
Chapter 17: Stupid Attempt

R:VCP | Chapter 17: Stupid Attempt

How do you know when you like,


Does your heart really flutters and skips a beat when seeing them?

Would you really feel butterflies inside of you?

Will you really miss them even though just a mere second have passed when the two of you didn't see each other?

Could your world really be complete once you see that person's smile?

Or is it when, you suddenly realized that, you really don't want to lose that person after all...

Who knows. ╮(︶ヘ︶)╭

Because, liking someone and the reason why and how you like them. Doesn't have a definite answer, because every reasons vary.

Tsk. Really!? Really!??

Σ(`Д' )!!!!

Huhuhuhu. This is to much~~ 


"Luna... Would you... Erm... like to try, my cooking?" Ivy shyly asked me, paired with that expectant eyes who could reject her?



Even though I'm acting as a cold, aloof emotionless Villainess here, you still can't deny the fact that I'm still human! A human that can fall for Moe moves like Ivy did!

Hands that being clammy, slightly red cheeks while asking, biting lips with a little expectation, and eyes that are waiting for praise. Yup. Literally just like a puppy waiting for a treat!!



That's why even though I already decided to ignore them, with that kind of Moe attack~ Sigh who could've help, right?

"Okay." I said cooly.

Hearing that, Ivy seems to float from endless happiness. Which really is weird since why the heck do they want to give their food to me!? I'm not the Capture Target! And how come this food is yummy!!!??

'Ahhhh~~ so yummy~~ creamy~~chocolateyyyy~~ wanna eat it all~'

"Luna? Is- is it okay?"

Hearing Ivy's nervous voice, I came back from that chocolatey dream~

'Wait!! How can this be!? Doesn't Ivy not know how to cook!? But, why does eating her chocolate made chocolate super yummy!?? (((゚Д゚;)))!!'

Meh~ ╮(︶▽︶)╭ Maybe it's just luck! Especially since I know that plot-sama along with Fate will never let something from the game story and plot change~

Which somehow sorta sad~~


Sigh so sad... Guess the other Villainesses' chocolate will still be not that great like the game huh.


"*Coughs* Yeah, It's ermm okay."

After saying that, Ivy was so giddy and full of smiles.

'Ermmm~ Okay~~? isn't this too much for a reaction? (¯∇¯٥) it's not like I'm the guy she's confessing to and I accept her confessio-- 

Le gasp!! Σ░(꒪◊꒪ )))) Don't Tell me!!?'

Whipping my head back at them they were full of smileys~ and it's suspicious!!

Luna who raised her alertness to full level to these Villainesses and Heroine's suspiciousness. Was just about to silently retreat when...

"Luna!!" Dahlia who can't calm herself anymore, jump in front of Luna with shiny expectant eyes and said.

"Eat my chocolate too!"

Which made Camille and Belle follow suit too~

"Luna taste mine too. It's not to sweet so don't worry.."

"Luna~ mine too!! It's more creamy and explosive!"

With their full force and endless persuasion and... Coercion? Luna was helpless.


Why do I feel that I'm stealing the Capture Targets' event?

(T▽T)・ *cry*

'Sorry Capture Targets~~'




"Is it yummy!?"

"How does it taste Luna??"



Why does their chocolate so delicious than mine!!? This isn't luck anymore!! 

(T▽T)・ I do not believe that this is luck!! Huhuhu. I don't believe that this chocolate was made just by luck this is too heavenly! I'd rather believe that plot-sama is destroyed or Fate gone cuckoo cuckoo instead!!

'Luck can't defeat skills. (T▽T)・

Luck can't defeat skills. (T▽T)・

Luck can't defeat skills. (T▽T)・

*Mutter* (T▽T)・

*Mutter* (T▽T)・'


"Luck can't defeat skills?" Dahlia asked.


'Wait! Did I said that out loud!? Noo~~ (T▽T)・'

"Luna?" Dahlia please stop probing. 


"*Coughs* it's delicious, good job." After saying that Dahlia exploded.

"Really!??? Wahh!! So great!!!"

