
Reincarnated Magical Girl

Daniel Aurora is an average boy who just lost all his friends, but he gets killed by a truck, only to wake up a magical girl in the other universe, magical girls are the guardians of the universe, the ones who protect it from magical creatures.

Light_Weeb · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Death and Reincarnation

I sat in class, in the row right next to the row next to the windows, in the middle of the classroom. Two minutes was left until school would end. I needed to hurry up and get home so I could apologize to mom.

Yesterday, all my friends had left me and kicked me out the friend group, I wasn't sure why, actually, I hadn't ever been rude or so to them.

But this morning, I was in such a bad mood from what happened that I yelled at mom when she asked me what happened over and over.

The bell rang and everyone got up. I walked quickly out of the classroom and rushed to my locker, after putting my jacket on and grabbing my bag, I closed and locked the locker. I gave the lock a few tugs to make sure I had truly locked properly.

I approached the exit, a lot of people were leaving. I quickly got out the school and walked towards the road. I looked to see if any cars were approaching this way. I then rushed to the other side of the street and began walking past the woods. 

Actually, wasn't there some sort of rumor about these woods everyone my age used to spread when I was just five years old? Yeah, I think there was.

The rumor went something along the lines of if you walked past the woods all alone, a black scary unicorn creature would rush towards you and impale your butt.

The fact that kids used to actually believe something like that was a great example of how stupid kids are and can be.

I then came to another street. Yet again, I looked both ways to see if any car was approaching, it didn't seem like there were any. So I rushed across the street, but as I was doing so, a truck crashed into me. How? There was literally no vehicle on the road, did it just spawn out of nothing, did the universe just hate me?

The impact caused me to get sent flying down the street. I crashed onto the ground, my skin got scraped a lot, leaving a bit of blood on the road, my legs had completely shattered and my fingers and nose were completely broken.

The horrified gasps and screams of the people passing by could be heard. I screamed out in agony.Oh god! It stings! Ahh shit! It hurts so fucking much! Oh god I could fucking die!

I stared at the people on the sidewalk with tears in my eyes, three people rushed over to help me. I then saw it, the truck came back, speeding towards me.

The three people tried to desperately lift me off the road, but the truck was too quick and hit all four of us. I was sent crash into a tree, I screamed and cried even louder than before. It seemed the three people, while injured, only had a broken bone or so, luckily.

Life slowly faded away from me as I took my last breath, and that was the last moment that I, Daniel Aurora, an ordinary boy, lived, at least in this world.

At first, there was absolutely nothing, and I mean nothing, not black, not white, not an empty room, I mean literally nothing, a thing that people with sight could not,possibly comprehend. I couldn't feel my body.

The nothingness then turned into pitch black. I could then move. I slowly opened my eyes. I found myself on a bed with a blanket over my body. I sat up and looked around the room.

The walls were brown with rose patterns. There was a desk and a chair in the corner of the room and a window was next to it. Next to my bed was a door, and next to that door was a closet.

On the desk was two candles, a novel of some sort and a note next to it as well as a bag of potato chips and a bottle of chocolate milk with an empty glass next to it. The room was lit up by a ceiling light.

I slowly sat up, confused by my surroundings. I rubbed my eyes a bit, the wooden floor creaking as I stood up. I walked over to the desk. The note had the words written "Sorry that your death was so painful, you were supposed to die immediately on impact."

I stared the note, confused. I then noticed a mirror next to the closet. That's when I first saw my new appearance. A 16 year old girl with shoulder length brown hair, a purple dress with white frills and green eyes. 

"What in the actual fuck is happening?" I said to myself as I took a step back. 

I began to slowly panic and sweat as I bang my head against the wall to see if this was a dream. It wasn't, not at all. As I realized this was actually happening, I started to feel more panic and fear.

Where was I? Why was I here? Wasn't I dead? Why was I now a girl? Whose house was this? Would I see my parents again? Would I ever return home?

I began to breathe heavily as I felt more and more scared by the current situation. I felt like I wanted to vomit, but nothing came out, I felt like I wanted to cry, but I was unable to shed any tears at all.

Suddenly, a creature, a small creature the size of a house cat, whose appearance was like that of a being that came out of a fantasy book. It was small with white fur along with purple stripes, it was on all four, it had dog ears, cute puppy eyes, and two tails.

I backed away a bit, shocked, startled, surprised and somewhat scared by the small little creature's sudden appearance. I tripped and fell onto my buttocks. What the hell was going on? And then, the small little creature opened its mouth and began to speak as if it was a normal human.

"Hello, Poppy Aurora, welcome to your new life as a magical girl!" The creature said in a cheerful and excited tone.

I screamed and bolted towards the door, only to trip and fall face first. I slowly get up, a little of tears in my eyes from the pain, but oddly enough, my head wasn't damaged one bit, it seemed completely fine.

I then attempted to sprint towards the door again, but suddenly some sort of invisible force dragged me away from it. I slowly turned around and stared at the small little creature, my body trembling out of nervousness and fear.

"Calm down! Calm down! No one's here to hurt you or anything, Poppy!" The small little creature said, trying to be reassuring.

Poppy? Since when was my name Poppy? And what the hell is that thing?! I thought to myself as I tried to calm down.

"Wh-where am I?! Wh-what are yo-you?! Wh-what happened to me?!" I yelled, needing answers to my current situation.

"You're in your knew home, a house of two rooms, one upstairs, which is this one, and one downstairs. For what I am, well, I'm a recruiter, a being who created and also recruit magical girls! And for what happened to you, you've been reincarnated, reincarnated as a magical girl!" The small little creature answered all questions with a cheerful tone, attempting to make a good first impression.

"Reincarnation?!" I exclaimed, confused.

"Yeah, let's just say, Truck-Kun got to you, she's one of the five transcendents whose job is to kill random people and send them to another world throughout the different verses in fiction, a being that move beyond concepts as speed, distance, space and time, and today, you were her target, you were meant to die on impact, but you ended up surviving the first hit. Because of that, she has left you some chocolate milk and a bag of chips along with an apology letter as she feels bad for making your death painful!" The recruiter explained.

Truck-Kun?? Was this some kind of fucking joke? Was this all a prank? No, it couldn't be, there's no way someone would change my entire gender, fake my death, and do all his just for a damn prank. Oh dear god, this is actually fucking happening, isn't it?

I’m nervous that this novel might not be well written enough, and that my writing style and skills are lacking, which obviously they are, since I’m a beginner, maybe I’m not detailing enough? Well, I hope this story will be well written and interesting to all of you later when I publish more chapters.

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