

in a vast endless void there is white in every direction and every corner, in the seemingly endless space a soul form could be seen drifting.

this soul is named zen, he is floating here for the past few days(maybe) after he died.

' where am I? what is this place', zen thought as he finally gained consciousness. ' oh yeah I got shot on my last mission'. he realized as he finally was able to make sense of the current situation.

(third person POV)

in his life he was an orphan after his mother died giving birth to him and his father left him and remarried when he was 10.

even as a child he was quite mature and understood at a very early stage that his father hated and blamed him for his mother.

when he was on the street after a few weeks starving at night he saw a man trying to r*** a girl in a dark alley. normally he would've minded his own business but the guy looked quite rich, after all he wasn't a saint or righteous man and by now he has already seen the dark side of society. the man had his back facing him focusing on his own endeavor, zen took this chance to sneak up on him and stab him in his neck with a price of glass shard he picked up from the ground, most probably from the bottle of alcohol the man drank.

the man immediately released his grip on the girl and turned around with the glass still stuck in the neck. he tried to say something but couldn't, the attack was unexpected and he couldn't process what was happening before he fell to the ground and died.

Zen seeing this scene started puking, his hand covered in blood were shaking uncontrollably and he could hear the sobbing from the girl. after a few minutes zen somewhat recovered and checked the corpse for money and was pleased to find just enough to buy food for few weeks. the girl had long ago fled the place and zen similarly wanted to escape but when he turned around he found a man standing there silently watching him in black clothes and a cloak.

zen was alarmed he didn't heard any voice and since when is he standing there?!

''who are you?!" Zen asked not too loudly since he didn't wanted to attract attention, after all he just committed a murder. "you are quite interesting, kid." the man said with an amused tone.

Zen was nervous because the man obviously saw him doing everything. "why did you kill him? because of that girl?" the man asked leaning on the wall with his arms crossed.

Zen not having any other choice decided to tell him "no, for the money" Zen simply replied to the man still a little nervous.

the man laughed "you are truly amusing, kid. I wonder if you would want a job from me." he said "you just have to do what you just did again." Zen started thinking and after a few minutes agreed " I just want money" "of course, don't worry about that, you can call me shadow I am an assassin and I was sent here for the assassination for that man you killed. by the way thanks you made my work easy."

Zen was relieved because the man was also here to kill the rapist.

after that zen followed shadow to his base where he met other assassins. he was trained for a few years and killed his targets in between his training until he became a skilled assassin at the age of 17.

after all these years he now has no qualms with killing people and became natural to him. apart from that he also learned sniping, hand-to-hand combat and martial arts.

In these 7 years he surely would've became a cold-blooded and emotionless killer if not for anime, novels and that old man shadow. Shadow recommended him to watch anime and read novels after his first mission in which he had to kill a couple. He was depressed for a few weeks but the recommendation from Shadow piqued his interest and he started reading novels and anime whenever he was not in a mission or training.

Today he got a new mission mission from a client to kill a the CEO of a company, the pay was pretty good so he accepted without hesitation. he was successful in his work but just as he was planning to dump the corpse and flee the place he was shot in the stomach by someone. turning around with difficulty he saw a woman holding a gun pointing at him.

after a few moments he realized that she was the same girl who was being r*** that night by the man he killed and ran away.

his eyes widened as the last thing he saw was another bullet being shot at him before darkness engulfed him.

Recalling all these memories from his life he started to get angry, not for dying but because he can't watch anime anymore 'shit! that damned woman what was her problem, even after I helped her that night!' he said but couldn't form the words because he didn't had his mouth. ' and where am I really? in hell? in purgatory? I don't think I will go in heaven after all I did.' he thought as he started looking around trying to find anything.

'well, do I get to meet god and get reincarnated in another world like those protagonist from novels who died at a young age.'

" you are right, young soul."

a voice called out directing into my mind snapping me out of my thoughts.

