
Smug Loli

Okay Ummm...

Do you want Blank to have a small harem of 3 girls?

I know there is a noharem tag, but,

I kinda have an urge to add Ophis and Jeanne,

I don't know if this just Author being horny

But do you want Blank to have them??


[Blank Pov]

I am currently in a car,

Why am I in a car?

This is apparently my ride into the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing School.

But first I need to remember the plot of the {Classroom Of The Elite},

With my Editic Memory,

I remember that the Protagonist was named, Ayonokoji Kiyotaka.

He was raised in a facility called {White Room}. The {White Room's} purpose was to produce artificial Geniuses. Ayokonoji's father was the one who built the facility.

Ayonokoji Kiyotaka "hates??" his father???

I dont really know, I only watched the anime, and found about him, more Through Memes.

Truly Who needs to research, when you can just watch memes.

Ayonokoji also called known as Average-kun has an apathetic face, he has trouble identifying emotions as he was raised in a facility, who acts on logic, efficacy, and Effectiveness.

So emotions are probably still alien to him. He did have a Character Development and shizt in the anime. Well, I don't really plan to interact with him. And even if I want to, he will probably ignore and avoid me as he doesn't want to stand out.

My cousin or, Sakayanagi Arisu, though will be troublesome to deal with. I don't know if she already knows the supernatural, but if she doesn't, and she found's out. I'm sure she will pester/annoy me to teach her magic.

I remember her personality in the anime, as a person who wants something to amuse her, and I'm sure magic will amuse her.

Plus I remember in my past life that I f*pped to one of her Doujinshi...



Forgive me, Lord, for I Have sinned...

Wait...God is Dead...

Forgive me, Michael???

Hmph!! It's not my fault, that she has a fappable appearance...

I'm scum, I know...

I mean her,


Was smexshy okay!!

You can't blame me!!

I'm not gonna fucc her this time though,

After all,

Dont Fucc Your Cousin!

You Degenerate...

Incest is Bad.

"Ehem! Blank-sama, we have arrived"

Their Cool Butler that I dubbed as "Alfred" informs me,

Alfred is a cool butler, he has your typical old butler appearance with a vibe of "Mess with me, and I Mess Your Face"

"Noice...Thanks, Alfred"

I said to my new friend

"Please Kanvas-sama, don't use such crude mannerisms"

"Alfred" Scold me lightly.

"Thou Complaint,

Falls To Thy Deaf Ears"

I said in Bone-Daddy's way of mannerisms.

"Sighh...Please Kanvas-sama behave"

"Alfred" Sighed and scolded me again lightly.

"Troublesome It Is,

There is No Need, I Say"

I replied, this time in Yoda's mannerisms.



"Alfred" just stared at me,

Probably Fed up with my shenanigans,

Oof! one less friend...I guess...

"Don't worry master, I am still your friend"

Jeanne telepathically said to me, trying to console me, for my loss of a friend.

How is Jeanne here,

You're wondering?

Well, you know the particle thingy that servant used in fate,

Yeah, she did that,

As to how she can do it, even though she has a physical body?


Yeah magic, what do you expect?

She came with me because she won't have any company at Kuoh.

Even though Kazuma is still there,

I Hope the Devil's won't try to do anything funny to my friend...

Or Else... I would have to rewrite reality so that,

If A Human With Sacred Gear Have Been Reincarnated,

Their Sacred Gear's Would Be Transferred to another human.

CaoCao would probably congratulate me if I did do that.

Well if they DO anything funny, of course.


Ehem...Jibril denied my offer to transport her to another world as she said,

"I Have A Lightning God To Torture"

As she quote,

Poor Bastard, What did that God even do to anger her anyways?

Well, not my problem...

Oh yeah if you wondering what I am wearing,

I am Wearing Kiritsugus Black Trenchcoat.

I know, it didn't fit on me with my white hair, but, this is the manliest and coolest clothe I imagined,

I can also just snap an Akatsuki Robe, but that would look weird on me.

All in all, I look good...

I think??

I dont know!? I don't have any fashion sense...

"Stop dozing around Kanvas-sama and come with me"

"Alfred" My not-friend scolded me


I just looked at him and replied shortly.


Alfred probably is happy with my sudden behavior.

As me and "Alfred" continued our walk toward the campus,

"Alfred" suddenly asked me a question,

"Kanvas-sama aren't you curious as to how the school operates, this is a special school after all. Do not be embarrassed to ask me a question.