*Sighs in relief*

'Mission on averting topic accomplished' ( •̀ᄇ• ́)ﻭ✧


"That's good~ Now Luna~~~ *eerie* *eerie*"


What's happening!?

Looking back at the Dahlia and the others~

*Creepy smiles*

Welp! o((⊙﹏⊙))o. Why do I feel like I'm facing a devil? Four at that!!!


*Shudders* scary...



"Yes?" Why do they seem really weird today? It's scaring me!! Aren't I supposed to be the scariest!? I'm the Main Villainess!! (T▽T)・

"Let's talk, okay?"

*Shudders* Stepping back slowly to retreat, I bumped into someone... Turning my head to that person. I wanna cry 


"Luna~ ('ᴖωᴖ`)" *shivers* why do I feel like the Heroine's smile is more Villainess-y than mine?

Looking at the four of them. The Villainesses and the Heroine... I realized~ that I, have fallen to their trap!! Stupid chocolate!! You lure me!!! Huhuhu. I feel like crying (T▽T)・

'So, does this mean the 'Hunt for Luna'is finally it's end?' Luna asked herself weakly.

"Yes~ it's finally ended." Camille smiled creepily that makes anyone she smiling at shivers!

Luna was shocked. Σ(`Д' )!?

'How did she hear my thoughts!!'

Camille smiled more deeply seeing Luna's reaction, and... Hearing her thoughts~.

"It's confession time Luna~" Luna, again, shivered.

[Host, Camilla. I think you're being to mean~ *helpless*]

After saying that Camille also smiled towards to a certain system.

Duze: *shivers* Why do I feel host Camilla is getting more and more scary?

"Hehehe." I can't think of anything! How can I escape!?

With no further plan and obviously being surrounded, Luna was helpless. When...

"Everyone good job! You all really made a good job! And I, as your teacher is so proud. But, still~ many students was wayward their chocolate wasn't really a chocolate. Sigh... But still it's good! Because they tried their best! So, now! I'll announce the students who made the most delicious and yummy chocolates! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o "

Hearing this, Luna immediately brighten up.

'Yes! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ An opportunity! Hehehe.'

Camille hearing her thoughts immediately highten her alertness and looked closely to Luna. 

( ・'ー・')



Feeling the stare Luna slowly turned around. Σ(`д′*ノ)ノWhat the fudge!!

Don't tell me she read my mind again! 

o((⊙﹏⊙))o. *Whimper* Why do I feel a bit... Scared?

"The best chocolates I tasted so far are~

Miss Simons!

Miss Kent!

Miss Chan!

And Miss.....


Come here up the stage!"

This... This... ⁺◟( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ ·̫ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ ) I've never been this thankful in my whole life that I'm not a great cook!!

'Thank you cooking skills! You never fails to fail me!! Thank you~~ '

*happy* *happy* ⁺◟( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ ·̫ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ )"

Camille who sense and read Luna's mood. Her face can't help but darken 

( -_||||)

Duze: "..."

"Come on! Come here girls~~" with Miss Aji's constant calling the Heroine and the Villainesses was helplessly pushed forward.

[Host, Camilla~ the mind reading pill has officially expired. You won't be able to read Miss Luna's thoughts anymore.]

Duze timidly inform his host. Especially his host had somehow been in a bad mood lately, due to the constant appearance of Spade the Capture Target.

'Hmm. Duze, watch Luna out for me for a bit.'

After prompting Duze of what to do, that's only then Camille went and follow the others and head to Miss Aji.

Luna was certainly joyous!

As far as everyone knows that I don't want the plot to change anymore~ this is the only time that I am so thankful that it actually change!! Bravo!! Bravo!!


With them being held by Miss Aji~ 

( •̀ᄇ• ́)✧ I can finally escape!

With a sidestep and a back step~~

I'm off!! 三┏ ( ^o^)┛

Seeing Luna running away. Duze was flustered!

[HOST! Miss Luna is running away!! 

(っ °Д °;)っ]

Camille hearing this immediately looked at where Luna was. But sadly it was too late~


Duze: (ó﹏ò。) host...

While Luna who was still running away from that certain class~ with her chocolate on her hand which was put in a little pouch. She run and run~

What? I can't just leave my chocolate made from my hardwork there!! 

