

This covers part of what I intend to develop in this novel!

Have a good time!



Ning Yin already resigned to her fate as a married woman and with her miraculous system as an artist, she quickly became animated, after all, she was alive and that was very important!

"System, what is the main mission today?" Ning Yin asked very pleasedly, while mulling her fingers with child ink, she is at the stage of learning to fiddle with the inks.

"Host, the main mission is to defeat Sheng Liang in a competition at the National Painters exhibition," said Lana 045 with his female voice.

"Sheng Liang, isn't the most renowned artist in China?" Asked Ning Yin afraid of the system's response.

"Yes, not only the best in China but also won the Asian Painting Competition, second only to a Korean, thus Sheng Liang getting second. He also competed in the European Painting Competition and was in 10th place in ranking overall. In the specific ranking of landscape painting he was in third place, " said the Lana 045 very helpful, not realizing the feelings of despair and desolation of her owner.

"But do I have to win him in the National Painters competition?" Ning Yin said with a desolate tone.

"Yes, Host has to beat him. You have 1 year to prepare for the competition. If you win the reward will be huge but if you lose you will have to re-draw with children's wax chalk, not to mention that your health will only get worse! "Said Lana 045 with a frosty tone.

"Even if you give me two lives, I still cannot get an artist as consecrated as Sheng Liang!" Thought Ning Yin desperately, wanting to commit suicide and bring the system along with him to face old Yama!

"Analyzing ... the possibilities ... Now Host only has two weeks to beat Sheng Liang!" said the system in her feminine, indifferent voice.

"But it was not a year?" said Ning Yin desperate, this evil system!

"I've changed my mind! You're going to compete in the tournament this year," Lana said in her soft, feminine voice.

However, between the lines was explicit: "I've changed my mind! Bite me if you can!"

"...." Ning Yin


Ning Yin had become a little demoness after healing from her "illness," at least that was what Fang Lian thought, to see how blatantly Ning Yin came to behave.

"Where are you wearing this outfit?" Asked Fang Lian watching a beautiful Ning Yin wearing a black tube dress, her soft thighs exposed to the wind, and a not very chaste neckline showing her perfect size D bust. Even though she was wearing black sneakers, which didn't match anything with the dress, only wearing such clothes, no man would pay attention to the shoe distance, after all, there was a lot of skin being shown!

"I go to an art show with my friends," Ning Yin said with an innocent look and a soft smile, but inside she was exultant when she saw Fang Lian with red eyes of rage.

"Who told you to be a stallion? I can also go out with my friends and have fun! I'm going to revenge for sister Ning Yin and at the same time, I'm going to make you suffer a loss of prestige! " Thought Ning Yin maliciously, not that she thought about having sex with a man, after all, she still couldn't imagine doing that kind of thing with a man, but only the rumor was enough to tarnish the reputation of Fang Lian!

"You will not go!" Fang Lian said with a black face, his eyes could not get out of Ning Yin's body and it made him completely angry.

He didn't like being overwhelmed by his wishes! But he still liked even less to see Ning Yin come out wearing that tube dress displaying her sinful body and pretty face for other men to enjoy!

"I'll! Fang Lian, we have nothing to do with each other, except a marriage contract full of unfair conditions, go seek solace with Jiang Fen, I will live my wonderful life! "Said Ning Yin with a smile, amused, turning toward the door, not caring for her icy husband, who had a very fierce look.

After all, they were soon going to get divorced! So why did she have to give him some face ?!

However, she didn't expect the polite and cold Fang Lian to act like a savage and take her in his arms, throwing her over his shoulder like a primitive cave man!

"What do you think you're doing?" Ning Yin asked angrily as she hit Fang Lian's strong back.

"Fulfilling the marriage contract, let's make a son!" Fang Lian said with a rare amused smile, but his gaze remained fierce.

"But the doctor didn't say that my illness made me sterile? Are not we going to sue for divorce? " said Ning Yin in a panic, she fought even more fiercely, but she had the body of an artist, there was no way to beat a strong man like Fang Lian.

"The doctor may be wrong, but I'll only know if I try!" Said Fang Lian blatantly patting the butt of the bustling Ning Yin.

"Fang Lian, you shameless man!" Cried Ning Yin with her red face, she was very ashamed and angry.

The 10 doctors who claimed she was sterile are wrong? Bullshit!

Even though at first Fang Lian made his way with strong to Ning Yin's, in the end, it was Ning Yin who was begging for more, it was not her fault if Ning Yin's body was very sensitive and Fang Lian, that deplorable stallion, had a talent very good with your mouth!


"Congratulations, Madame Fang, you are pregnant with twins!" Said the doctor, a chubby woman with a very pretty face.

Fang Lian looked at Ning Yin with a very proud look, something like, "I can impregnate even a barren woman, you saw Ning Yin, I am an incredible man, let me praise!"

Ning Yin just wanted to knock on her own face, who told her to use the reward system to regain her health the day before Fang Lian resolved to abide by the agreement in the contract!

"Ning Yin your idiot, you should have regained your health after the divorce!" Lamented Ning Yin in her mind, even though she at that moment needed to recover to be able to face the "best friend" bitch who wanted to end her life.

The 10 doctors lost face and had to beg Ning Yin to tell her what she had done to recover from the previous barren state.

However, how could Ning Yin tell those doctors that she used the reward of her miraculous system?

Of course not!

"I don't know what happened, but it must be Fang Lian's fault, he's very fertile! I remember he almost impregnated a girl just kissing her in her college days! In fact, Doctors, you should study Fang Lian! "Said Ning Yin with his eyes shining with malice, but his smile was very simple and pure.

"Who's going to believe you!" Thought the 10 doctors with disdain.