" oh so I really get to meet the god" zen voiced out excitedly in his mind, this is seriously going according to those novels he thought to himself in excitement.

" no need to be so excited, young soul getting reincarnated is not always a good thing it also means that you lose the chance to go into afterlife."

the voice, most probably the god, reminded him.

" I don't care about the heavens after all I haven't still lived my life long enough to wish for eternal peace."

zen replied in his mind, when he read those novels he also dreamed of flying in the sky, using elemental attacks and of course having a beautiful lover.

" that is the reason why I have to reincarnated you because you have so much desire to live and even if I send you to heaven you won't have peace."

the god said with a somewhat irritated tone for having to do extra work.

Zen was amused seeing the god complaining about him being needy. getting himself together he asked the most important question in his mind

" do I get a wish?"

he asked expectantly but the god's reply was a bucket of cold water on him

" wish? who do you think I am a genie?" god replied with a little angry tone. " I can grant whatever wish you have but don't you think you are being greedy even after am reincarnating you."

Zen felt despair at first but felt hope after hearing the second part. he without wasting a second pleaded

" oh supreme one you are the most magnanimous, please Grant this lowly one a few wishes."

Zen immediately started praising the god hoping to please the stingy god.

" no need for being cheeky, fine I will grant you 3 wishes"

Zen sighed in relief after hearing that, he started pondering on what he should ask for not making the god wait for long he answered

" uhh.. old man can you tell me in which world I will reincarnate?"

Zen asked, after all it will depend on which type of world he will be going

" you will be reincarnated in a cultivation world, more specifically in against the gods world or primal chaos."

Zen was stunned for a few minutes before he started cursing in his mind because that he is the worst world in his opinion. he wanted to live a peaceful life in the new world but against the gods is very similar to his previous world where there is a dog-eat-dog rule. Finally calling down a few moments later he started pondering his next action

' no I shouldn't lose my calm like that I just need strength and no one will bother me there.'

he thought as he decided on his wishes, god didn't said anything in the meantime

" my first wish is that I want the best PROFOUND veins in that universe, they also should have ability to conceal my cultivation."

" for the second wish I want a personal realm where only I and the people I allow can go for cultivation. the amount of profound energy should be more sense there than even realm of gods."

" for the third wish I want you to give me the life experience and mastered abilities of runes and medicines"

Zen concluded as he waited for God to speak nervous that his wishes may get rejected.

" You are quite bold with you wishes, young man. very well for the first wish you will get

' immortal profound veins ' these veins will conceal your cultivation, convert the absorbed profound energy into primordial energy, increase the density of primordial energy in each level and grant you affinity with every element that means that you can even cultivate fire and ice at the same time."

" for the second wish it's very easy, it shall be done."

"for the third wish I can give you the abilities of a runic master and a doctor but it shall be sealed till you are at least 5 years old or your brain will explode from the sheer amount of knowledge."

Zen was jumping up and down from joy and excitement in his mind, he never expected that his wishes will be granted so easily.

" Thank you, god. also can you reincarnate me on polar blue star?"

" it shall be done. by the way I commend you on your intelligence in asking for your wishes, you knew that as a reincarnator you will get a system so you didn't include that in your wish, right?"

" hehe, I was quite nervous to be honest, I thought you will forget about that."

Zen replied feeling quite proud of himself.

" with that said your time here is over, I will be watching over you from time to time just remember that even if you reach the peak of that power you will still be weaker than me and my angels so don't let your power get to your head." God said and Zen again lost his consciousness and his soul form vanished from the void.

" hmm.. well then let's go and watch how kazuma is doing, it is always amusing to see his world." god said as his voice also vanished.

hey guys, I'm new here. well previously I was a reader on webnovel and was searching for ATG fanfics but aside from few here and there I couldn't find anything so I decided to write my own for others to read.

current words: 1.8k

in the next chapter we will start the journey of zen in against the gods.

plz keep reading thanks

Cute_lamacreators' thoughts
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