
Reincarnating in Konosuba as a Dryad

Dying once is bad but dying in your second life is even worse, luckily I'm in the world of Konosuba so I have a third chance that I won't waste. It follows our protagonist who in his third opportunity where he has been reincarnated in the world of Konosuba as a Dryad and a system. [English Translation]

DaoistqxKhUS · Anime und Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter Prologue First and second death!

To save a little, this is how it will look when the protagonist interacts with the system and his thoughts

[] System

() Thoughts or things aside

"" Titles

Right now, sitting on a wooden chair in front of me, there is what can be described as a girl who has a beauty that no human being could match, a young woman of very beautiful appearance who has light blue eyes and hair, tied up. in a ponytail with a ribbon adorned with two yellow spheres and one blue. She wears a blue dress that highlights her slim figure with ample breasts, long legs, wide hips, and waist-length blue hair. She also wears a turquoise ribbon with yellow edges and a brooch with a blue stone and loose white sleeves. She wears blue thigh-high heeled boots over white stockings with blue trim. She also possesses a transparent pink Haceromo.

She is none other than the goddess Aqua who guides human souls to the afterlife. Maybe you are wondering how I know this or how I got here, well first of all this is not the first time I have died.

My name in my first life was... well, you know it's not important because to be honest I don't remember it very well. I only know that one of my favorite animes was Konosuba. I always liked the way the protagonists got into trouble, but hey. We're not here for that, the important thing is that I died I don't remember how but I know it wasn't as painful as one would expect I died and the next moment I was a baby again but something was different through my eyes everything seemed anime style at first I thought I was delirious over time I got used to it although I always suspected that I was reincarnated in some anime, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't remember or I didn't have any clue which anime it was. So since I had another opportunity I decided to take advantage of it especially because I was in Japan, one of the countries that in my first life I wanted to travel to so why not, something curious was my appearance since I had the appearance and name of Izuku Midoriya, medium height, with freckles, messy hair, also dark green eyes. Thin but with a toned body thanks to the fact that she trained daily. He used to wear a black jacket with yellow buttons along with black pants and oversized red shoes with black laces tied with a bow and white soles.

Well, currently he was 16 years old, according to people, he had a promising future since he was first in school and just like the original Izuku, he used to help people, if it wasn't helping an old woman cross the street, it was giving food to those in need. . What I didn't know was that my desire to help people would kill me. Before arriving at this place I remember that I had helped someone avoid being run over and not only that, when I got here the whole place was gray, to my surprise a floating dark green box appeared with light green letters floating. in front of my face with the word "Starting", while loading a blue bar that said "10%… 25%… 50%… 75… 99%… 100%".

A robotic woman's voice echoed in my head.

[Welcome Host to the Class System, the System will give you great experience throughout your life]

[The following System will be linked to the class you choose]

[Any questions?]

To be honest I had a lot of questions but I just thought.

(How will I choose my class?)

[In a few moments time will start, it is recommended that you choose a wish that affects your race or biology, once this is done you will be given new instructions, good luck]

And so I got here and I know who she is because I watched the anime but Kasuma shouldn't be here or she hasn't traveled to another world yet.

Aqua: Izuku Midoriya, I welcome you to the afterlife. Unfortunately, you have recently passed away. Your life was short. You are dead.

Izuku: I know... after all I got run over, I shouldn't have survived. What happened to the boy I saved?

Aqua: He is alive, in fact saving him helped him after almost dying gave him enough strength to do something with his life.

Izuku: I was happy. (I said it with a smile)

Aqua: Even though he was a hikikomori, what was his name...? Yes Kasuma Sato.

Hearing that name I froze in my seat.

Izuku: Excuse me, how was it there exactly?

Aqua: Well, he went to buy a limited edition of a popular video game and as fate would have it, a truck almost ran him over if it weren't for the fact that you pushed him in time to save him. Why do you ask?

Izuku: Just curious. (I said a little nervous)

(Shit, shit, shit, maybe history just changed if I realized it)

Aqua: My name is Aqua. I am the goddess who guides humans who saw their lives cut short. You have 2 alternatives. Will you start a life from scratch or spend eternity in heaven as an old man? To be frank, the sky is not as wonderful as they make it out to be.

