A man who once had a dream to play basketball but had no talent gets his chance in the afterlife.
A man of above average stature with massive muscles moves down the street remembering the past. How he once was innocent to the cruelty of fate, his love and passion, basketball how he a loved it so but how idiotic he was, As a child he was always tall standing at 5'11 in 5th grade he was destined to be a athlete. That was unless he didn't play sports because he didn't understand what it could bring to his life, until he found basketball between the grades of 6th and 7th grade he fell in love with it grinded but he could never shed any weight. During his last junior high years he weighed 350 pounds, even when he went on diets for months at a time he would only lose 5-10 pounds, so he never made the team even though he was 6'0 the second tallest in his class. He entered highschool having found another sport he was interested in strong man, he spent that year getting stronger but he never grew taller, he found at a doctors check up that the weights he had been lifting hurt his back and stunted his growth. he tried through highschool to get better at basketball but he still weighed a lot now weighing 400 pounds yet not looking that obese he later gave up after his junior year and decided his path in life, being a body builder he was eventually able to shed his weight to 300 pounds during the off-season but shed it down to 200 during the season, he won the Arnold classic 5 times by the time he was 35 but never found love in life he found it in anime.
"ahh the memories" he said while walking down the street, but out of the corner of his eye he saw a building collapsing he ran over and was helping people evacuate, when the building was about to crumble he saw a little girl and boy stilling there he thought ^fuck it if I'm going to die now it will be God's decision^ and ran full speed into the building not caring for his life and the building crumbled above him he was able to get the children and run to the exit but just before they got to it the roof caved in he was able to catch it and hold the roof up just long enough for the children to escape before he saw all black.
A/N I'm all for constructive criticism but let this be a warning I hate people who just hammer authors with really hurtful criticism so if I see so.e like that I'm gonna be disappointed also I didn't name the gut because past life don't need the guys old name all that matters is the new one
P.S I just want you guys to know love interest will be Momoi because she is best girl no matter what anyone says.
P.P.S I want some ideas for potential powers so put them here and nothing to OP because I don't want to make the same mistake ad the last fanfiction.