
Reincarnated in Mummy

MC reincarnated in Mummy with wishes. Please understand this is a wish-fulfillment fanfic also do understand since English is not my first language the writing quality is going to be bad.

Anonymous2000 · Filme
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15 Chs

Chapter 6

[A/N:I wrote this for fun so just read it to pass time]

Chris POV

I have been going through the book of Thoth it seems there are two different types of Sorcerers the first category is people who are only able to cast spells using Spellbooks like Book Of The Dead/Living and the second category are like the witch Zi yuan from the Tomb of the Dragon Emperor who can cast magic without the need of Spellbooks so I decided to create a new skill [Mystic] which allows me to cast spells without the need of spell books also it makes sure I cast any kind of spells Egyptian, Norse, Greek.....etc since I am sure there is some difference between each type of magic.

I was getting ready for our just wore clothes which didn't restrict my movement also took a backpack which was there just for appearance since most of the weapons were in my Pocket dimension although I will have to reveal some of my abilities in front of Alexis.

I heard a knock on the door when I opened it to see Alexis waiting for me she was wearing a white shirt with a red jacket and jeans which 1920s it was First worn as workwear, jeans are made popular in the American west by miners, cowboys, and laborers, who need durable clothing to stand up to substantial stress and strain.

I smiled and replied, "Good to see you Alexis so do you have the Tablet."Alexis nodded and brought up a briefcase that contained the other half of the Tablet soo we got to work we placed tablets together so we could find where the actual location of the Temple is but greek writing in the tablet lit up joining the Tablet together.

We were surprised but soon got down to work Alexis and I started to study Ancient Greek writing as Alexis muttered "This can't be right the Ruins of the Hecate temple in City of Stratonikeia Lagina has been studied since 1891 if there is a trap door or even Magical Boundary spell someone must have accidentally found it."I gave a nod and replied, "That is true but look at the writing it says the 'Map is the key' I am sure that is not a figure of speech I think only people who have the Map can find what is hidden in the Ruins also remember Hecate is Goddess of Magic it won't be hard for her to create some powerful spell to protect the artifacts and treasures."

Alexis who heard this gave a nod we decided to get to ruins during the night since the day it is visited by a large no. of people we geared up knowing things will get ugly in the Temple of Hecate since there will be some strong defenses to keep away people.We soon made our way to the Ruins in Lagina where I muttered the incantation from the Book of Thoth and cast a boundary spell to make people ignore us. I turned to see Alexis her narrow-eyes at me and questioned "So let me guess it was an Egyptian boundary spell."

I raised my eyebrows at her and asked"True ."Alexis had divine blood even if it is diluted made her senses really good to pick up magic when used I mentally thought "I already knew she would find out my abilities but seeing we are going into she would find out being legacy of Athena she would have easily found this sooner or later. Now I don't have to hold back my abilities from her."

I shrugged and replied "Egyptian magic just a boundary spell to make sure no one notices us."Alexis gave a nod and replied, "Interesting I have some spells to although I need the spell book to perform it."I smiled and thought, "So she is the first category."

I simply asked, "So have you mastered some of the spells."

Alexis nodded and replied "Some of it but I need time to cast it" she was keeping cap of Invisibility as last resort we soon made it to the center of the ruins of Lagina where a stone wall in th center of the ruins which didn't even have any kind of damage it was etched with Greek inscriptions Alexis looked at me and said "So let's get started"the I moment brought out the Tablet the greek symbols in-wall started to glow and started to create a portal I looked at Alexis who gave nod and started to walk towards the portal but one thing I did not count after walking through the portal was sucked in and then I got spat out of the other side of the portal.

I landed on the ground groaning while suddenly Alexis land on me which was even more painful as I said "Alexis normally I would say this position is wonderful but can you please get of me."Alexis who heard this blushed and quickly got off while I got up started look around and see a jungle while I heard Alexis say" Great now we have to find the temple in a jungle."

I inspected the place and said "Alexis this place is another dimension."