
The Hunt

Y'all know the site, just search my username. I won't be holding chapters over your head or anything like that. Just support me if you like my works.


And with an overwhelming vote of kill them all, enjoy your chapter.


As soon as I reached Alice, she threw herself at me in a hug.

"As much as I love your affection, honey, I'm not done hunting yet." I said with a dark smirk on my face.

Turning around with Alice still in my arms, I tried something new. Knowing the basics of fire making, I tried making a rasengan (basically) with my Psionic powers, keeping all the energy aimed towards the center, thinking pressure + friction = heat. After a few seconds, I opened the side facing away from me and at James. Kind of like opening a pin prick of a hole in a ball. I was expecting a flame thrower. Instead what I got was a red orange Kamehameha. "Neat!" I said, and his body burst into flames.

"Is it really necessary to kill them?" Carlisle asked.

"Yes. As a father, you understand protecting your family. But you're too much of a pacifist. Jasper, Emmett? Do you want in on the fun?" I asked.

"Hell yeah!" Emmett said, giving Rose a kiss.

"Absolutely." Jasper said, revealing a smile as dark as my own before looking at Edythe.

"Go. Have fun." Edythe said.

"Hurry back. We'll keep an eye on Bella until you return." Rose said.

"And Alice." Esme said in my direction before looking at Carlisle, making us realize she was on our side this time.

Racing into the woods, we started our game plan.

"I'll take the red head. What about you two?" I asked.

"I'll take the Asian guy." Jasper called out before Emmett could.

"Fine. I'll take the black guy. Is it just me, or is he the weakest of the lot?" Emmett asked.

""It's just you."" Jasper and I said before splitting off from Emmett.

"My instincts aren't bad." Emmett tried to convince himself before going into hunter mode.

Heading towards my target in the air, I realized she was running away from me in a straight line.

"Good instincts. Unfortunately, they kicked in too late." I said loud enough for her to hear, causing her to speed up.

Realizing where she was heading, I decided to play with her a bit.

"You're running almost as fast as Edward. Unfortunately for you, he isn't able to run half my speed. When I fly, I am more than four times faster than when i run." I provoked her powers to speed up her escape.

Less than a minute later, she crosses the line I know nothing about. Wink wink.

Noticing the pack was just ahead, I decided to end her in front of them.

Accelerating to my sprinting speed, I landed on her back, causing her to kiss to the ground and slide across it for a few dozen feet.

As soon as she came to a stop, I wrapped my arms around each of hers. She realized what I was going to do just before I started to ever so slowly pull.

It took me fifteen seconds to rip her arms off. She was screaming for help the whole time, causing the wolves to stand their ground.

While she was immobile on the ground, I crouched down next to her.

"You know Red, if you lot hadn't tried to attack my sister, I would have had no problem with letting you go. Unfortunately for you, I have zero issues with killing to protect the ones I care for. I guess you could say I'm an anti-hero. I don't kill indiscriminately, but when someone wrongs me...you're dead." I whispered to her as I powered up my newly named Kamehameha. "Any last words?"

"I curse you!" she said viciously.

"You aren't high enough on the food chain to even say those words to me." I responded before releasing my attack on her, instantly setting her on fire with a hole through her.

I stood up to walk away when the wolves stepped out of their hiding spots to surround me.

"Oh! More idiots? Unfortunately for you, I have somewhere to be right now." I said as I flew into the air, easily avoiding the jumping puppies. "Perhaps another time, little dogs."

Flying back to the Cullens, I was followed by the dogs until they reached the line. I no longer paid them any attention as I was only interested in seeing my sister and mate.

Landing next to Alice, I asked "Did you miss me?" into Alice's ear, causing her to jump into my arms koala style.


A bit rushed, but it'll slow back down after this.


Y'all know the site, just search my username. I won't be holding chapters over your head or anything like that. Just support me if you like my works.

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