" No...not really, and when did you conclude that I am embarrassed to ask such a question"

I said to him confused, Did he know my awkward tendencies? But I'm pretty sure I hide it properly.

"Haha...Lady Kanvas already told me of your awkward behavior toward new people, so I figured to ask you. If you are just too embarrassed to ask"

" Alfred," Answered my question, so the old hag was the one who told him.


I just nod at him,

"But it is truly surprising that you know, how the school operates. Do you honestly know or are you just bluffing?"

"Alfred" Questioned me, well I can't just tell him I watched an anime about this school.

"Yes, if you want evidence then I can happily tell you all the Class Leaders names"

I answered "Alfred", even though I can just not answer him and avoid further questions. I knew that we are being watched, Jeanne already told me that they are cameras focusing on us.

I theorize that my Uncle/Chair Man made some kind of special exam that included me in its variables. Classroom Of The Elite is known for its ingenious special exams after all. And it was certainly suspicious for them to invite me here, just because to meet with my cousin. That would just be Blatant favoritism towards the person known as, Arisu Sakayanagi.

So me being a Variable for a special exam is plausible, Although I hate being someone's piece in their board, I will forgive them as they are family I guess...

" Hoh? Truly Then I would like to know"

"Alfred," said in a challenging tone,

Hmph! Pathetic Butler, You DARE speak to me in that tone of voice? boy!


There are Two Leaders in Class A

A Smug Loli And A Intimidating Bald Guy,

Class B's Leader is a,

Shounen Protagonist who believes in the power of friendship,

Class C's Leader Is A Wannabe King,

And Class D's Puppet Is An Ikemen,"

I said smugly at "Alfred".

No one Questions Me, MORTAL!

" Hooh!? It appears that you already have detailed information about the school then, although it is unsettling for you to know, what's happening inside even with their State-of-the-art Security System."

"Alfred," Said surprised by the detailed information I said,

Like I said " Alfred" No one questions's the one who looks like Merlin.

"Hmph! It's child play Hacking going through the securities. I would recommend for the school to install a brand new one"

Hahaha, {Reinhard} Goes Brrrrrrrrrr.

Still tho...I'm just doing this to deceive them, to think I'm a super-genius or something. {Classroom Of The Elite} was a psychological anime that fight using their heads, while I am just a straightforward person that can mind control them easily.

" Alfred", where are we heading again?"

I asked "Alfred"

"We are going to introduce you to every 1st Years Classroom

And my name is not " Alfred" Kanvas -sama Its--"

"Hm? I thought I was just gonna visit my cousin. What's The Need for me to meet a bunch of extras?"

Sorry, Bakugo but I need to steal your famous line,

And "Alfred" saying that I need to meet every 1st-year student confirms my suspicion of me being a variable in some special exam.

I don't remember this in the anime tho...

"Alfred" bangs suddenly covered his face...

Never a good sign.

"Kanvas-sama this may be an odd question but,

Do you believe in Equality?

Don't worry I'm just curious about your opinion"

Well, that's good, I was thinking he was some unexpected variable, like a Villian from an anime.


Still, I was caught off guard by his random question,

so I can only reply with a, Hm?

"Sorry...that was a strange thing to ask"

"Alfred" apologized to me

"No no no no...

I don't believe in Equality,

I am an advocate of another branch of equality tho."

I hurriedly answered "Alfred",

" Hm? Tell me, why so?

And if you don't believe in Equality,

Why would you be an Advocate to a thing you don't believe?"

"Alfred," asked me confused,

"Tch! Just because I know Equality is a lie,

That doesn't mean I can't be an Advocate of one."

I scolded "Alfred" disapprovingly,


So what Advocate are you?"

"Alfred," asked me curios,

"I am an Advocate Of Gender Equality!!

I will drop-kick a man or a woman if they are annoying,

No exceptions"

I dramatically said to "Alfred", my arms spreading out and saying it Proudly,

" Huh?

That was unexpected but,

Why do you believe that Equality is a lie"

"Alfred" Huh'd at me and asked me again,


Of course, Equality is a lie!

Let me tell you a not so secret of mine " Alfred"

I value People as Strangers, Acquaintances, Freinds, Lover, Family, And Finally ME!"

I dramatically said to "Alfred",

I then change my Aura to similar to that of A King,

How did I acquire it?

Excalibur, that's the answer,

As to why?

Well, the Excalibur was just supposed to be wielded by Kings, But I a stronger entity than Excalibur subdue the sword, as it is impossible for a person who does not have a quality that of a king to Weild Excalibur.

