?"

"Trust is a luxury, Your Highness," she replied enigmatically, "but it is built on alliances and mutual interests. I believe we have common objectives."

"And what would those objectives be?" Roland asked, his curiosity piqued.

Nightingale leaned forward, her gaze fixed on Roland's. "The preservation of our kind, the advancement of our abilities, and defiance of those who seek to suppress us."

Roland pondered her words for a moment. "I can see the logic in your argument. However, I have concerns. My city is facing a severe threat from demon beasts that will surround us in two months. How can I be sure that you and your sisters will be safe on the Sacred Mountain, as you call it?"

Nightingale's expression remained enigmatic as she replied, "I have means to ensure our safety. We witches have existed for centuries and know how to protect ourselves. But it is your city that is at risk, Your Highness. Are you willing to face this threat head-on?"

Roland leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face. "You have presented an intriguing proposal, Nightingale. What if I were to offer you an alternative?"

Nightingale raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "An alternative? Please, explain."

"In two months, the demon beasts will indeed threaten the city," Roland explained. "But even if you were to find the Sacred Mountain, you would not be safe from them. I am suggesting that you and your sisters come to the border town during the winter. We have defenses in place, and your magical abilities could be of great help."

The proposal caught Nightingale by surprise. "Stay here? In this city? You are truly an interesting man."

She paused for a moment, thoughtful, before shaking her head. "After what I have witnessed here and what I have seen in you, this was my second choice. I just didn't know how to approach the subject. It's good that you extended the invitation; the challenge will be convincing my sisters to come to the border town."

Roland smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "I'm glad we've reached an understanding. I believe our alliance can benefit both sides."

Nightingale agreed with a nod. "Very well, Your Highness. I will soon go to my sisters to try to convince them to stay in the border town and assist during the winter months. In return, we ask for your continued support in our endeavors."

"It's a deal," said Roland, extending his hand. They shook hands, sealing their unusual alliance.