
Reincarnation of a forgotten king

Follow the journey of the forsaken king of Britain Arthur pendragon (alter prototype) in a world completely foreign to him wil he finds his reason to live a fullfilling (I don't own anything related to the original story the only thing i own is my oc characters and story)

Lucius_arcadia · Anime und Comics
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22 Chs

11. System awakening and summoning

As the night enveloped the household in an inky shroud, Arthur lay in his bed, his thoughts gripped by the enigmatic phantom presence he had sensed earlier. The mysteries of the world unfurled before his mind's eye, and he pondered whether the newfound connection to the dragon's power could illuminate the path to understanding.

In the quietude of the night, a sudden, sharp pain pierced his head, rousing him from his slumber. It was a sensation he had not experienced in a long time, and it took a moment for him to comprehend what was occurring. His system, a long-forgotten relic from his past life, was awakening.


Name: Arthur Greyrat (Arthur Pendragon)

Title: The Forgotten King of Britain, The One Who Led the World to Ruin, The Wrathful King of Blade, etc.

Noble Phantasm: Excalibur of the Cursed

Summons: Blank...


1. Immortality

2. Curse Manipulation

3. Quality of the Sage

4. Forgotten Record

5. Dragon's --Heart

6. Dragon's Eyes

7. Sword Mastery

8. Magic Infusion

9. Leadership

10. Strategist

11. Battle Tactics

12. Charisma

13. Elemental Affinity

14. Martial Arts

15. Survival Instinct

Evolution Path: Dragon Knight 1st Class

Unused Mystery Cards: 1 Skill Card, 2 Noble Phantasm Cards, 1 Summoning Card


Disbelief and exhilaration coursed through him as he gazed at the familiar screen, which had long remained dormant. The system had always been a puzzle, an enigma lingering from his previous existence, and its purpose had remained elusive.

As he navigated the intricate interface of the system, he realized that it was far more potent and sophisticated than he had ever imagined. It granted him access to an immense reservoir of knowledge and abilities, holding the potential to unravel the enigmas encircling his family.

Intrigued by the possibilities offered by the awakened system, Arthur decided to explore further. Among the system's functions were summoning cards, and he couldn't resist the urge to experiment with this newfound ability. With a sense of curiosity and a touch of trepidation, he activated a summoning card.

To his astonishment, a radiant figure materialized before him, one he had never expected to see. It was none other than Artoria Pendragon, the female version of himself from another world.

As Arthur gazed upon the enigmatic figure before him, the echoes of his own legendary past reverberated in his mind. He, too, had been a figure of renown, but not one associated with glory and honor. In his previous life, he had been known as the Forgotten King of Britain, a ruler whose actions had led to the ruin of his own kingdom.

The weight of his past actions and their far-reaching consequences lingered within him. Arthur knew that the tale of his past had left a dark imprint on the annals of history. But this summoning had introduced a new layer of complexity to his existence, for before him stood another version of himself, a figure of legend in her own right.

Artoria Pendragon, though bearing the same name as the legendary king, had walked a different path in her world. Her reputation was one of honor and valor, and she was celebrated as a just and noble ruler.

Arthur's heart quickened as he took in the sight of Artoria. Her presence was a tangible reminder of the choices and consequences that defined his existence. The room remained shrouded in silence, as the weight of their shared name hung heavy in the air.

The two legendary figures regarded each other with a mix of curiosity and wariness. They were linked by a name and a legacy, yet their paths had diverged into distinct realms of history. Artoria's reputation was one of valor and righteousness, while Arthur's past was marred by tragedy and the downfall of his kingdom.

Artoria was the first to break the silence. "I am Artoria Pendragon, the King of Knights. I have been summoned by your call. Who are you, and what is the purpose of this summoning?"

Arthur cleared his throat, his voice steady as he replied, "I am Arthur Pendragon now known as Arthur Greyrat, and I stand before you as one whose actions in a past life led to the ruin of his own kingdom. I am Reincaenated here by circumstances beyond my understanding, and the purpose of this meeting remains a mystery to me."

Artoria's expression remained composed, though a hint of curiosity flickered in her eyes. "A Reincarnation that transcends the boundaries of worlds and dimensions is no small matter. It is a testament to the power that binds us, even across the tapestry of existence. Tell me, Arthur Pendragon, what transgressions of your past haunt you?"

Arthur's gaze fell, his voice tinged with regret. "In my past life, I was the ruler of a kingdom that fell into chaos and ruin due to my own actions. The land I once ruled was devastated, and the kingdom I sought to protect crumbled. My name became synonymous with destruction and betrayal."

Artoria studied him intently, her keen eyes discerning the weight of his words. "The past can be a heavy burden, but it is also a testament to the capacity for change and redemption. Tell me, Arthur, what path have you chosen in this new life?"

With conviction in his voice, Arthur replied, "I have sought to atone for the mistakes of my past, to protect and rebuild rather than destroy. I am committed to ensuring that the legacy of Arthur Pendragon is one of honor and redemption."