Izuku: How so?

Aqua: There is no television, manga or video games. And without a physical body you can't do anything sexual. The only thing you can do is stay sunbathing forever.

Izuku: What kind of heaven is this?

(I honestly don't like the idea)

Aqua: Although starting from scratch is not good either. So I'll give you something cool.

Izuku: What kind of proposal?

Aqua: You like video games, right?

Izuku: Yes

Maybe I didn't play many but I did enjoy them.

Aqua: There is a world that could lose its peace in the hands of the Demon King's army, the lives of its brave inhabitants have been altered by monsters, the looting and massacres of the Demon King's army spread terror... or so they say! Nobody from that world wants to be reborn, so its population is decreasing.

Izuku: I understand.

Aqua: That's why we thought of sending people who died in other worlds with their memories intact.

Izuku: There's something else besides that, right?

(I already know the answer but we have to save appearances)

Aqua: That's right, we offer something else, you have the right to take something with you, one thing of your choice, it could be a powerful weapon or a great intellect, you can rebuild your life with all your memories and the thing you choose. The inhabitants of the parallel world will receive someone who will be ready to help them. It's not a bad deal, right?

Izuku: I have a question, what about the language barrier?

Aqua: That's no problem, we gods will use our powers to saturate your brain and make you learn immediately. As a side effect, if you are unlucky you could end up brainless.

(She said it while showing me an information brochure)

Izuku: No problem. (I said it calmly)

At this Aqua snorted a little since he thought he might mess with me a little.

Aqua: Come on, choose! I grant you a power like no other! (He said it, spinning around and throwing hundreds of papers on the ground)

Izuku: This will be long. (I said releasing a heavy sigh). First of all I will rule out weapons.

Aqua: Why would you rule them out?

Izuku: Weapons can be stolen, but skills can't be stolen.

Aqua: That's being smart. (She said it surprised)

Izuku: Cautious man is worth two.

(Aside from that strange message it said to choose a race or biological change)

While I was reviewing the papers there was one that caught my attention.

"Dryad" are the feminine or masculine spirits associated with other types of trees, such as the orange, the rose, etc. Finally, dryads have a tree as their home and cannot spend much time away from it if they do not die; These natural beings die if the tree they live in is cut, burned or felled.

But you will only receive the class upon registering with the adventurer's guild along with its passive skills.

(Dryad, huh, now that I remember it I always wanted to spend time in nature)

I didn't know why but something told me to choose this skill.

Izuku: I choose this. (I said confidently)

Aqua: That was fast.

As I grabbed the sheet of paper and read it Aqua gave me a strange look.

Aqua: Are you sure, what do you want this?

Izuku: Yes.

Aqua: Well, you choose. Alright stand in the magic circle.

Next to me a magic circle appeared and when I entered it I began to float.

Aqua: Go, hero! I will pray that you are the hero among heroes that defeats the Demon King! Achieve it and the gods will reward you by fulfilling any wish you have.

Izuku: Really?!

(Play the asshole, act the asshole)

Aqua: Go ahead and take the journey.

I continued climbing until another magic circle that took me to another world.

Aqua: Well I'm done, that boy was so boring, I couldn't have fun with him.

After saying that, a circle opened where a woman with wings came out, but she was hooded.

??: Aqua! (She said it very angry)

Aqua: Superior, what are you doing here? (She said it a little scared)

??: Reincarnated people are only supposed to take one thing of their choice, so why did he take 2 things?!

Aqua: I don't know what you're talking about, Superior, I just gave that human a gift. (She was already starting to shake)

??: Don't lie. When you arrived in the other world, it was detected that you took 2 things, so be honest and tell me what you took.

Aqua: He swore, the only thing he took was the Dryad class. (He was still shaking)

The next moment Aqua handed him the leaf that Izuku had chosen.

Izuku didn't know it but he may have accidentally gotten Aqua into trouble.

(A/N: What do you think? This story occurred to me yesterday while I was reading another Konosuba fanfic so I decided to write it before I forgot. I'll upload another chapter soon so look forward to it.)

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