
First LOOT

No next day, soon after the start Kazami begins a training with the sword, to be able to adapt with her. After a few hours of training, Kazami began to think about what she should do today. After much time thinking, Kazami decides to explore the forest and at the same time to hunt some monsters. But Kazumi decides to return to where he fought the dog so he could take most of the monster's skin, bones and flesh. After some time walking, Kazami arrives where the monster was. Before going to where the body was, Kazami decided to check the surroundings to see if any monster appeared because of the smell of blood. After searching around, Kazami finally confirms that there are no monsters nearby. Finally Kazami begins to look for the body, after searching for a little time Kazami finds the dead dog, the body was apparently the way Kazami remembered. Kazami begins to look over the dog's body, looking for something or something to indicate that a monster has moved the body. After not finding anything, Kazami begins to collect the skin, bones and meat. After vomiting many times, Kazami finally finishes getting everything

While he was recovering from the many times he had vomited, Kazami could notice a small scratch on the Yamato, despite being very small, while he was seeing this scratch, Kazami begins to wonder if the equipment has durability.

"System, equipment have durability?"

"Responding to the player, the equipment has durability"

"How can I see the durability?"

"The player just needs to think the word: statistics and talk about which equipment you want to see"

Following what system said, Kazami thinks and soon after this a window appears in front of him.




Seeing that the durability of Yamato had fallen 5 points, Kazami decides to ask the system if there is any way to recover the durability of an equipment if Kazami needs in the future

"System, is there a way to recover the durability of an equipment?

"Responding to the player, the only way to recover the durability of an equipment is by purchasing the item - durability recovery -"

"How much is this item?"

"This item is divided into 5 levels, each item level being the level of equipment the player has. In other words, level 1 equipment uses - durability recovery LV 1- , level 2 equipment use, - recovery of durability LV2- and so on, but the player must remember that each time you retrieve a the durability of an item, the attributes will be lowered.The price of each level of the item is

LEVEL 1: 100 PS

LEVEL 2: 1,000 PS

LEVEL 3: 2,500 PS

LEVEL 4: 5,000 PS

LEVEL 5: 10 000 PS

Kazami gets up and begins to carry the materials he has taken from the body of the monster, Kazami takes the materials with an improvised bag of skin and plants, because the bag is small Kazami had to leave many materials back and so Kazami decides to go back to the lake

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