It created a Paradox,

A Sword that can only be wielded by a king, and a stronger entity that can break that rule.

So as an answer to this Paradox,

The Excalibur merely gave me a Kingly Aura.

But I won't use it on Normal people, of course,

You can not even imagine King Arthurs Charisma,

If a regular modern human would be exposed by Arthurs, or now My Charisma,

They would become, something akin to a Fanatic Believer


Bangs suddenly covered my eyes,

My eyes suddenly glowed, of that of a Sinister purple glow,

" If I Find a random Stranger in a street, dying. I will just ignore him as I don't have an obligation to help to do so.

And if an Acquaintance needs my help? It will just depend If I am Generous mood to do so.

If it's a Close-Freind of mine, need my help? I'll gladly get rid, of the problem.

And if My Lover needs my help, I'll gladly help her.

And if Someone Messes with MY family...


Let's just say things would get ugly~

And Finally, ME, I priorities my selfish desires before any other"

I said in a sweet sinister tone,

Then I quickly Changed my face to a joking one,

"Hahaha, it's just a joke, of course.

Or is it~~"

I jokingly said, to a now Frightened "Alfred",

" Now "Alfred" lead the way please~~"

I said in a sweet tone,

Hahaha, this will probably scare many of those dogs ogling my body,

Yes, I developed an intuition, as to when, how many, where, and who the Dogs Ogling my body are,

I may be okay wearing female clothes just to troll people in the future,

But, I still have my pride as a man,

I mean over 50+ dogs are ogling my body,

on that damn camera.

"A-ah! Yes of course Kanvas-sama, sorry for my early behavior"

"Alfred" nervously apologized and bowed at me,

Hmm? Did my Aura express a sinister one?

If it is, then it would be troublesome to explain.

They will probably think I already murdered someone,

Well, they are not wrong, but it would be troublesome to explain to my parents.

- - - - - - - - - -

Clas-1 A

The Class A students were sitting and waiting for their teacher to arrive.

All of them are well-behaved, no people are talking to each other, just utter silence and waiting for their teacher.

The door suddenly opened, as they look at the door, they saw their teacher, Tonari Mashima.

"Listen up! I am here to announce and explain a surprise special exam!"

Tonari Mashima said, going straight to business.

No Formalities, what's so ever.

"Hm? Then can you please explain the special exam, Sensei"

Kohei Katsuragi a bald man said politely

"Fufufu~ Let's see, if this special exam can bring amusement to me"

Sakayanagi Arisu a lilac-haired Loli with a cane said smugly

"Hehn!? Let's see if this Special Exam can amuse, Princess"

Masayoshi Hashimoto said as he simped for Blank's Cousin


The rest of the class was either confused, curious, and interested

"I assure you Sakayanagi this test will surely get your interest"

Mashima replied to Sakayanagi's question

"Hm, ~ Let's find out.."

Sakayanagi in her ever gorgeous smug face said,


The Special Test involves a person named Blank Kanvas,

Now you may be wondering what the test does about him?

Well, you see our Goal is just to try and make a Good Impression of Him,

Just think of it, as you are a Group trying to make an investor, invest in your work,

Connections are Important in Society after all"

Mashima explained the purpose as to why this test is important.

And what they news to do to win,

"At the end Of the Test,

Kavas-san Will decide whats class interested him the most,

The class He Pick will earn 100 Class Points"

Mashima explained further,

"Hm!? Did you say, Kanvas, Sensei?"

Sakayanagi is interested, this person has the same last name as her mother. And if they are coincidentally be related, she is interested if this person is a genius.

She has the same genes as her mother so, it is only logical for him/her to be smart.


Katsuragi and Hashimoto was wondering what's so special about "Kanvas" to attract the attention of their Class Loli

"Yes, As I said you will surely be interested Sakayanagi-san,

As this person is precisely your cousin,

so that's an Advantage...I guess,

But don't Be Overconfident just yet,

Here's Blank Kanvas Information,

You can study it and form a plan"

Mashima said to Sakayanagi, as he proceeds to show Blank Kanvas information they gathered,

It is summarized by this,


Name: Blank Kanvas


Age: 17

Date of Birth: November 5


Academic Ability: A+

The person known as, Blank Kanvas, appears to be a Prodigy. When He/She was still 13 years old, a Teacher tried to Humiliate Blank Kanvas, but Sadly for the unfortunate Teacher, She was the one who gets Humiliated Instead. She was so embarrassed getting humiliated by a child, that she decided to quit teaching there, and also Developed A Trauma whenever something Mentions Blank.

