
Reincarnation of a forgotten king

Follow the journey of the forsaken king of Britain Arthur pendragon (alter prototype) in a world completely foreign to him wil he finds his reason to live a fullfilling (I don't own anything related to the original story the only thing i own is my oc characters and story)

Lucius_arcadia · Anime und Comics
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22 Chs

01. New world

In the hexahedral world, the Asura kingdom fittoa region where the village of Buena is located. 

Arthur: "Am I already in a new world? But why does my body feel smaller?"

Unknown: *In an unknown language*

Arthur: *Slowly opens his eyes* "Whaaat!! He didn't tell me that I would reincarnate as a child!" Arthur exclaimed in disbelief, but his words came out as "buuggahh!! buuggahh!!"

Unknown: "Look at what a healthy cry he has! He seems to be an energetic kid. He will surely become the greatest swordsman in the world in the future, just like his father."

Unknown2: "Oh, can you stop with that, Paul? He's just born, and besides, you are not the strongest."

Paul: "I can't calm down, zenny. It's our son. Moreover, I never expected I would have twins as my first children."

Zenith: "Even if you say that, he is still small. You can teach him swordsmanship when he's grown up."

Paul: "Okay, okay. I can teach him when he grows up. Are you going to teach our daughter magic, Zenith?"

Zenith: "Of course, we already decided that. When we have a boy, you will teach him swordsmanship. And when it's a girl, you will teach her magic."

The two individuals identified as Paul and Zenith seem to be parents who have had their first children.

Arthur: "It seems I have reincarnated into a normal family, but why can I understand their language? If I remember correctly, I couldn't understand them before, but now I can. Why is that?"

After denying his reality, Arthur seems to become calmer than before.

Arthur: "Hmm, what is it? There's something weird in the corner of my vision. It looks like three dots."

After thinking about those strange dots, a purple screen appears in front of him, revealing information about himself.

Name: Arthur Pendragon

Title: The forgotten king of Britain, the one who led the world to ruin, the wrathful king of Blade, etc.

Noble Phantasm: Excalibur of the cursed

Summons: Blank...

Skills: Immortality, curse manipulation, quality of the sage, forgotten record, dragon's heart, dragon's eyes (sealed)

Evolution path: Dragon knight 1st class

Unused mystery cards: 1 skill card, 2 Noble Phantasm cards, 1 summoning card

Arthur: "So this is the gift that God gave me. Huh, interesting. A screen that shows my abilities and new additional abilities like immortality and unforgotten records. It seems more like a curse for someone who has no interest in living. I only accepted that offer because I didn't want to disappear just like that. I hope I can live a fulfilling life in this world."

As Arthur had been alone in that world for countless years, he had become so numb that he couldn't remember when he was happy. But because of his new body, he could feel emotions again, although they seemed to diminish over time. This may be due to the side effects of curse manipulation and the dragon's heart skill.

Arthur: "What do mystery cards mean? There seems to be an icon beside them."

After clicking on the icon, an additional screen appears, providing details about mystery cards.

A mystery card is a card that has a mysterious ability. It grants the user a random skill, a random summoning card that can summon a heroic spirit and a noble phantasm card that gives a random noble phantasm.

Arthur: "So I can obtain a skill, a heroic spirit, and a noble phantasm. That sounds better than the immortality skill. How can I activate those cards?"

A screen displays the message that he cannot activate those cards until he turns five years old, and all his skills will be partially sealed until then.

Arthur: "Guess I have to wait for five years. It says that my ability is partially sealed. Does that mean I can use them but not fully? Well, I can understand because my body is weak like a baby (because I am a baby). I should not try anything dangerous."

Arthur decides that it would be wise not to use his dangerous abilities until his body becomes stronger.

Arthur: "Leaving that aside, it seems I have a twin sibling and a sister, huh? Is it déjà vu or is it karma? I don't know. Besides, she looks almost identical to that woman. *Sighs*"

Paul: "Hm, did Arthur just sigh?"

Zenith: "Is that so? But why are you so surprised? He must be feeling sleepy."

Paul: "But it felt like a sigh from a tired old man."

Zenith: "Paul, are you okay? Why would you think of something like this?"

Paul: "Oh, sorry. Must be a mistake. There's no way my newborn son would be an old man. Hahaha."

As the parents of our reincarnated king argue (flirt), Arthur is thinking.

Arthur: "I should stop sighing from now on. It's a bad habit. By the way, it seems like my name is still Arthur. It must be because of the interference of God. The names of the parents are Paul (father) and Zenith (mother). There's also a maid whose name I still don't know, and my twin sister, who I hope is not a reincarnation of Morgan. Should I check her soul with my dragon's eyes? It should be safe if I use it a little bit."

Activating his dragon's eyes, Arthur discovers the following information about his twin sister:

Name: Ruby Great

Magic Power: Low

Description: A soul that has unknowingly traveled to this world from a different one with memory intact. This girl seems to have a legacy of an unknown being.

Arthur realizes that she is not Morgan in disguise, but she does appear to be a reincarnation with a legacy of an unknown being. Arthur laments why he cannot live in a normal environment and hopes to live a normal and peaceful life, even if it seems like a dream.

To be continued...