
Conversation & Revealing An Old Enemy

After a lot of shock that I could tell would need explaining to everyone preset, Serizawa asked "You keep saying you protect Ear...Terra. Protect her from what??"

Deep suspenseful music


"First, allow me to describe how we came to be. My brother and I were actually born on the same day. There were many species that I call Pseudo Kaiju walking Terra at that time. I say Pseudo because we only grew to a tenth of the size you see today in height. But Godzilla and I were the only ones to evolve into True Kaiju before the extinction event increased the radiation levels around Terra. As more of out kind appeared, more fights broke out and we weren't having that. Eventually a being from another planet appeared and was only here for one purpose, the end of all life on Terra. That was when Terra created the twins to aid us in our duties of protecting her. Due to their aid, we managed to lock him away in the ice to the south. We couldn't kill he at that time, after all, he was fifty percent larger than us. But now we're bigger than him. He was exactly 600 feet tall according to your humans standars of measurement. Godzilla is over that and so am I. im double that height in my 2 legged form. If we stop protecting the mortals of this world, you wouldn't survive a year. Terra, Godzilla and I all agreed mellinia ago that humanity must be protected. But that doesn't mean we will stand by while you attack us like you did years ago on that island, lucky for you it did nothing to us." I said while looking at them meaningfully "That being wasn't the first traveler we have encountered, and I'm sure he won't be the last" I finished to let them think and ask their own questions

After a few minutes of letting their minds register this new information, Serizawa asked "If the Asguardians exist, do the other gods exist as well?"

"On this topic, I'm not sure. It's possible others have captured Kaiju and not destroyed themselves" I said looking at Odin in question

"Yes, other pantheon exist. We all used different methods to imprison Kaiju and managed to use their energy. Some destroyed themselves, such as the Atlantians. Others succeeded, such as the Greek and Hindu pantheons...and still others failed and their Kaiju escaped after they awoke from their sleep, forcing them to die out after losing their sorce of power. Only 1 has gained the blessings of the Kaiju and are willingly given the power of the Kaiju..

us" Odin explained

"So the gods exist" Serizawa said in aww

"We are not gods, even though we fancy ourselves as such. A God is subject to no one when it comes to their power. It is only thanks to the great ones that we are still existing. We send out our people to keep tabs on your people's actions and to know what you have figured out during our long lives. It is truly fascinating to witness humanity going from hiding in caves from predators to splitting the atom to traveling to space" Odin finished with a compliment

"Thsnk you. If you are not true gods, then who is?" Serizawa asked looking at both Godzilla and myself

"Terra is the only true god" I stated blankly "This was never a title we were interested in" I responded as Godzilla nodded in affirmation

"If not gods, what are you? You aren't mere Kaiju surely" Serizawa said more than asked

"We are the only Kaiju to have evolved without the aid of anyone or anything. We do not age, we do not get sick. We do not want. Although some would argue that this is God hood, I would argue that point. Our power is gained from nothing more than the radiation everywhere in existence. You can even sense this radiation with your equipment. But anything dealing with spirit or magic is still unknown to us. The closest you would find are what the Asguardians have made, and maybe the other pantheons as well" I said while touching my ear cuffs as Godzilla did the same with his arm guards

"You made those?" We thought they were part of them" Serizawa said in wonder

"Yes. Thanks the the benevolence of the great ones, we are allowed to take their access energy for ourselves, so we don't die. We also use their energy for our forging and rune making. We can do none of this without their energy" Odin said greatfully

"So, what do the gods do? I know you said you're not but I'm going to keep calling you that" Serizawa said

"Very well, we are used to it after all this time anyways. We exist. We help the great ones when we can, which has only happened twice since we started working together" Odin said "Other than that, we party. What else should we do after guaranteeing our safety from the outside world. We have no need for weapons to defend ourselves since the great ones have promised their aid if anyone ever attacks us. And we have no need to advance since our reproduction rate has dropped by an infinitesimal amount since we stopped aging. The last Asguardian born is now 258 years old. Our only hobby is to watch you mortals advance."

"That sounds very boring" Serizawa sounded horrified

"Being immortal can be very boring. Luckily for everything we Kaiju do not require sustenance, otherwise Terra would have never recovered from the first extinction event" I stated blankly

"So why do you protect us? If there are only the two dozen Kaiju around and they stay to gheir territories, we could just avoid them" Serizawa said knowing this wasn't possible

"When Kaiju awaken after a long nap, we aren't fully in control. The exception being the 4 of us in front of you. I believe it is because we evolved without aid, unlike every other Kaiju. And besides, Kaiju aren't your only problem" I said

"What else is there?" Serizawa was cautious 'What could cause them to be so serious?'

"It started about 4 thousand years ago, do you remember Odin?" I asked

"Yes, a dark time for all humans. Those beings that Godzilla barely managed to repel said they would be back when the time was right. They are the reason we had the long night" Odin looked off into the distance, remembering bad memories

"Which I'm still pissed about!" I said looking at Godzilla who avoided eye contact "It took All 3 of us and nearly all my energy to regenerate a new arm for you, just because you didn't call me. I'm assuming that's how you knew where I was sleeping, you saw my return trip?"

Looking ashamed "Yes Anubis, I saw your return to your slumber 4 thousand years ago and remembered when the plants and animals started dying, and to days grew shorter, the nights longer, and we were dying" Odin said, full of remorse

"Don't worry about that anymore, I dont" I eased his mind

"They said they would return? Do you know when?" Serizawa asked growing serious again

"No. But I do know that the air on Terra is growing similar to that from the portal area. I'm assuming your polluting Terra is making it perfect for them. We weren't much shorter then than we are now, but they were dying from the pure atmosphere at that time and they still beat his ass" I said thumbing towards Godzilla "They sent Kaiju, the likes we've never seen, through the portal repeatedly, they spoke our language, and during the death throughs of each, they revealed a bit of info. The ones Godzilla fought were just the small fry, just the beginning. If the atmosphere had been to their liking, they would have started sending bigger and bigger Kaiju through the portal to take Terra for themselves" I finished

"So they will be coming back?" Serizawa asked, horrified

"Yes. But this time, humanity will have to help. We can't do everything ourselves this time. They will send bigger and stronger Kiju next time. Luckily Godzilla was seriously injured when they arrived or they may just send their strongest to begin with. While we could fight them off, humanity will be wiped out. So you will have to decide. Are humans going to cease to exist? Or will you fight for your right to survive?" I gave my grand speech "I think you have another 20 years, give or take, before they truy again"

"This decision is beyond me. What will the gods do?" Serizawa asked hopefully

"We will aid the mortals in making great machines of war. 600 foot tall robots that will need two humans to operate. Our runes will aid you a lot during this trial" Odin proclaimed "I will ask the other pantheons to help as well. They all remember the devastation from their first attempt."

"Very well. I will go convince the world to begin preparations. Though I may need help" Serizawa said, sounding uncertain

"That won't be a problem. When the time comes, we will aid you in convincing the world. Besides, when has humanity ever refused a weapon?" I said with a smirk