Intelligence: A+

He/She displays intelligent actions in the information gathered. It is said that He/She found a loophole in his/her previous school that allows him/her to skip classes.

Decision Making: A+

He/She does not hesitate in any decisions from what we gathered. Most of her Decision also appeared to be on a Whims.

Physical Ability: A+

Despite her petite frame, "she??" successfully beaten up 5 Adult Man that tried to molest "her?". From what we gathered the 5 Adult Man was so beaten up that their face cannot be recognizable.

Cooperativeness: D+

Blank Kanvas appears to be a loner and rarely interacts with other people, only interacting when it's necessary, other than his childhood friend also known as Kazuma Satou.


Sakayanagi was impressed, she expected her cousin to be a Genius but not a Freak-of-Nature, Well she blames it on genes.

Little did she know that it was Reinhard all along,

Hashimoto was reading it approvingly, someone related to his Princess must be a genius after all.

Katsuragi was thinking of a plan,

He plans to monopolize the connection to this Blank Kanvas and Sakayanagi to win.

The rest of the class was just amazed at this Blank Kanvas person. They also concluded that it is to be expected as "she" is related to Sakayanagi Arisu.

"I know this information is not enough so,

Let's watch and see Blank Kanvas Abilities Live,

We hired a veteran spy to extract and talk with Blank Kanvas,

Let's just name him " Alfred"


The Class then see a,

Beautiful White-Haired "Girl" wearing a black trenchcoat step out of the car,

Some Horny Boys then started ogling at "her" body.

They also see an old Butler probably"Alfred" with "her"

They talked for a while then continued to walk toward campus,

The Class then finally heard their Conversation,

"Alfred," asked Kanvas a question regarding Equality,

Then The White Haired "Queen" dramatically said something about how "she" believes that Equality is a lie and him being An Advocate of Gender Equality.

The Boys were lovestruck as they misunderstood that Blank was some Prodigious Tomboy and "she" will treat them equally even when they are boys. They are also imagining Blank and them playing Basketball.

Sakayanagi was interested as to how her cousin viewed Equality.

Katsuragi is still thinking of a plan....what a serious dude.

They also hear "her" on how "she" already knows how the school operates

and the leaders of the classes.

They were slightly angry at the mocking names, "she" gave their leaders but got satisfied when "She" also mocked the other class Leaders.


Then They finally see the part when Blanks Aura changed,

Her bangs suddenly covering her eyes and giving it a sinister purplish glow,

They then suddenly felt a presence in front of a KING this time, not a Wannabe like Ryueen. But a Genuine King, they felt insignificant and stupid looking at Blanks Purple Sinister yet Royal Aura, surrounding her.

They then hear her blabbering his views in Strangers, Family, etc...

Many were disturbed, but...

Sakayanagi was interested,

How did her cousin acquire such aura? what did "she" faced and discover. Even though she clearly felt killing-intent surrounding her cousin, so she theorized that her cousin already killed someone.

The Killing-Intent was the one she was most disturbed off, Even though she knows the dark side of society through her father. She did not feel killing-intent in her entire life, and she was also not prepared to encounter such a thing too.

But when she heard from her cousin about how "she" values family...That was the time she rests assured as she is sure that her cousin won't harm her, as "she" values family.

But still, she was too immersed and interested in Ayonokoji, that she forgot some freak-of-natures around the world. This is also a wake-up call for her when she felt an insignificant feeling when she was exposed to her cousin's aura.


Author's Thoughts

To Tired~~

So you want Jeanne and Ophis in or what?

Yes, the Author was H0rny in the middle of writing this chapter.

Forgive me for the few chapters I publish...

But I give you a long chapter so that's good I guess?

Next Chapter other classes reaction with more details,

as Author was sleepy and wants to sleep this chapter.





Ottar: All Women's Are Queens!!

Blank: If She Breathes...!!

She's A TH0T!!!!!!!!

Ottar: *Angry Simp Noises*

Blank: Sheathes his Simp Slayer Sword

Kazuma was Betch slapping Freya, as she tried to seduce Kazuma.

Kazuma was not Amused of course

Remember Never try to seduce an Advocate Of Gender Equality

And also Incest is Bad!!!

Want Arisu to be part of Blanks small harem, she will be the last harem member if you want...

Shhhhhhhh... I promise there will only be 4

Also, RIP Zeus,

He died by the way...

Cause Fucc Canon!!

That's Why!!!

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