( ・'ー・') besides even it's not that best~~ it's still a chocolate!! And can be eaten!! Hmph. 


While still in the procees of running~ Luna who was still ranting inside of her head and at the same time running. Did not notice a certain guy who suddenly appeared.

Alistair, who was the first one to finish making the bracelet. Showed his hardworked handicraft to Mr. Tatchi.

"Good! Very good! The outline is exquisite, and the texture is pleasant to the skin, the design is also seems sentimental and simple but meaningful." Looking at the red haired student, Mr. Tatchi continued. "This is really good, the person you'll be giving it to would be really lucky."

With Mr. Tatchi's cold countenance praising someone seems like bland and empty to some people, but for Alistair he feels that Mr. Tatchi really seems sincere to his praises.

"Thank you."

"No need for that, you can go now... Use this time to find the girl you'll be giving it to."

"Hmm." Alistair nods and then retreated back to the side. He then held the bracelet and put it to a small rectangular box, which was given by Mr. Tatchi.

As soon he was gone a little later. One by one, the Capture Targets also finished.

As Alistair went out, a thought came to him.

'So, who am I giving this to?'

As he was still pondering about this question. He didn't noticed that a beautiful danger was coming straight to him!


Two item flew out of their owner's grasp.

One was a pouch of a handmade chocolate...

And the other was a handmade exquisite bracelet...

"Ouch!" / "*Grunt*"

'What the fudge! It hurts!! 


Luna who was still focus to the pain she felt when she bumped into someone's hard chest. Didn't notice the thing that should have been notice.

. ε(┬┬﹏┬┬)3 I think I hit a concrete wall!'

With one hand rubbing her forehead and the other hand was lifting herself from the 'floor'. She was still helplessly clueless to her surrounding.

Alistair, who was run into by a certain someone and now was used as a cushion by that certain someone.

As he open his eyes, that was also the time Luna opened her eyes... And Boom!


Looking each other's eye. A whitish pink eyes looking straight to a pair of a red and black mismatched eyes.




A perfect sweet moment~ for a potential and perfect destined couple~

"*Cough* Aren't you getting off me yet?"

Luna who was still in daze~ hearing Alistair's voice was pulled back, and seeing Alistair's face that was so close to her. She then realized that the 'wall' she actually run into wasn't a wall! But a human!! Σ(▼□▼メ) 

(Meh~ still a wall! ╮(︶▽︶)╭)

And the 'floor' that she thought as a 'floor' , which she was literally sprawled in to and was lying in to wasn't actually a floor!! But a human's sturdy body instead! (( ༎ຶ ◡︎༎ຶ) (Meh~ still a hard concrete floor ╮(︶▽︶)╭)

Jumping off in that sudden realization. Luna quickly then gotten off Alistair, her cold, aloof and emotionless look was already long gone and abandoned.

'Fudge!! Fudge!! Fudge!! Fudge!! Fudge!! Fudge!!!!!!! Really embarrassing!! (( ༎ຶ ◡︎༎ຶ)'

And, this was the first thing Alistair saw when he lift himself out of the cold floor. Luna who was looking like a ripe tomato that was in daze!! Red and in dazed!!

Which results in Alistair can't help but smile like a fool! A handsome fool at that!

Luna who was still in her own world, ranting out all of her frustrations and embarrassment. Didn't notice Alistair's slight foolish smile.

'Moonpuff, why are you so cute?'

Luna, who was in daze seemingly remembered something that resulted in her letting out a sound in alarm.

"Ahh! My chocolate!!" Looking back and forth, she finally saw the pouch she was looking for as she grabbed it, she immediately looked inside.

" o(╥﹏╥)o My handmade chocooolaateee~!! Wuwuuw what happened to you?" Luna seeing her heart shaped handmade chocolate, broken. Was broken.

Especially her well maintained Villainess image in a blink of an eye was also... Broken.

"Chocolateyyy~~ you're not even yummy but still, youuu shouldn't still have dieeedyy~~!!! o(╥﹏╥)o "

Alistair who was the sole witness of this side of Luna~ wasn't able to keep his face straight anymore, and so, a vibrant smile have finally appeared on his handsome face.