Artoria nodded, her expression softening with understanding. "Then we share a common desire—to transcend the shadows of our pasts and forge a new path. The name Pendragon holds a weighty legacy, but it is not bound solely to the actions of one lifetime."

As their conversation continued, Arthur and Artoria explored the complexities of their shared name and the potential for redemption. They discussed the power that had brought them together, a power that transcended the boundaries of their respective worlds.

The meeting between these two legendary figures held the promise of a new beginning, a chance to redefine the meaning of the Pendragon name and to shape the course of their intertwined destinies. The room, once filled with silence and uncertainty, now resonated with the hope of forging a future free from the shadows of the past.

As their discussion unfolded, the mysteries of their connection and the purpose of Artoria's summoning remained at the forefront of their thoughts. They were bound not only by their shared name but by the potential to make amends and reshape their destinies in a world that held both challenges and opportunities.

As Arthur and Artoria's powers continued to grow, Arthur felt compelled to make a monumental decision. He knew that the awakening of his past life's knowledge and skills had the potential to change the dynamics of his family. In a moment of vulnerability and determination, he decided to reveal his past life to his family, hoping that it would strengthen their bond.

The opportunity came during a family gathering, where the warmth of togetherness enveloped them. With his heart pounding, Arthur cleared his throat and began to speak. "There's something I need to share with all of you. It's about my past life."

His family listened with rapt attention, unaware of the profound revelation that was about to unfold. As Arthur spoke about his previous existence as a legendary figure who had led a kingdom to ruin, the atmosphere grew heavy with the weight of his words.

His father, Paul, was the first to respond. "Arthur, this is a lot to take in. Are you certain that this revelation won't change the way we see you?"

Arthur nodded, a mixture of trepidation and hope in his eyes. "I need you to know who I was, but more importantly, who I am now. I've awakened to a new purpose, one that seeks redemption and the well-being of our family."

His mother, Zenith, was conflicted. "Arthur, this is a lot to process. We need time to come to terms with this revelation."

The room was filled with uncertainty and tension as his family grappled with the truth he had unveiled. However, Arthur's decision had set in motion a chain of events that would change the course of their lives forever.

It was Ruby who decided to follow in her brother's footsteps. She, too, had a past life, one that held unique experiences and knowledge. Her revelation was met with shock and disbelief, but it also solidified the bond of truth within their family.

As Ruby spoke about her previous existence, her family realized that they were all connected by the threads of reincarnation. The shock of their dual identities was profound, but it also brought clarity and understanding.

In the wake of their revelations, the Greyrat family was faced with a new beginning, one that would be shaped by their shared pasts and their commitment to redemption and unity. The legacy of the Pendragon name was no longer tied solely to their history but to the future they would forge together.

The path ahead was uncertain, but the family was bound by love and the knowledge that their intertwined destinies would lead them to a brighter tomorrow. Together, they would face the challenges of their new reality, their past lives, and the unknown adventures that awaited them.

The revelation of Arthur's past life hung in the air, and the atmosphere in the room was charged with a mix of emotions. It was then that Arthur, feeling a deep sense of responsibility and an eagerness to strengthen his family, decided to utilize the Command Seal in his possession.

With a determined gaze, Arthur looked down at the Command Seal held in his hand. The intricate design glowed faintly, responding to the unspoken command within Arthur's mind. A magical surge emanated from the seal, creating a shimmering portal that gradually took shape before them.

From within the portal emerged a figure shrouded in an ethereal light. As the light dissipated, the legendary figure of Artoria Pendragon, the once and future king, stood before them. Her presence carried a regal air, and her gaze held both wisdom and a sense of duty.

"This is Artoria Pendragon," Arthur announced, gesturing towards the iconic figure from Camelot. "She is my counterpart from another world, summoned here to aid and guide us."

The room fell silent as the family members of the Greyrat household beheld the legendary figure before them. Artoria inclined her head respectfully, acknowledging the assembly. "Greetings, Greyrat family. I am Artoria Pendragon, the once king of britain. I have been callled by the command my Master "

Paul, Zenith, Ruby, and even the younger Norn looked on in awe and disbelief. The presence of a legendary figure in their midst was beyond anything they could have anticipated.

Paul, breaking the silence, spoke with a mixture of wonder and skepticism. "Is this some kind of illusion or magic trick, Arthur?"

Arthur shook his head. "No, Dad. This is real. Artoria is here to help us, and together, we can face the challenges that lie ahead."

Artoria, sensing the skepticism in the room, offered reassurance. "I am bound to the will of the one who summoned me. My purpose is to aid and guide this family on their journey. The summoning was an act of necessity, and I am here to serve."

The room began to buzz with a combination of excitement, curiosity, and uncertainty. The addition of Artoria to the Greyrat family dynamic was a profound and unexpected twist in their shared destiny.

As they gathered to discuss their newfound circumstances and the path that lay ahead, Artoria, with her regal presence, brought a sense of ancient wisdom and strength to the family. The once and future king had stepped into a new realm of existence, ready to lend her legendary might to the Greyrat family's journey.