However, it soon came out in the gossip magazines that Fang Lian was very fertile, that even sterile women could get pregnant!

Soon many requests from everyone came to Fang Lian, asking him to donate his miraculous sperm! He could only glare at his pregnant demoness wife, who just gave him a radiant smile.


Now Ning Yin has even more things in her bag to worry about, she is pregnant, she had to complete the tasks of the system, she had to face several crazy women, she had to knock down her killer, she had to find out what happened with her earlier self and the worst she had to deal with this shameless husband!

At first, she just had to be a great renowned painter, how did that goal become so complicated ?!

"Hey, are not you the cold and serious man? So get those hands off my ass! "Said Ning Yin trying to push Fang Lian away, after all, she already had her belly showing up and he was still being so brazen!

"You became a little demoness, so I became a great demon to be by your side!" Said Fang Lian with a very amused smile and a malicious look. He made his way back into Ning Yin, which in the end can only moan in resignation, she would never admit that she liked the great bird of Fang Lian!


"Host, a new mission was issued: Make a painting with a naked model! 1. Find a nice template; 2. Bring your highest quality materials; 3. Draw the naked model outline; 4. Paint the nude model on your frame; 5. Capture the essence of the model in your picture; 6. Sell the painting for $ 500,000 or more; 7 Reward: Choose a talent for each of your children and gain the power of inspiration at the speed of thought (duration 1 week); 8 Time to accomplish the mission: 1 month; 9. Punishment for not accomplishing the mission: Your children will not have talents and you will have creative blocking for a year! "Said Lana 045 to the host who was looking at the landscape, beside her were the two strollers with their twin children.

Some time later Fang Lian came home and found his demoness wife looking at something on her cell phone, the twin babies were sleeping in their rooms, while the babysitters watched over the sleep of these little young masters.

Fang Lian walked with ninja steps and silently stood behind his demoness wife, he wanted to make a surprise, but soon his face turns black to see his pretty wife looking at the photos of naked men!

"Ning Yin!" Said Fang Lian livid in anger and a little worried, was he not satisfying his wife properly?

"Oh, you're here," Ning Yin said quietly, unaware of her husband's anger. However, she was silent as she studied her husband's body, realizing that she already had a perfect model.

"System, this shameless guy would be a good model?" Ning Yin asked the system, she tried not to think about how her husband's body was wonderful when they played in bed.

"Approved!" Said Lana 045 in a malicious voice, making Ning Yin blush embarrassed. Even your system was bullying her!

"Fang Lian, you're going to be my naked model!" Ning Yin said with a tone of command, doing her best not to turn red with embarrassment.

"Only if you paint me while you're naked too!" Said Fang Lian with a shameless smile, forgetting his previous anger.

"Naked I cannot but if it's half-naked, then okay?" Ning Yin said thoughtfully, she thought her husband was being shy, so she wanted to make him feel a little better. But she could not be totally naked, after all, she was going to paint and it would be uncomfortable not to wear a brassiere at this time.

"Of course," said the husband, fearing that his wife would give up his intention, after all, it is very rare that this beauty made such a bold move.

"Great, so let's get started!" Said Ning Yin very happy, so she advanced on Fang Lian to help him take off his clothes.

"Now? But it's not dark yet! "Said Fang Lian a little embarrassed, after all, would not he be labeled a pervert if he decided to take advantage of his wife at the interval of his lunch?

"Better yet, I'm sure with natural light, you'll look even more handsome!" Said Ning Yin already in his artist mode, with a look full of appreciation, making Fang Lian feel his body boil at the same time feel shy.


Clearly, after Fang Lian, he discovered that Ning Yin was doing a picture of him, but he didn't care, as long as no one else saw that picture!

Poor, Fang Lian, soon Ning Yin had already put that picture in an art exhibition!

Ning Yin was delighted when the painting was purchased shortly after the art exhibition began and the price was 1 million dollars!

"System, the mission was completed successfully?" Ning Yin asked her system when she saw the money fall into her account.

"The mission was completed successfully, Host has won up to an extra reward! Extra Reward: +1 Resistance "said Lana 045 in a funny voice.

"That extra reward is too weak!" Ning Yin complained, but before she could argue with her system, she was interrupted by an angry husband.

"You put the picture in an exhibition!" Said Fang Lian in a tone of accusation, he was angry and embarrassed, even though on the picture his face is not very definite, after all, Ning Yin just wanted to use the magnificent body of his husband and not his face.

"Nobody knows it's you," Ning Yin said quietly, she did not think it was a big deal.

"Oh, so if it were your naked body exposed to dozens of people to appreciate, you'd still say that!" Said the still-angry husband, he felt very embarrassed to see his family members and even his mother discussing the proportions of his body!

"Umm, so should I take off my clothes so everyone will appreciate me, so you would be happy?" Ning Yin asked, already with her hand on the zipper of her dress, but she could not pull the zipper down.

"Can you help me?" Ning Yin said with a look of justice, but Fang Lian could only feel his throat dry and jealousy flooded in his mind, then forgetting why he was angry.

Then Fang Lian was deceived by his demoness wife, then ate the tofu of his demoness wife and forgot about it.

Ning Yin can only thank your wonderful system for this extra reward!

Fang Lian that wolf! Even with the extra reward, her waist was still a little sore!

Of course, in the end, Ning Yin gained a beautiful picture of Fang Lian's wedding gift.

He had a very proud look on his face like, "Since you like me so naked, so enjoy this picture of me! Let me praise! "

Ning Yin can only laugh at her narcissistic husband with small, fluffy dog syndrome.

Hello this is a story for the contest # 32 Female Leader system.

I hope you enjoy this preview. I enjoyed doing this, so people will know what they are going to read.


Take_the_Mooncreators' thoughts
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