But, Luna who was still immersed in her handmade heart chocolate's death didn't even care about anything, and so didn't see this melting handsome smile of his.

"Wuwuwuwu it's all your fault~ " she 'weakly' said. Standing up 'weakly' she held her chocolates and was still 'crying' and 'sad' for her chocolates death.

Slowly, and steadily, she was about to go. .

'Easy~ just a little more act, and teary eye wuwuwu I'll finally escape this embarrassing situation! One step, two step! Okay go on~ Luna come on!' ≧ω≦

Yes, Luna who was 'grieving' her chocolate's death, wasn't really grieving! Actually she never cared for her chocolate at all! Because she said: I don't have anyone particular I like after all, so what's the use of this chocolate then? Who will I give it to then? Well of course it'll be given to trash-kun!!

Trash-kun: "..."

Besides I'm sure no one would even want to eat this thing that I made~ *depress*

*Depress* ε(┬┬﹏┬┬)3

That's why after that wall and floor and realization thing happened! Luna then was brainstorming to escape this mess! And the solution?

Of course it's acting stupid! and to overreact! And see! It's working!! Just a little more I'll finally escape! (o゚▽゚)o

I'm a genuis! Hahahah!! (*≧▽≦)ノシ))

But Luna underestimated her opponent. For Alistair had already seen through her tricks from the very start!

Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Poor Luna if it was a normal person, maybe they'll believe her stupid stupid act. But for a guy like Alistair, sigh... *Helpless* *helpless* he's a demon not to be messed with.

Alistair, on the other hand was enjoying the free show Luna was directing, and playing. He himself was actually planning on letting her go, that is for now. But, hearing Luna's last monologue. He suddenly change his mind and decided to not to.

Luna who was almost~~ away already, ermmm... If three step away is already considered far, then let's go with that. Was about to run away when a hand suddenly land on her shoulder. Paired with that smilingly eerie voice~

"My fault huh?"



Luna shivered.

Luna realizing she's busted. Can't help but only wants to cry now!

(( ༎ຶ ◡︎༎ຶ)

'It's too late...'

"Come on, let's go back and have a proper talk. Okay."

It wasn't a question, wuwuwuu (( ༎ຶ ◡︎༎ຶ) it's wasn't a question it's an order! an order I tell you!

(( ༎ຶ ◡︎༎ຶ) wuwuwuu.

I regret what I said!!

(( ༎ຶ ◡︎༎ຶ) Skills can't defeat luck!

(( ༎ຶ ◡︎༎ຶ) Skills can't defeat luck!

(( ༎ຶ ◡︎༎ຶ) Skills can't defeat luck!!

So please give me some luck!! Huhuhu. *Cryy!!*

I'm having such a bad day~~ My luck~ where are you~~!??? 

。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。 find me please~

I need you!!

Because it seems that...

I have offended,






So, please...


" TuT. "

•Chapter 17 Ends•


[Camille's Boring Day]

Inside the classroom, History Class.

Camille: Dezu?

Dezu: Yes, host Camilla?

Camille: How many Mind Reading Pillsdo we have left?

Dezu: Your Novice Package as of now are consisted of:

Person Locator ×1

Perfect Answer ×1

Invisible Long Hoody ×1

Teleportation Device ×1

Mind Reading Pill ×1

You still have one remaining host. Do you want to use it?



Camilla: [Yes]

Dezu: Mind Reading Pill is can now be used. Have fun host Camilla~

Camilla: Un. Let's see what the others are now thinking~ hehe.

*Look at the girls*

Belle: ' Luna~ hehe... Luna~~'

Camille: .......

Dahlia: ' Luna~~~ my Luna~'

Camille: .....

Ivy: ' Miss Luna~ Luna...'

Camille: ......This, I'll pretend I didn't hear it at all.

*looked at Luna*

Luna: ' Alistair you baka! Hmph!'

Camille: ... Alistair?

*looked at Alistair*

Alistair: ' My Moonpuff~ moonpuff~moooooonpuff~~ *chuckles* so adorable...'

Camille: ........

Dezu who can also hear: .......


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